
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 46 (Part 3) Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos (8)

Uniah Gramanos allowed her feet to touch the ground but the statue of a Sphinx behind her had not been dispelled. Sand began slithering towards its open maw and that happened until all he sand in the arena seemed to have disappeared.

Kazu Nini, on her end, stood there in her enclosure of glass. She mentally commanded her Mud-Minions so that they collapsed on themselves to become square boxes of Adaptable mud enclosing their core after she had moved them around herself.

The statue behind Uniah Gramanos grew more detailed with each granule of sand that entered its jaws. From hair follicles down to the glimmer of intelligence in its eyes, the creature seemed to have evolved.

"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"

At first it was the face of a lion that exploded from the depths of its belly.

The face covered all that she saw, but the Mud-Minions were already assembled by the time Uniaj Gramanos was speaking. So, when the feline face covered all that she saw as it neared, the Mud-Minions in their merged and armored stated slapped it away. It had taken them back a step but the face was knocked away into dust.

"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"

This time, the face was larger than the last as it zoomed towards Kazu Nini. While it took 3 steps after a swipe from her Mud-Minions in their final form, it had been successfully repelled.

"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"

Even Gramanos Amalganom was wondering why she was still playing with her food and her spouse to be answered her internal question.

"She wants to utterly crush their morale so that there would be no second after her."

"She should just win, she has the advantage of cultivation."

"Maybe he is somewhat apprehensive and unwilling to be surprised."


Kazu Nini faced a full Sphinx this time. And the Mud-Minions, thought they could slap it away like the others. But the attempt threw the Mud-Minion away like ball bouncing against a wall.

Now, when it caught the open maw that grazed its teeth on Kazu Nini's defense of glass, the Mud-minions were able to wrench its head away because of the dive it had used to approach.

They wrestled fro a while, savage claws and swipes, and teeth and snarls and bites.

"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"

Another Sphinx appeared and Kazu Nini used Perfect Explosive Speed to dodge its pounce that cracked he floor where she had just been.


The Pixie then used the chance to close the distance between herself and the Sphinx, almost nearing her after using another Perfect Explosive Speed.


"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"


If Kazu Nini had not been in her protection of glass, she would have been struck painfully by this new 3rd Sphinx. Seeing as interpretation was now riddled with cracks, the Pixie got knocked away by the 2nd Sphinx that had lunged towards her with malicious intent.


She dodged a pounce that sunk into the floor, leaving a clear imprint and a bit that shook the air it had enclosed.


"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"

Kazu Nini started sweating rom beneath her skin and felt like the new technique might work. As the 4th Sphinx entered the fray and ascended into the sky with outstretched wings, Kazu Nini stretched forth her hand.


Her Mud-Minion began bleeding out Blue Divine Energy and it threw the 1st Sphinx on it towards the 2nd to begin a 3 way fight that it seemed o be holding off well.

"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"




Now with the 6th Sphinx out in the open, she simply began dodging them in close misses.

"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"

7 Sphinxes but they did not seem to be able have a grasp on her and then Uniah Gramanos narrowed her eyes in realization.

Her own technique made the Sphinxes have a general increase in their power over time. But Kazu Nini was *still* evading them. Which meant that she too was using a technique that was unable to be sensed.




"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"

Kazu Nini was zipping about the stage like a headless fly or chicken. But these her crazy turns, swirls, banks, dives and loops kept her safe.

Now, Gramanos Amalganom could not say that her Royal Noble niece was playing with her food.

Coincidentally, or maybe purposefully, the Sphinxes eventually lined up in their ascension to reach Kazu Nini and the Pixie did something unexpected.

She flew through the 8 of them. Straight and true like an arrow unimpeded until it hit the bullseye!



She shot through the first one and Uniah Gramanos twisted her lips slightly.


The second one now had a hole through it and the Royal Noble Cat was glaring openly.


The 3rd one had a space in it that had been forced open by the Pixie too.






1 meter away from the Pixie, Uniah Gramanos could see her opponents determination. The cold solid confidence, the determination, the resolve.

Still, it would be crushed.

The laying Sphinx statue behind the Royal Noble Cat used its left paw to shift its owner to the side, then attacked with the right and a viscous snarl on its granulated face.

"*Fist Food*"

All the protection of glass went into her body as she extended her fist forwards and the glass concentrated there to reach 10eters in height.


Sand and shockwaves exploded out, creating a small crater at the moment of impact. Kazu Nini was only shoved back 10 meters but immediately sped backwards after hearing Uniah Gramanos once more.


"*General Of Sand, One With Your Kin; 9 Have Been Birthed, 9 can now Begin!*"

Kazu Nini was speeding back and the glass that was on her fist one was now like a pane of curved glass that stood between her and the creature. And all she could see was a roaring feline face that oozed malevolence like the sand that poured off the edges of its 30 meter body.


Claws outstretched and fangs bared towards her, the Pixie's Mud-Minion pounced towards the construct of sand. But it seemed to split into two – dropping from 50 meters to 25 – and its chase was unhindered nonetheless.

Kazu Nini, body dripping with sweat unnaturally closed her eyes and focused on the space between her fingers whose tips were now facing each other.

"What are you planning Pixie, are you overwhelmed!"

Judging from the alarming amount of perspiration from Kazu Nini's body, Uniah Gramanos knew that the Pixie girl was up to something. Either that or she had failed in her attempt. Or, she was still in the attempt.

Still, it was going to be over soon.

Funny enough that thought was in both their heads but Uniah Gramanos was the most shocked of them all.

"*3 Revolutions Of The 3rd Wyrm!*"

In between Kazu Nini's hands a ball of glass appeared there and it started no bigger than an egg but exploded to become 30e meters in height the 3 seconds of time that she had pushed her hands forward.


Its mere eruption into the arena shocked Uniah Gramano's constructed Sphinx so much that it paused and took a defensive stance.


And what was even more shocking was that the Wyrm started off looking like a well carved solid creature but when it reached the face of the constructed Sphinx, it suddenly became slimmer like it had lost all its substance.

Then, swiftly twirling around the flying constructed Sphinx of sand like unpredictable lightening, it moved past it.

Immediately, the piece of 25 meter constructed Sphinx that was fighting the Mud-Minion on the other side, reduced itself to 12.5 meters as an identical copy melted off it to chase down Kazu Nini's attack. Even the one that had been shocked the most by its appearance had done the same.

And with heir speed catching up to the Wyrm of sand was easy.

But just as both bodies flew into and melted into each other with Kazu Nini's glass Wyrm, it disappeared.

Although not instantly, the gaseos form of the Wyrm had he sand counstructs scrapping their bodies on it until it slipped free of their grasp like a slippery soap.

But it did not take long to actually disappear. And everyone - even the spectators - were confused.

Uniah Gramanos had a bad feeling, and even when she used Sub-Par Blur Speed she was able o distance her self enough so that she could bring her construct back to heir full 30 meters of height and in front of her


However, after an intense and painfully flash of extremely bright light, her body was suddenly flying and dragging across the floor.

The united body of her sandy construct having a gaping, massive hole in the middle of it and Kazu Nini smiling as her Mud-Minion was dropping from the sky to land a savage blow on Uniah Gramanos.