
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 47 (Part 1) Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos (9)

The Stomping foot of the Mid-minnion passed through the head of the construct that has reacted appropriately, eve in its shock, but Uniah Gramanos herself was not. Almost as if the subconscious part of her mind had only allowed the Sphinx Construct of sand to react. Thus, when the Mud-minion emerged out of the constructs flank foot first, it was a solid hit.

She had known that Pixies could create their Personal Laws by using the Theresa, formulae and laws of reality as a basis, but she could not even *detect* the attack.

Half the audience could not, and on both sides.

She was thinking of how to avoid this move that had so easily broken her defenses and her mental state the next time, as Illjako Josh Nahom looked on with interest.

Amalgamom Gramanos spoke first. "I wonder what exactly her Personal Law is?"

"Feel free to search for it all the futility you can imagine."

Amalganaom Gramanos stared at him and realised what he was insinuating.

"That was not a Personal Law."

"How are you so sure?"

"I just know."

She scoffed, "the form of attack, the power of it." The Sphinx Leopard glanced back at the match but continued speaking. "And she launched it with much difficulty."

"I fought one, remember?"

Almaganom Gramnos looked back and forth between the man and the match, focusing entirely on the latter eventually.


On the arena, the Sphinx Construct slapped away the Mud-minion and it reached only half the distance intended by uts attacker. The Sphinx Construct approached again but noticed too late that gas in the shape of a Wyrm was coalescing around it body, coiled and slowly becoming more visible. Thus, the Mid-Minion brandished it like a whip, and began taking his hands in intricate loops. The whirling mass of gaseous Wyrm was brandished flawlessly and landed a few strikes at the Sphinx Construct who lost chunks of its body every time the attack landed.

Now on the back foot, the Sphinx Construct begins separating more disnace between itself and the Mud-minion. And whe the distance reaches 20 meters, the Mud-Minion suddenly changes the object of its attack to Uniah Gramanos who was watching the scene unfold.

Even though the Mud-Minion had gone so far to throw it at her, she simply formed an avalanche of sande.

*"Children Of Sand, Heed My Call; Perturb and Pester, And Make A Cycle Storm Fall."*

An avalanche of sand exploded forth into being and the Gaseous Wyrm becomes Liquid before attempting to bull through. By delayed progress, the Royal Sphinx now has time to use another move without any unpleasant surprises.

*"Adults of Sand, Rain Down Upon My Foe; Sharp Shards Return Up, And Cause More Woe!"*

Just to make sure she kept it busy by making the Avalanche raise itself up and hen slam back into the ground, glimpses of the Liquid Wyrm snarling and struggling, seldom came to view.

She then summoned a Sphinx behind herself with appropriate haste. Then, the feline sand statue of a creature opened up its maw and took a deep breath. Sand gushes into the hole like a dam that was finally broken down. The creature inhaled even the sands that were pestering the Liquid Wyrm of Glass. and now the Wyrm has become fully solid, angular and firm. It reaches out with open jaws and frenzied lunge but the Statue of Sphinx behind Uniah Gramanos slaps at the Incoming Wyrm with both hands in a clamping motion, only to have them both broken.

Good thing it was sand.

Anyways, with a combination of Sub-Par Blur Step and the fiercely protective statue that lost not small bits and pieces whenever they clashed, Uniah Gamanos avoided anything fatal and was about use another technique.

"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"

A Sphinx construct came of bowels, but not just one. A full 18 stormed out like desperately pouring rain.

Like an intelligent rope though, the Solid Wyrm stretches itself to the limit by wrapping itself around a singular limb of each and bounds 10 of them. Then, wrenching its body away, it carries them to another corner of he arena and battle quickly enfolds there with no victor in sight.




The remaining 8 focus on Kazu Nini and she does not seem fazed. claw teeth, fist, elbow, leg, forehead, knee and fingers flash about the arena as Kazu Nini constantly moves about the arena so that she does not get cornered while effectively fending all of them off.




When the Wyrm became liquid again, it wrapped around all of them in a tightly enclosed ball of glass in the blink of an eye and then tossed them towards Kazu Nini. The Pixie who was in the middle of her battle then lunged towards the 10 that had been thrown her way. But she flew are them until... she flew past them.


At that point, sbe zipped towards Uniah Gramanos and the statue's descending paw reached her outstretched palm, allowing a punch that was supposed to land on Kazu Nini's flank but was caught by her free right hand. Pulling Uniah Gramanos's hand and side stepping to the right then leaping up, she kicked several times on the Statue's face then flipped away to dodge its swiping claws before throwing her right elbow to Uniah Gramanos's face when the Royal Noble had approached with a kick.

Kazu Nini had effectively closed the gap between them. So, the kick from Uniah Gramano's had to be changed to a knee and it was met with the Pixie's elbow.

