
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 45 Part (3) Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos (5)

*"Children of Sand, Heed my Call; Sharpen Yourself To A Cone In Your Fall!"*

Cones sprang up about the air as if they tried to imitate rain with their numbers, unashamed that their bulk and height portrayed them as liars. Also, instead of falling the real precipitation, they all homed into Kazu Nini's approaching form

*"Children Of Sand, Puncture And Pierce; Retribution Needed, And Retribution Fierce."*

Now, they would explode into tinier shards in ferocious but silent detonations.

"*Die a Thousand Deaths*"

Kazu Nini unleashed a thousand needles of glass from her outstretched left arms – needles that picked up speed for every second of their flight – as she kept a fist of glass that covered and overshadowed her right by a meter behind her back and poised.

"*Fist Food.*"

The glass fore arm covering hers swelled to at least a meter more than before. And this happened while the launched glass needles caused the sand or cones which were at the forefront to explode earlier than the latter ones in an outburst of sand spikes.

"*Children of Sand, Whirl No Calm; Flatten and Grate, Like A Heinous Chakram.*"

Chakrams of sand formed from the granules in the air and began whirling before launching themselves at their target.

*"Children Of Sand, Puncture And Pierce; Retribution Needed, And Retribution Fierce."*

Now they were set to explode on contact as the Pixie approached them.ew

"*Die a Thousand Deaths*"

Kazu Nini's left hand once more unleashed a thousand glass needless which sought out the chakrams.

"*Fist Food.*"

The glass fore arm over her right fore arm grew from 2 meters to 4 meters and she was still approaching.

*"Children Of Sand, Turn To My Shield; Radius, For So Will I Wield!"*

Shiled of sand pieced themselves together from the dust in the atmosphere and birthed themselves into the arena.

*"Children Of Sand, Puncture And Pierce; Retribution Needed, And Retribution Fierce."*

Kazu Nini correctly assumed that these ones will explode from the slightest contact made to them but she still repeated what she had been doing since.

"*Die A Thousand Deaths*"

Once more unleashing a barrage of accelerating needles, Kazi Nini started to raise her right arm, in ready for a punch.

"*Fist Food.*"

The 8 meters fore arm grew to 12 meters but the Sphinx had nothin to fear as the Pixie could not hope to cross this defense.

However, Kazu Nini mad a small platform of glass to hold her weight before kicking off it in Perfect Explosive Speed which left a perfect ring of shockwaves and its peculiar sound to itself alone.


The Pixie jad passed though about 90 perfect of the attack but Uniah Gramanos was still not worried. In fact, the Cat Lazily clapped her hands together. Her opponent moving in slow motion, in comparison to her languid clasp.

*"Children Of Sand, Heed My Call; Perturb and Pester, And Make A Cycle Storm Fall."*

The sand which *gushed* out from between her palms sprayed forth to reach both the height and floor of their arena as well as obviously delay the incoming fist of glass which seemed to reach 24 feet in height.

However, it only slowed down Kazu Nini's attack and did not seem to entirely stop it.

The nobles in the stand laughed at her attempt and began clapping for the Royal Noble Cat. The commoners too clapped as if trying to outdo their counterparts.

5 seconds later and Kazu Nini's punch now was slow enough to look like it was merely in fast forward as she tugged against the raging waterfall of sand.

The Nobles could see the Pixie's slowing speed and after clapping a bit, decided to there was no need to compete with the commoners who were still cheering at the lop of their lungs and with all the muscles they could employ for he tasks

10 seconds later and it looked kike Kazu Nini's punch had hit normal speed against the still out pouring sand.

Some nobles were beginning to laugh as others leisurely ate whatever they brought with them in confidence while he commoners' momentum began reducing

15 Seconds later and Kazu Nini was finally stopped.

Now, the commoners began descending in silence as the nobles snorted.

20 seconds later and she was blown back 10 meters.

