
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 44 (Part 3) Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos (2)

Kazu Nini was escorted by her believers until they reached where the match would be. The noise coming in from the stadium was loud considering the distance and, 15 minutes later when she got closer, the sound hit her in full.

But that was not the only thing.

Kazu Nini had not participated in all the orientation days. So, when she saw the stadium, she was awed. Her mouth did not hang open but she was unconscious of her feet moving as she stared at it until she moved through a passage that momentarily blocked light until she passed through it.

The light streaming through the ceiling of glass felt milder than actual heat and because she was a cultivator, she was more acute to the feeling. The Stadium was a massive rectangle and she could see the ViewingScreens through the double transparent ceilings. The Pixie had also long noticedher supporters cheering and shouting for her.

As the Nobles sneered because they knew the reason for the fervor of the commoners, Kazu Nini gasped because she saw the amount of support.

What would Kazu Nini have done?

What would she have felt in this moment?

What of her mother, would she have ignored it?

And her father too, what would he have do…

Her eyes blurred as they became wet and she totally ignored the Noble's seating area to wave her hand and create a glass cone that would amplify her voice. The 150 meter tall structure was stationed just above her lips and magnified a roar that she released.


The commoners returned the faith and the Nobles frowned in disgust.


"Maybe this is what she needs to soothe her fears."


"It is not fear, her defeat is already fact. See, I do believe she is doing this so that she will be remembered when she loses."


Jolhenge Fanipurom and Jolhenge Fanifara had since arrived. In fact, the only seat on the Nobles' seating area left was the one for Uniah Gramano's would-be fiancee.


"Hmph, what a brat."


"Only her courage to even come is makes her slightly worthy of nobility."


"And her cruel mind."


"No," his companion shook his head in disagreement of the tasteless vocabulary. "It is beaut, not cruelty."


They both looked at her as she roared and until she finished.


Her people were still screaming long after she was done and she was tempted to give them a bow but passed up on the idea Then, the Pixie noticed a seating area prepared for her by the commoners. The seat itself was not really prepared per se, because it was a decoration of art and craft that was mixed with the same special paper that made for IdentificationPapers;

Outside of the ornate decoration that rimmed the chair's back rest, an extra canopy was made to resemble a hood. Down to the arm rests that every seat had, and the bottom area, was embroidery that made it seem like the design itself were a dress for a princess or a bride.

On top of the hood was 'KAZU NINI, New Universe CEO'.

The sparkling blue color was the final touch to the décor of the seat and just as she started moving towards her seating area, she saw other seats that were reserved for New Universe Members. The Staff, the inner and the outer all had reserve seats and the seats had been strategically placed to face the Nobles on the opposite side.

All this decorations had been done after the Nobles had sat down since it was craft that was carried in space boxes and name tags for all New Universe Members.

The commoners squeezed themselves into every space available. Underneath their seating spaces, vendors had gotten a DamageRoom that spanned from the commoners seating area. Under all 3 of them as the Nobles had only taken one side.

Before Kazu Nini took her seat, the Werewolf and the Vampire approached her in swift and practiced fashion.

Henrique Viva and Kirian Kranimora the Werewolf and Vampire in the New Universe. If not for her mental energy she would not have remembered that they were in he organization or that one was a Cinematographer while the other was a Journalist, respectively [1.]

They also were not officially in the organization, yet.

"Greetings our young Pixie Hero, how are you doing today."

"Awesome!" She said with a wide smile and she would rather be calming her mind but these were her people. They believed in her and she might at least owe them this much.

"Any words or story you want to tell before the match begins?"

"It is not a match it is the show of me publicising that I have a stepping stone."

"Ohhhhhh," the Werewolf shivered in delight as the camera momentarily went to his fave. "Splendid, splendid. I chose the right organization."

She smiled at that and began walking away.

"Wait, wait, wait. Can I have your autograph before you make a mess of a noble?"

A pen Was in his hands the next moment and he took off his chest to reveal a hairy front. Kazu Nini's brows twitched but she liked the mood of the atmosphere, so she made up a signature that she would decide to stick with on he spot.

The Werewolf squealed in joy when she was done and the camera left her to reach her seat where she closed her eyes for several minutes before opening them slowly.

The Pixie notices the chained spectacle of Humans, Pixies and Epic Beasts. Then she saw their arrogant expressions, allowing her gaze to pass each one of their entourage and pass every single line before finding the Sphinx's face.

And in her eyes she only saw clowns and losers.

Something caught her eye though.

A second ago, she could have sworn that there was no one on the seats besides Uniah Gramanos, outside of another Sphinx that looked more kike a Leopard or Jolhenge Fanipurom and Jolhenge Fanifara.

It was the face of a man who had a female companion before him.

She looked at the female companion and remembered her face from the news. Which would mean that Mako Nini met her demise at their hands. [2.]

After frowning hard so that it looked as though her eyes were shut, she stilled her emotions then opened her eyes fully to stare at Jason Haon Illjako.

But her dormant anger… vanished…

Her eyes opened in shock and then, the noble replaced his warm look with an arrogant one when the Sphinx beside Uniah Gramanos snuck a look at him.

Kazu Nini was too focused on her confusion of emotions she had felt from the man's warm gaze to see the infatuation that Uniah Gramanos's neighbor held for the CEO in her eyes.

"Hello, young Pixie."

Kazu Nini was jolted out of her muddled mindset and then realized that Speech was being Transferred to her ears.

"It is your potential New Universe staff here. Just want to wish you the best. I am rooting for you, but because both participants are my students I cannot openly show favoritism."

She scanned the entire arena ground with her eyes and she saw nothing.

"Don't bother trying to find me, I am still in my office."

Kazu Nini's mimd blank as she comprehended the distance involved in his feat. This arena was on the other side of school and she herself had never seen its ends. But just the ones she had meant that the school was more than several hundred hectares.

"Have fun. Oh, I nominated Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. To be a referee but let's see what happens."

She nodded slightly even though he might not be seeing it and focused on the arena in the center and she liked its allowance. 350 meters of space were taken to accommodate it's room. The ceiling was a 300 meters away from its grounds and it had 10 DamageRooms stacked beside the other. If she had been able to check, she would have known that it was another 300 meters deep.

She liked it.

Letting out a breath, the Pixie calmed her mind and began ignoring all else. At least she would, until she heard the referee call her in to participate.

"Hey, talk to him." Gramanos Amalganom Transferred Speech to her niece who looked at her like she garbage but she paid it no mind. "What don't you like about him?"

"Everything." The disgust on Uniah Gramanos' face was beyond extreme.

She could not wait for the Illjako heir to handle this niece of her once, so that the girl would understand first hand.

"Give him a chance, no?"

The Royal Noble princess scoffed. "You give him a chance."

Gramanos Amalganom rested her chin on her wrist supported by the armrest on her chair. "So, if I give him a chance, will you?"

Uniah Gramanod eyed her lower aunt and was not sure what to say.

Was she hearing what she thought she was?

Or was she imagining what was actually said.

Her eyes narrowed, her aunt wanted to use her to get into the family!

No, it was her who suggested that she try out the guy first.

So, she tested the waters to be sure.

"Are you serious about it?"

"I can guide you if you are new to it."

At this time, Isimaila Fginja walked in with Zlai Dfon's awe-striking countenance and Jagonu Nanhor's presence that was foreboding today.

That is, people did avoid them until they got a look at The Wood Fairy and could not stop drooling.

The Werewolf and Vampire rushed in to quickly interrogate them.

Maybe they could also get autographs.



Prologue 35 (Part 2)
