
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 45 (Part 1) Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos (3)

The Sphinx was flustered by what she had heard. Luckily, the gravity of the situation meant that it was easy for her to regain her focus.

"Do not mention what you said to me again!"

Gramanos Amalganom's words were caught in her throat. But how would she be a Cultivation of her level without knowing how to persist.

"Leave the branch out for consideration, but I do agree that it is not time for such… delicate matters."

Uniah Gramanos' brow twitched fiercely before she regained her calm and her aunt covered her smirking spotted lips to not distract her.

Kazu Nini was staring at her roommates that were seating down beside her in both sides.

"I was going to ask if you are ready, but there should be no point to the question."

The Goblin felt it was too silent and she did not like it so she spoke again. Even the Spirit who was studying Kazu Nini looked towards Isimaila Fginja.

"Like are you sure you don't need anything or…"

The Goblin still did not get an answer so she tried again.

"Is everything o-"

"Shut up." Kazu Nini finally spoke up, "respectfully just shut up."

The Fairy laughed and The Goblin frowned. Jagonu Nanhor's amplified the presence of happiness in the air until Isimaila Fginja started laughing too.

"Are both contestants ready?"

A familiar voice entered the Pixie's ears and she opened her eyes.

Standing up, she walked towards the stage, taking her time but Uniah Gramanos used Blur Step.

3 steps to cross 100 meters, outside of the final landing!

Launch Step, Route Step, Passage Step and Arrival Step.

It was Sub-Par Blur Step because only the first step was half-blurry while the other 4 where perfectly clear. Meaning that she used 12 steps to reach the stage. But still, was it something that Kazu Nini could stand up to?

On her end though, Kazu Nini was as indifferent as the sun moving across the sky. So, while Uniah Gramanos had been flashy, the Pixie was gathering the crowds' screams that reached a crescendo when she was only halfway there. Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Smiled at the Pixie and started acting aloof whenever Uniah Gramanos's eyes met her's. The Sphinx was almost snarling by the time her opponent got there. Kazu Nini's eyes were everywhere but the Royal Nobles'. She even extended a hand to Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. The student and staff clasped hands before the latter began speaking.

"Before we begin, the stakes for this match have been set. We will review them before we begin." [1.]

On the screens, they were written down but Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Repeated them, nonetheless.

"Betting Stake Number 1 from Uniah Gramanos."

"1. Kowtow to Uniah Gramanos and proclaim her Majesty. A list of things to say to her every time you see her, Kazu Nini, would be given to you. Then, all your followers both home and abroad must swear fealty to their family for a 100 years, their generations 4 times included."

The Crowd drew in a quick breath.

"Now, Condition 1 given by Kazu Nini."

"1, 100 PhysiqueStabilizers, 100 SpaceStabilizers, 100 Epic Beast Feed, 100 Artificial Raw Ores, 100 Space Boxes Hyur and 100 Advertisements of the New Universe."

The New Universe supporters cheered. They knew who resources were going to.

"Now, Condition 2 given by Uniah Gramanos."

"New Universe members will submit at all times to Uniah Gramanos, following her whenever thy see her to speak loudly of her eloquence and beauty and eternal reign."

The crowd expected this, but it was still terrifying to know that their fates would seriously be decided by the outcomes of a match

"2. To finish up the story about the day of conflict regarding Mako Nini against the Nobles. And with this challenge – in contestant Kazu Nini's own words – the Royal Cat would cease her pestering. [1]

The people who had more faith than fear laughed.

"Now, for the 3rd and final betting stake from Uniah Gramanos"

 "3. Tell me your name and that of your aunt, honestly. Then, outside of school grounds – if attacked – you cannot receive help from school staff, extending to all your members."

With every condition of the Nobles, it felt like Kazu Nini was digging herself into a pit.

"And the final and 3rd betting stake of Kazu Nini's."

"3, She and Uniah Gramanos, to be given the same amount of resources for breaking through to the next stage of cultivation."

"But condition 3 of Kazu Nini has already been given so it should be null at this point."

The crowd had a wave of discussion passing through it as opposed to the Noble's Area where they Transferred Speech to one another in barely noticeable patterns.

"Have the conditions been clear?"

Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Looked at Kazu Nini who had something snarky to say.

"She might have hearing issues, so please start again from the top."

Uniab Gramanos snickered, "well, it sounds like you want to change the conditions of the bet."

"Oh, I would not really mind."

The Royal Noble arched a brow and nodded. "When I Lord over you, let it not be said that I am not a listening ruler. You might want to add that to the list of things you will have to call me every time you kowtow and declare my majesty."

