
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 45 (Part 2) Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos (4)

"*Children of Sand, Heed my Call; Sharpen Yourself To A Cone In Your Fall!*"

100 cones formed themselves from the sea of sand heaped on the ground and fired themselves at Kazu Nini like bloodthirsty missiles.

The Pixie then slipped into the random paths of the 10 Orbs Of Glass which had been rebounding in acceleration since the fight officially started.

"*Forgive My Rudeness*"

A singular spear of Glass blazed past Uniah Gramanos's neck as the Royal Cat had deigned to twitch her neck towards its approach to make it miss. But her indifferent face showed her lack of reaction to the attack.

5 Cones of sand sought to impale her by falling upon her in a straight line, but Kazu Nini's Perfect Explosive Step allowed her to evade them successfully as she wove between the seemingly random patterns of the Orbs Of Glass that were bouncing about the Glass Spires she had erected about the stage.

That is, some cines buried themselves into the stage while others created sparks from brushing against the Orbs of Glass. Or some she dodged as she left a perfect ring of Shockwaves in her wake while a similar sound played out;


5 more cones shot out and she slipped between another of her ricocheting Orbs Of Glass, jumped off one, used Perfect Explosive Speed to dive a breath above the floor in order to escape the next, jumped away to avoid the incoming storm of sand that was bouncing about the walls as well as another cone, and finally spin around a spire of glass from the *Forest Of Blades* to avoid the last.

"*Forgive My Rudeness*"

Uniah Gramanos looked unfazed and calm as if the Pixie were only dancing to her whims. The Royal Cat further tilted her torso to the left and then twitched her neck to the right, successfully evading 3 Spears of Glass this time. And as the previous Cones of Sands were being reformed, 10 Cones were sent at Kazu Nini this time.


"*Forgive My Rudeness*"


The colliding Orbs Of Glass where picking up speed as Kazu Nini used them, the spires of glass, Perfect Explosive Speed and her reflexes to swim in and out of danger until the 10 Cones sent at her we well spent.

And maybe it was the Royal Noble's way of showing that she was toying with the Pixie, but the Cones that were shot out kept on increasing in multiples of 5 until they reached 100.


"*Forgive My Rudeness*"



"*Forgive My Rudeness*"




"*Forgive My Rudeness*"



"*Forgive My Rudeness*"



"*Forgive My Rudeness*"

"Hahaha," a Noble Transferred Speech to another. "She is simply playing around with the Pixie, indeed."

"Yes, I think the girl's greatest achievement would be battling against the prestigious Gramanos family."

"An achievement for a life time."

The Nobles were saying that but the Glass Spears were also increasing as they shot at Uniah Gramanos from all angles. They too had been climbing in numbers steadily.





"*Forgive My Rudeness*"

When half of the cones shot forward – 50 of them – Uniah Gramanos used another technique of her's.

"*Children of Sand, After I Speak You Will Yield; Blunt Yourself In Defense As My Shield!*"

100 more Cones of rose from the arena grounds covered in sand and these ones merely waited in the air to intercept the spears.

"Hahah, what will the foolish Pixie do now?"

"She must be quite dumb to have confronted House Gramanos."

"While I agree that her decision was dumb, how can you call a race that cultivates mental Energy to be dumb."









"*Forgive My Rudeness*"

However, the next time Kazu Nini repeated this move she had doubled the amount of Glass Spears raining on her opponent. So that instead of 66 spears it was 132.

As in, Kazu Nini had steadily raised the number from 1 to 2.

So it was 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11 =66

Then that 66 was doubled, making 132.

Which means that instead of having cones stopping the spears of glass leisurely, they moved in a flurry whenever the Pixie used her technique. Basically, it meant that Uniah Gramanis was still forced to personally move.

And while the Nobles Transferred Speech along the lines of – 'how dare she' and 'impudent' – the commoners relished this moment to laugh.

"That's my girl!" Isimaila Fginja shouted at the top of her lungs. "I knew it, I knew nothing could stand in her way."

The Spirit wanted to arc a brow and even the Fairy looked shocked, but both if them said nothing to the Goblin's suspicious claims.