"*General Of Sand, One With Your Kin; 27 Have Been Birthed, 9

27 can now Begin!*"

Both the construct being held by he Mud-Minion and the ones being held by the Liquid Wyrm seemed to ignore distance and bypass all its opponents to vanish into the Statue's belly.

It then swelled and twisted until it became a 75 meters tall Sphinx of sand.


The Liquid Wyrm rams into it...


...but is deflected. The creature did not even budge as a tore between them and a smile spreads from the Royal Noble's lips Then it becomes gaseoes and tries again.


This time the Construct is forced to stop and Uniah Gramanos's smile strops stretching further.


A flash of light later and the construct is forced back a step. Uniah Gramanos's smile froze when she realised what was happening.



The Wyrm was now a gaseous and the the construct took 2 steps back. Air tore about them and the ground shivered. Uniah Gramanos was forced back a step too and she scrunched her brows.


A liquid Wyrm struck the creature and it took 3 steps back. Uniah Gramanos took 1 less, but she knew that it was because the Construct she had summoned had taken the brunt of the Liquid Wyrm's attacks.

So, she needed to add more pawns.

*"Soldiers Of Sand, Royalty Summon; Roar Like A Storm, Roar The Armageddon Dragon."*

A Statue of a Sphinx appeared behind her and she eyed the Mud-Minion hovering before its owner


Her construct had to take back 4 steps now, and she 3. However, the Dragon of sand he had now called into the fray again lunged for the Mud-minion.

"*Inner Sand of Mine, Make The Punishment Divine!*"


When the liquid Wyrm became solid and rammed at Uniah Gramanos's construct, the ground splintered and the shockwaves added more steps that the construct and the Royal Noble were shamed by.

However, the Wyrm stopped attacking and slurped into a ball before zipping to the space before Kazu Nini's fingers.

Uniah Gramanos had watched Kazu Nini retreat and di not understamd that the technique was over. When she did, she summoned all her Ko-jin and unleashed Sub-Par Blur step, her construct not far behind.

"I knew your Personal Law was not invincible!"

Kazu Nini, sweating profusely now, had a calm look in her eyes and flash of ridicule in them.


"My Personal Law?"


"Yes, your Personal Law." The Sphinx thought to put a hole in the Pixie's heart with hr fist but the girl zoomed away. Her Construct caught up to her and snapped a bit which shook the air like a magnitude 1 earthquake but the Pixie was also not in its jaws when they were closed.


"What else could make you harm me so?"





"Dumb thing, I have no Personal Law."

"Insolence!" Uniah Gramanos kept missing but she was annoyed more at Kazu Nini's claims. Then, she started laughing.

"Are you trying to cover up for the gap between us?"




"If i had a Personal Law, truly would i hide it? Would not having a Personal Law, apart from my accomplishments with glass, not boost the morale of my people?"





Uniah Gramanos said nothing, but her frown squeezed themselves until her face looked squeezed. However, just when you thought she could not get angry, Kazu Nini said something else.

"You think i need a Personal Law to win?" Kazu Nini stepped on a limb of constructed sand that swiped pass. Kicking off it, she then planted a singular kick on its forehead hat seemed to have no effect. Then, she put her full weight to both her legs so that she crouched and dodged Uniah Gramanos' flying kick. Next, the Pixie stood back up and kicked off the face as its paw crashed into its face. Then Uniah Gramanos appeared before her as her clothes were thoroughly drenched. The Sphinx thrusted a claw that the Poxie tilted her neck to dodge, then headbutts the forearm so that she can dodge a reaching constructs claw..

"Royal Niece, tear her apart!" Gramanos Amalganom screamed. "Now!"

She noticed Illjako Josh Nahom's face was completely indifferent and he punched his arm.

"Do not forget that outcome of any result." He was staring to calmly at the arena. "And that, it works in our favor."

"Still," she transferred Speech for the rest of her sentence, "keep up appearances."

"If that is how you wish to be, and live as a Royal Noble, then that is fine. But i feel that Uniah Gramanos would have to live up to her name."

Gramanos Amalganom dropped to her seat in shock.

On the arena, the constructs began splitting themselves into different copies that melt in and out of each other as they roar, bite, snarl, swing and claw at the untouchable, slippery prey.

The Mu-Minnion joins the fray and the addition annoys the Royal Noble. But Uniah Gramanos keeps a clear head about it until she notices that Kazu Nini seems to be becoming tires.

Her predatory smile blossomed again and she kept on the chase until she was 3 meters away from he opponent.

2 meters and her smile was becoming a gleeful snarl.

1 meter and Lazu Nini abruptly turned her way, raising her bowled hands at her face.

"*6 Revolutions Of The 6th Lindworm!*"