Now, the nobles laughed and made more than a few snide comments about the situation.

25 seconds later and she stopped herself by splitting her attention and creating footholds beneath her feet.

The nobles snorted again and the commoners began trying to motivate her by stamping their feet.

27 seconds later and the footholds resembled a platform that now positioned her body so that her chest faced the ground

Now, her people were screaming words of encouragement.

29 Seconds later and the footholds began spraying forth Ko-jin as of it were boasting about the reserves she had in her body. This actually made her to recover the 10 meters she had lost previously.

Some nobles began frowning at this but most of them still were not worried

30 seconds later and…


Perfect Explosive Step allowed her punch to land squarely on the Sphinx's body to push her back…

…only 5 meters.

And Uniah Gramanos stopped in the air, dramatically acknowledging that her worm opponent had actually landed a solid hit. Kazu Nini's fist still on her body made her look pathetic but he Pixie did not leave did not do anything new.

The Nobles frowned for a short while before snorting and ignoring the screaming commoners.

Then, just when the Royal Noble was about to speak, the 25 meter of a glass fist that was still pressing Atop her person and covering her entire view, Kazu Nini smiled slightly even though she was not able to advance a single step in the air.


The glass fist exploded into countless shards, sending the Royal Cat tumbling to the ground.

But she did not stop herself this time. Instead, she allowed her claws to rake the floor as she slid back with her eyes train on the Pixie.

Uniah Gramanos stared at Kazu Nini and decided it would be undignified to wear her anger on her face. So, she clapped.

"I admit this might be harder than I thought."

"More like you were forced to admit."

"No, young one, you just grew a bit stronger. That's all."


"Don't worry. When I win, I'll rub it in your face till your subconscious can only live to acknowledge my greatness."

"You are either delusional or crazy."

"What's the difference between the great and the crazy?" Uniah Gramanos cocked her head to he side. "One of them fulfils their dreams."

"So one of us is going to be great by the outcome of this?"

"No, it has already been determined."

"I can agree that I am surprised at your declaration of my greatness."

The Royal Noble laughed at Kazu Nini as Ko-jin started moving her veins.

In the stands, all the participants on Kazu Nini's side were cheering because she scored the last hit. Both Jagonu Nanhor and Zlai Dfon were quiet because they knew that the cat had been using moves that had executed during her last match.

But Isimaila Fginka was screaming her support because Kazu Nini was doing the same.

Zlai Dfom turned to the goblin. "You know that the difference in cultivation has not even began showing, right?"

"I know that Uniah Gramanos should be less surprised. But look," she pointed with fervor at their leader.

"Kazu Nini is holding up her own."

"Yes, Uniah Gramanos only looks to be at a disadvantage because of her arrogance. But what if she does turn serious?" The Spirit turned to be goblin. "Don't forget that Sphinx cultivate mental energy too."

"Baah!" Isimaila Fginjs spat. "Don't blunt my hope."

Kazu Nini regarded the Sphinx and began circulating her own Divine Energy too. But she heard another move that had previously used in their last fight and decided it was not het time to use her Trump card.

"*Forest Of Blades*"

Spires of Glass rose around the arena grounds… still, she camouflaged a portion of the arena. But to fool the Sphinx because of the prep time needed for this particular move, she had begin cooking it up immediately after her opponent moved. Plus, she would have to do it slowly while mounting up more distractions.

Sub-Par Blur Speed left a half blurry image of The Sphinx after she took her launching step.

With claws outstretched, the Passage Step had allowed her to rake groves into Kazu Nini's *Glass Skin* that could theoretically withstand a missile with narry a scratch.

Next, the Route Step allowed the Royal Cat to retrace her claw marks in the earlier groves and let blood fly. But it was not as much as she had wanted because the Pixie had used Perfect Explosive Speed to get away. So, she was surprised as Kazu Nini threw her self towards the spires of glass on the ground.