On the stage, 100 cones moved in full force and 210 spears of Glass responded to her

But this time, after all the cones had left varying levels of dents and crevices in the ground, the Pixie shor forward with extreme haste.

Launching 3 Perfect Explosive Steps, she bridged the gap between the Royal Noble and herself.




"*Forgive My Rudeness*"

Instead of forming more spears, a glass fist the size of her torso covered her fore arm as she threw her clenched hand forward.

But inbetween her tightened hands, the glass fist and the distant between the two opponents, 105 spears added to the glass fist to magnify its scale while the same number formed a single spear. So that fist and spear intended to pincer the Royal Noble who looked calm despite the double attack.

*"Children Of Sand, Heed My Call; Perturb and Pester, And Make A Great Fall."*

Kazu Nini was surprised how the Royal Cat could recite the riddle and evoke the sand to pour forth like a waterfall in reverse. And it actually cut off 1/3 of the speed and power of both the attacks.

A d she was even more shocked that there was now only a meter of distance between themselves but the sand that had been yanked to he sky fell down before she was halfway, cutting off another 1/3 out of both Kazu Nini's attacks.

The Pixie's eyes shrunk because she could feel the sand storm that Uniah Gramam had first conjured, quickly closing up on her while her opponent decided to stretch forth a hand.

And this was *just* after 100 cones of sand had gathered at her position until the vision of her opponent was entirely lost to her.

 *"Children of Sand, From Whence You Became, Break and Form, And Become My Cane"*

A line of sand born out of the previously defensive 100 cones merged together to shoot at Kazu Nini in impossible speed and hurled her into the distance. Meaning that, if the Pixie had not recalled all the Orbs Of Glass littered around the arena to first get absorbed into the *Tinted Glass Skin* to reinforce her defense, the cracks showing about them would have shattered her entire covered form.

But though she was tossed away like a trash bag from the meeting point of 100 cones and the Whip of Sand, she was able to conjure an Orb Of Glass about her person so that she was more protected as the Sand storm caught up with her and juggled her about the air so that she lost her orientations.

And midst of it all, she saw Unaih Gramanos who had appeared above her Orb Of Glass as she was saying another riddle to her sand.

 *"Children of Sand, Now Turned to Cone; Spin Forth, And Defend Your Own*"

The 100 cones from before began spinning in the formations of circles within circles and their spinning momentum hurled her Orb Of glass to the ground, making it bounce around.

"What's wrong, Pixie are you scared?"

And before Kazu Nini could gain her bearings again, the Whip of Sand in the Royal Noble's hand began chasing her about and striking her Orb Of Glass. So that, she kept accelerating.

"This is how it should always have been. Hmph! It looks like you are finally knowing your place."

Outwardly her supporters groaned while the Noble's sneered because for 15 minutes she did not retaliate and was being thrown about.

"Hahah, scaredy little Pixie!'

But it was not even the matters of her bearings that stopped her from reacting, but her Glass was now 13 times reinforced; 130 slabs of glass.

And Uniah Gramanos had made cracks form on them?


Maybe her silence was because she had not felt this much of a difference between their mast match. But She could not allow herself to be this quiet next time, though.

So, maybe she would just use combo moves to close the gap.

"*Meteor Series: Have You Seen Meteors Streak?*"

A plethora of fists half the size of her upper body erupted put of her like a volcano and fired off in every possible direction.

And while it did not hit the Royal Noble, it stopped the attack from the whip after it broke through about 20 of them. So many images if Uniah Gramanos appeared on stage, showing her level of proficiency with Sub-Par Blur Step.

And since Blur step consisted of 4 steps that showed 4 different images, it truly looked like she was every where.

Bang Bang Bang

The ones she effortlessly broke had their shards returning to the orb of Glass that birthed them before they fired off again. However, the sound of their destructions allowed her to have a general direction of where the Sphinx was.

But, because of her opponents speed, she would be a fool to simply act based on this information.

"Meter Series: Have You Seen Meteors Pursue!"

