
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 46 Part (2) Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos (7(

3 pairs of horns, 3 tails, 3 layers of teeth on one side. 150 by 90 meters in length

Ko-jin now pouring off the Chest, Head, Hands and feet of the Mud-Minions on the other side.

Both sides stared at the other, a serious light entering the Dragon's eyes. Maybe it now considered them to be competent foe.

The next moment, the darted towards the other like arrows from bows and right when both Mud-Minions seemed to want to mincer its face, 3 layers of menacing teeth snapped open to bit them to bits.

But right at the last moment, they kicked off each other.


Shockwaves were released after the teeth had shot and the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion began running on its right arm, while the Hawk-Killer Whale Mud-Minion bit at its ear, dragging a chunk off before a tail tip nearly brushed past it.

The Dragon Ignored the pain by not roraring in discontent and then afded its 2 other tails to chas he bird.







And whaile this eas going on, the Drahon had felt the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion reaching higher up its fore arm. So, it started swinging about the arm to throw off the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion, but the mammalian stuck close and was dangling like a flag in a furious storm. Then when it finally let go, it sailed in the air while it was a perfect target for the Dragon breath of sand coming from open jaws.


The Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion got smacked away. And most of its parts had been scoured off, but they soon came back to itself.

During this time, the Dragon added its claws to the chase of the Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion. While it allowed the tals to frantically pursue. It seldom thrusted its claw.

Once it tried to snatch the mutant bird after it had ducked and going in several circles.

After missing that one, it waited for he mutant bird to first bank then pull back, dive then rise, before thrusting out its claw agan.


The third time, the bird had dove and the dragged its claws at a tail when another next hit the bottom of the truck tail so that it shook the bird off.

However, the mutant bird still dodged another tail, impossibly so, by rapidly twirling he spot.

But, the claw caught it this time. And just when the claw was about to smash the Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion to the ground, the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion grabbed one of its claws mid-pounce, and tore it off becausee of he direction the mutant mammal had launched itself in.

So that, the dragon yanked its claw away and whimpered in pain as the Mutant bird began to recover.

Uniah Gramanos growled and spoke yet another riddle for her sand.

*"Soldiers Of Sand, Royalty Summon; Roar Like A Storm, Roar The Armageddon Dragon."*

Yet another dragon joined this one – 4 tails, 4 horns, 4 layers of teeth, 175 by 105 Meters.

Kazu Nini simply responded by have her Mud-minions both look as if Light Blue Divine Energy rose in columns, covering hem completely so that they looked as if they were burning in it.


The shockwaves would have pushed the Mud-Minions back if they were in their previous form but the Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion simply lifted the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion by its talons and rolled in the air as if ut were a ball several tumes before releasing it at their foe.

Claws raked from the top of its head down to the base of uts tail, and another tail whipped to the bear but it blocked the attack even if it was tossed away like a leaf in a hurricane.

The Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion, however, had slipped through two Claws and had hooked a talon on one. It's surprising strength forced the serpentine creature's had to be pulled back until it's elbow faced the sky


A Dragon Breath followed after and the Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion was not blown away. Even though chunks of itself were missing, it pulled away, flapping pathetically.

A Draconic feet wanted to stamp it to pieces, but the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion stopped it's advance though its feet were now partially into the stage. Then, shockingly, swiped a claw at the feet at blasted that leg back. So much so that, the Draconic creature fell on its side.

The Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion wanted to buy time for the Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion, so it dived to the laying creature that flailed its limbs and dodged them all as it slapped the Dragon whose boddy skidded away.

Leaping agan, to keep the serpentine creature's eyes ln it, thr Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion got caught in the air by a claw. And then another caught it mid flight. Next, a tail and another and another.

It was rocked back and forth and back and forth….

….until the Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion appeared from a puddle of mud and darted through the Dragon's abdomen to come out the other side. And then, at the peak of its flight, it dropped back down tue same way.

Zipping back and forth, it replicated what the Dragon had been doing to its comrade but both sides did not relent even after several minutes.

"To think she has come this far."

Gramanos Amalganom turned to Josh Nahom Illjako, "of course. Since she was young she has had the bst treatment."

"Not her."

"Who, then?"


"For a commoner… I could agree. But my Royal Niece has not used what new she has learnt."

"The Pixie girl seems to not have gone all out either."

"Pfft," Gramanos Amalgamom clicked her claws. "She has already shown her Personal Law, what more does she have."

"That is not a Personal Law."

Gramanos Amalganom narrowed her eyes and stared at the battle field.

"Their choice of moves so far… It's as if they are trying to prove that they are both genius."

"You think they show off… for followers?"