"*Orbs Of Glass!*"

Barely managing to proclaim, *Rebound Velocity*, Uniah Gramanos used the lst step involved in her Sub-Par Blur Speed – Arrival Step. Meaning that, she was smshed in her abdomen with a double kick that furthered her fall away from one of the spires as she had intended. But an Orb Of Glass managed to swallow her up after she melted into it. Now regaining her bearings, she could now effectively keep building on what she was doing in secret while keeping Uniah Gramanos distracted.

When the Royal Noble cat used Sub-Par Blur Speed again, Kazu Nini knew it was vain hope to expect not to be hit.

So, when all 4 steps of Sub-Pat Blur Speed – Launch Step, Passage Step, Route Step and Arrival Step – struck her across the fighting ground like a soccer ball between different professional players, she was happy that *Rebound Velocity* had been able to get fast enough to catch her and alter the path that her thrashing had sent her flying in.

The Royal Noble had sensed that Kazu Nini was going to use anotherr technique. So, she first launched hers.

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

3 Winged Wyrms of sand exploded for the to meet the Pixie and Kazu Nini would have been struck first by a kick from the Sphinx before the Winged Wyrms landed their hits but her own technique obstructed Uniah Gramanos.

"*Meteor Series: Have You seen Meteors Streak?*"

Fists half a torso shot out of the Orb Of Glass and streaked towards the Royal Sphinx who had to use the next 3 steps from Sub-Par Blur Speed to dodge them about the air.

Then, she began to flot about the stage in Sub-Par Blur Speed like a buzzing fly that could never be caught.

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Orb Of Glass!*"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Meteor Series: Have You Seen Meteors Streak?*"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Orb Of Glass.*"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Meteor Series: Have You Seen Meteors Pursue?*"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Orb Of Glass!*"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Meteors Series: Have You Seen Meteors Evolve?"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Orb Of Glass!*"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand*"

"*Meteor Series: Have You Seen Meteors Evolve!*"

At some point during the constant unleashing of techniques, Kazu Nini had started camouflaging 3 other parts of the arena. But she made sure that *Rebound Velocity* which used *Orbs of Glass* to bounce off each other and thereby amplify her speed at a steady breakneck pace to avoid both Winged Wyrms and the keen Royal Noble who was unleashing even more techniques at her as if to mich the lack of Ko-jin in comparison.


For every time Umiah Gramanos uttered her riddle upon the sand, she would release 3 Winged Wyrms. And for every other time Kazu Nini used a technique, Uniah Gramanos would have launched 2 of her own.

For instance, Uniah Gramanos launched 3 Winged Wyrms, then attempted to reach Kazu Nini again. Through the flying fists and the bouncing orbs. And the 4 steps of her Sub-Par Blur Step only allowed her get close enough to touch. However, an *Orb of Glass* would hit Kaxu Nini away from harm that point and another *Orb of Glass* would come her way. And even though she could easily smack it away, it was becoming harder to get closer to the lesser cultivator.

And this was even though Kazu Nini's *Meteor Series:Have You Seen Meteors Streak?* Needed 20 fists to hold back a Winged Wyrm;

*Meteor Series:Have You Seen Meteors Pursue?* used 12 to accomplish the same job;

And *Meteor Series:Have You Seen Meteors Evolve ?* needed only 3

Lips, and hands in constant motion Kazu Nini figured that the Royal Cat could have torn the spires off the ground as they also contributed to helping *Rebound Velocity*. But She had long sensed that Uniah Gramados had plans as well. So, she only endured the pressure until it started becoming like a an impasse.

Evn though she was on her back foot and had to constantly keep moving because she could not stay less than half a second in a single position, Kanu Nini held her groind while pushing away Wyrms and the Royal Noble Cat for another half hour they both suddenly stopped and used knew moves.

*"Youth of Sand, Winged Wyrms Of Team; Merge To One, And Sprout Forth A Beam!"*

"*Eat My Fist!*"