Now the fists exploded on impact and there were as tall as from her scalp to her knees.

Bang!! Bang!! Ba…

Now she had a thorough understanding of where the sand storm and her opponent where. But even as the Orb of Glass she was in was no longer rocked around to confuse her, it was yet to come to a stop.

*"Children of Sand, Drill A Gorge; Like A Machine, And Do Not Budge."*

The 100 cones that had been in stalemates with the flying fists, where now being exploded apart. So, Unia Gramanos out them to better use by combining them to make a drilling head.


It rotated as it blasted forth and the explosions continually changed its flying trajectory until it was being tossed about the air like a headless chicken.

Bang!! Bang!! Ba…

 *"Children of Sand, Drill A Gorge; Like A Machine, And Do Not Budge."*


Bang!! Bang!! Ba…

Uniah Gramanos repeated herself but Kazu Nini launched more fists.

Bang!! Bang!! Ba…

 *"Children of Sand, Drill A Gorge; Like A Machine, And Do Not Budge."*


Bang!! Bang!! Ba…

Once more Kazu Nini had increased the number of fists but the Orb Of Glass that contained her finally rolled to a stop.

Bang!! Bang!! Ba…

Simce it was not too far from the edge, she moved her self until she was there.

Bang!! Bang!! Ba…

"*Meteor Series: Have You Seen Meteors Evolve?*"

Before the fists of glance reached her knees and exploded on contact, but now they merged together and where double her entire stature.


The 3 drills looked as if they were making jokes and the sand storm was so perforated, it might as well have been youngsters playing with sand and throwing it upwards only to watch it come down in self-satisfied glee.


"*How About A Present?*"


8 hands the size of her stature, lined themselves up behind of her so that the orb of Glass she was in was forced to move forward. One after the other, they were placed like they were ready to be launched.


The Royal Noble turned in anger because she not only wanted to crush Kazu Nini but her pride as well.


"*How About A Christmas Present?*"


The 8 Fists of glass blew in scale and Light Blue Ko-jin began blazing out of their rears.


 "*Children of Sand, Whirl No Calm; Flatten and Grate, Like A Heinous Chakram.*"


The Royal Cat was already incensed that the fists from earlier were breaking into pieces then reforming again to clash with both the sand storm and the drill heads, so she conjured up 3 massive chakrams of sand and positioned them before her person.


 *"Youth of Sand, Show Me Not One Spire, Know When to Wait, And Know When to Fire."*


Spires of sand dotted the airspace about the Sphinx


 When the Pixie launched herself towards her opponent, the Sphinx did the same.


 Behind the Sphinx where shockwaves in perfect rings as an explosive sound was birthed.


The Sphinx's path had 4 images depicting her Blur Step – the launch, the passage, the route and the arrival – but since only the first was blurry then it was Sub-Par.


Still, she evidently gained more distance than her 9pponent as she noticed that the 8 fists began merging into one another, expanding in scale until all she could see was one fist.


But her own chakrams had also been growing because of the sand from the arena ground that had been gathering atop their flying and spinning bodies.


Uniah Gramanos was suddenly not content with their 20 meter spans and slapped her paws together to merge them all. And, as if in response, the combined fists behind the Pixel passed through the Orb of Glass. Then, as they finally absorbed the Orb of Glass to once again increase their form, Kazu Nini used Perfect Explosive Step from in side it and threw a glass fists that met the 40 meter wide Chakrams.


Both the Drill Heads of sand and the *Meteor Series: Have You Seen Meteors Evolve* stopped clashing against each other as both contestants gave 5hwir all to the clash.

Even the sandstorm seized as air scattered all about it, as though a the disturbance was heralding a terrifying storm.

Pixie and Sohinx stared at each other and hated that none seemed to get the upper hand just now.

And although Kazu Nini should have been happy that she had just struck even in the bout against someone with a higher cultivation, she was angry because she had not won it.

The Sphinx too was feeling discontent. Discontented because, even though she had not used her full power, the Pixie was not crushed.

Both sides hissing at the same time, they prepped their Divine Veins again.