"Uniah Gramaomnos, yes but not Kazu Nini."

She snorted, "well that's a given. Now that Mako Nini is gone, crushing Kazu Nini is like crushing the hopes for better days."

"Let me ask you a question," he turned to look at Amalganom Gramanos. "Do you believe that is in our best interest?"

The Royal Noble's face went slack in realisation.

Back on the stage both Mud-Minion and Dragon stood away from each other.

"I want to see your new tricks," Uniah Gramanos said. "Let's wrap this up within the hour."

Kazu Nini did not even turn to the Royal Noble who issued another riddle to her sands.

*Inner Sand of Mine, Make The Punishment Divine!"*

Kazu Nini watched the sculpted Sphinx head beside the Royal Noble release sand bedecked the Dragon in armor fit for a Pharaoh. Jewel adorned its neck and its facial features like its eyes and lip ms became plated in black, a golden horn hutted from its chin. Gauntlets, boots, a guard for both its torso and legs appeared. Even one did so for the tails, but what stood out the most were wings made from golden armor.


In the wake of the vocal challenge, both the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion and Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion both flew away from the shockwaves produced alone. But Kazu Nini's next move almost looked like a duplicate of Uniah Gramanos's as she covered her Mud-Minions in armour too.

Helmet, vambraces, gauntlets, chain mail and much more of glass, trailed out from within the SpaceBoxes that had summoned the Mid-Minions, melted through her protective glass and found the owners to make them look tougher.

Then, the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion and the Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion merged together to form a hybrid. Now reaching a height of 100 meters, the Hybrid Mud-Minion stretched its wings and roared just as intimidating as the latest version of the Dragon.


The Dragon looked at he new opponent and then set itself in a stance to pounce. Just like he Hybrid Mud-Minnion, it was ready to begin battle. And next split second, they did.

Their launch riddled the ground with cracks that did not end eve ater they clashed.


The bigger claw met the Hybrid and did not budge it an inch. Its own claw was against the Dragon's but it did not seem to loose out. When a tail wanted to add to the offensive, the Hybrid Mud-Minion slapped it back.

Tehn, the dragon began charging Dragon Breath within its throat, long before it pulled in its hand so that the Hybrid Mud-Minion would stagger.

And as it began launching the Dragon Breath, the Hybrid Mud-Minion zipped away like a dragon fly and then zipped towards the Draconic creatures face with a slap that might as well have been a punch.

The creatures jaws sook In response, but the Dragon Breath did not gutter out. In fat, it intensified and it swiveled its next to the Hybrid Mid-Minoom. Bit its target as no longer there!


Another slap that hit kike a perfect uppercut, rocked its head. But still, the Dragon Breath was not cut off and it flew a bit – restricted as it was because of he soace within the Arena – and faced he Hybrid Mud-Minion.

Not there, again!


Next, its abdomen caved in and the Dragon Breath finally guttered out. The Hybrid Mid-Minion landed another hit to its knees but when it came again, a claw covering its entire body hurled away.

Then, another claw caught it mid-air and whacked it to the ground. Airborne, jaw clamped it shot and jist when it was about to yea off the tongue, Dragon Breath poured from within the teeth.

But the teeth had been kept closed. So, the Hybrid Mud-Minion could not get anywhere. Meaning that, it still held on to the tongue and maybe that was why the Draconic creature had not opened its lips previously.

Now, the Dragon began chewing, and if the Hybrid Mud-Minion had not kicked off it, it would have been finished.

Just when the creature began charging Dragon Breath again, a sound that belonged to Perfect Explosive Speed was heard.



The explosion was as great as shock om both sides of the audience.

The Hybrid Mid-Minion burst through the creatures neck, and its Dragon breath spread forth as wantonly as it channel of release had been ruined.

Its head got half severed, and Dragon Breath of sand punctured holes in its body but the talks still doggedly chased after the Hybrid Mud-Minion.

Up. Down. Down. Left. Left . Right. Right. Back. Forward. Back. Left. Ri…

Flitting about, the Hybrid Mud-Minion managed to dodge all the tails.

Then suddenly, it found itself clasped between two claws. And those claws grew in size as the main body shrank.


Perfect Explosive Speed would be helping it out, this time. And the Hybrid Mud-Minion was encased in layer after layer of sand, until it started shrinking.

Luckily, its armor was made of glass.


Kazu Nini detonated it and a hole allowed the Mud-Minion passage to he outside.

Uniah Gramanos was going to reform the sand back int the dragon but instead withdrew the sand back into oarticles and into the open maw of the sphinx

"Let's end this."

"You want to lose so soon?"

"Hmph! Ignorant!"