"Hah, reignite number 3 of my conditions and let's start."

"Only if I were you with shallow lockets would I deny such a lousy request." The Royal Noble looked at Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Next. "I agree."

"Okay, so Kazu Nini's last request will be stated as follows."

"3, She and Uniah Gramanos, to be given the same number of resources for breaking through to the next stage of cultivation."

"Wait," the Sphinx straightened her neck after figuring something out. "That would be request number 4 instead, right?"


"Good, which would mean that I should have my own additional stake to the bet. Right?"

Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Agreed with a slow nod.

"Well then, 2 conditions of the winner has to be met by the loser without denial or delay!"

The Zombie looked at the Pixie who laughed and nodded.

"Any Weapons?"

Kazu Nini pulled out a SpaceBox that she allowed Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. To scan shortly before Uniah Gramanos did.

"Are both sides content?"

Uniah Gramanos snorted and Kazu Nini nodded.

Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Then nodded and jumped out of the Arena like a fleeting ghost. Next, the Barrier rooms connected to the 2nd ceiling after passing through the first.


Both of them jumped away from each other and set themselves to go."


Ko-jin was being circulated in their Ko-jin veins.


*"Children Of Sand, Heed My Call; Perturb and Pester, And Make A Great Fall."*

"*Glass Skin*" Even before she had summoned the tough barrier of skin about her body, an Orb Of Glass had covered her as she now floated within it. She was also surprised that the Royal Noble was now fast enough to finish her riddles quickly before she could even say her's.

A storm of Sand rose to the skies, but after falling back own with double the force it lay still, which surprised the Pixie as sand made sparks off the Orb of Glass that she was firmly protected in.

*"Children Of Sand, Heed My Call; Perturb and Pester, And Make A Great Fall."*

 "*Forest of Blades* and *Rebound Velocity.*"

10 Orbs of Glass poured out of the Pixie like she were the mouth of a volcano and they met 10-meter tall spires of Glass which made them bounce around faster after every rebound off them.

It was now Kazu Nini guessed the Royal Cat's intentions and quickly made a move she had planned.

She would have used this later on to counter the speed of Blur Step, but Uniah Gramanos was setting the stage. So, why couldn't the Pixie do it, too.

*"Children Of Sand, Heed My Call; Perturb and Pester, And Make A Cycle Storm Fall."* This last storm of sand did not simply rest about the ground, but it made diagonal reflections about the ceiling walls and ground and did not seem to stop like Kazu Nini's previous move.

"*Tinted Glass Skin*" Kazu Nini's Orb slurped to accommodate her entire physique, taking into account every single contour. But the different between this one and he first was that it reflected light, Ko-jin, sound and heat.

So, the Pixie was pretty much invisible. But it would have been perfect if sand was not all over her body which meant that it was only sight and sound and Ko-jin that the Royal Sphinx could not track her by.

In essence, she would be using echo location because of the first 2 outpourings of sand that lay about the stage.

But the onlookers could simply take their time to sense the gap which Kazu Nini was creating by reflecting light sound heat and Ko-jin about herself.

The Regulars – those without cultivation – groaned due to not being able to see her at all, as the Nobles Transferred Speech to themselves.

"Kazu Nini's quotations are getting rapid enough to almost be impressive."

"Yes, almost because she is a Royal Noble and she has higher standards to live up to."

"But of course, if it were a regular Noble then she would be outstanding."

"Look at the ability to keep the third attack she used to be constantly active."

"Yes, it a given since both Sphinx and Pixie cultivation focus on their, Mental Energy."

Down on the stage the roar of the rampaging sand storm blanketed the clashing Orbs of Glass against the *Forest of Glass* in the many forms of 10-meter Spires.

"Last time it was a tie. So, I see why you would arrogantly believe that this time you can win." The Royal Nobles voice was calm, a prideful calm. "But I am here to make you open your eyes to your sad and pathetic reality."

"I agree that last time it was a tie. Which would mean that I would have to remove the stain and blemish on my name."

"Hmph arrogance in ignorance."

"You talk a lot."

"*Children of Sand, Heed my Call; Sharpen Yourself To A Cone In Your Fall!*"

100 cones formed themselves from the sea of sand heaped on the ground and fired themselves at Kazu Nini like bloodthirsty missiles.

The Pixie then slipped into the random paths of the 10 Orbs of Glass which had been rebounding in acceleration since the fight officially started.


Paraphrased Chapter 35 (Part 1)