
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 44 (Part 2) Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos (2).

Kazu Nini came out only on the night before her duel. It was a Monday night, and a day after their match was the opening of the inheritance grounds. She had finished the EquilibriumPotions and a portion of her felt like she had wasted some.

Peak Divine Early Level 9!

Kazu Nini could not wait to brush it in Uniah Gramanos' face but what she saw surprised her a bit. The Goblin had curled itself on the island top. The fairy was resting on the ledge of the couch and the spirit… Jagonu Nanhor was hovering outside her door, but the girl did not seem to be conscious as she was not here.

Did Spirits sleep?

The Fairy walked across the counter to look for snacks in the refrigerator and she grabbed whatever that she could. The effects of the EquilibriumPotion were dying fast and she needed something in her belly, soon. Stuffing the food stuffs into the microwave she spun he torse around to see that the Spirit was awake and staring at her.

 "Not creepy, at all." She turned back to the microwave.

 "You made it sound like we don't believe in you."

 "No, I made it clear that my time was being wasted."

 The Spirit hovered to her proximity. "Can you make it easier for us to follow you?"

 "I have nothing to say to that." She was focused on the numbers that counted down on the Moicrpwave.


 Kazu Nini felt as though Jagonu Nnahor was a fly trying to perch her food. "Like, you chose to believe in me. So, just keep that up. I don't like being questioned and you being my Councillor means that you will question my decisions but when they are situations such as something I believe in, you should let it go."

"You do-"

The Pixie huffed. "I have expecatations and grudges to settle. Yetm you ask me questions tha6t center around if I am sure that I would win." The Pixie sneered before the Microwave was done and she snatched its warm contents. "Even if – even if – I did not believe I would win, what would that mean for me?"

The Spirit was silent.

"Imagine I did not have hopes at all, no reason to fight this and I ran away." Stuffing the food was hard as she wanted to make a pint but she did it anyway and managed a good frown when she had put several hand-full in her lips and chew furiously. "Would I rest?"

"Forget Chilkt State University's protection," she cut off her Councilor before she could speak. "Would they even believe in me to still house me or support me. Forget their support. How could I cultivate after damaging my pride, plans for the future and getting stronger with cultivation."

 She looked at Jagonu Nanhor and stared at her stained hands.

 "What is this?"

 "Salted Chips."

 "It's awesome."

 She was going to step into her room again but the Spirit stood in her way.

 "Take it easy on yourself," Jagonu Nnahor held her eyes as her boss stuffed her indifferent face with chips until they were puffed. "And you should take a look at this."

 Out of a SpaceBox another box came out and Kazu Nini took it before proceeding back into her room

When she shut the door, she considered resting once more so that she was entirely relaxed for tomorrow but she wanted to know what was inside the box first.

 And when she attempted to life the cover, noise, lights, papers, words, mechanical birds holding banners, balloons, toy dragons flitting about the air, confetti, Jack in the boxes and another box. At this point, the only thing that could be seen in her room was her upper torse as everything was covered in crafted toys, floating letters and loud noises.







 Kazu Nini felt a warm feeling spreading in her heart and she wanted to giggle but she quenched the fire.

 She could not let herself slip before the match.

 Still… the Pixi smiled as she chewed to fight the aftermath weakness coming from the EquilibruimPotions.

 "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" from behind the door she could hear her roommates and was now 100% certain that they had been feigning sleep. Kazu Nini then opened the door to address them with a comeback, but before she could speak she heard the Fairy's voice that interrupted her own.

 "It was Isimaila Fginja, she thought she should hmmm! Hmmm!" The Goblin had sprung up on the fairy and was clutching t her mouth so that she could speak no farther.

 "It is true," the spirit strangely giggled as the Isimaila Fginja looked at her with a disappointed face at first. "But we all approved of it."

 "When she suggested it, Jinja Kaliope was showering her with thanks until she blocked him on her Telewatch."

 The Pixie tried reminding them of her battle and the seriousness of the matter, but all her Mental Energy could not allow her to. And just when she began smiling, the Goblin had brought out a box from the refrigerator before unloading packs of food into the oven.

 "You can either go back to cultivate," Isimaila Fginja said as she had to hop before accurately throwing the food packs into the microwave. "Or you can join us to eat."

 The Pixie wanted to say no but her Mental Energy failed her again.


The Night came and went amidst food, drinks and laughter. And Kazu Nini repeatedly tried to join them - and there were instances where she almost did – but when she wanted her Mental Energy to fail her, it did not. Still, she stayed with them until they decided it was time to rest. With their Cultivation levels, resting after being tired was something of choice especially if it was only half a day of fun. But there was a match on the morrow that would likely decide the outcome and future of half the remaining states in their nation.

 So, they did let her sleep at some point.

 Kazu Nini woke up the next day, feeling strange because of the lack of the active BodyWeight Suite, and reached the showers to clear head the last time before the match. She had long sensed the crowd outside before she had left her room but seeing it after she had come out was another matter.

 It showed their beliefs, their expectations, their hopes, their faith if she won.

 …And their anxiousness, worry and doubt, to what would happen, dare the Pixie lose.

 The girl in question took in a deep breath and got ready for the match today.


 The battleground of the Royal and The Commoner was going to take place in a venue where there was a 300 x 200 meter rectangular stadium. The strange shape for such a venue as its name indicated meant that the angles had no seats but LoudThinkers which would transmit every sound of the participants, except if they Transferred Speech to one another. The 2 layered ceiling of the arena was entirely transparent enough for ventilation but sturdy enough for precipitation. The first layer began at the highest height of the bleachers – 350 Meters - while the 2nd began 50 Meters lowers. And in the middle of this cuboid glass ceiling, 50-meter screens – 4 of them - were stuck to each other in the shape of a cube.

 Since dawn, the Royals had found their seats in an entire section of the Arean for today. All of them had been unwilling to mix with the lessers.

 The Vermin Lessers.

 Imagine if they had to rush in with the clamor and noise.


 Worse, what if they had to come in when there would be a rush of spectators - and perspiration actually came from unclean bodies?

 Oh, what a shiver!

 From the lowest seats in their section, rose people who had on what looked to go from the most uptight and formal unto the ridiculous and bizarre outfits. But all of them came with escorts and whatnot. So, even though they sat at one of the lengths of the arena stadium, their portion was filled. And at the very top, there was an entire one of seats that that were not filled.

 At least, not up until the next second.


 It began with a long retinue of guards. At the forefront were humans, collars were on their necks and they moved at a steady pace. Each collar tied to the last, the procession trailed before a set of emaciated Pixies were seen. Last on this long line where Epic Beasts clad in glamorous clothing.


 The humans had precious stones studded into their skin and their eyes were all that did not have life in them. That is the ones that did not have the glittering stones stuffed into one or both of their eyes.

 The Pixies wore haggard clothes and their entire skin seemed to be smeared with dirt until their skin looked like a multitude of dust, oil stains, unclean patches and blood.

 But the Epic Beasts wore fur that glimmered in the light, collars that could be sold to buy entire estates and fur treatment that made their furs dazzling.

 Even their whips had encrusted diamonds.


 The Message here was abundantly clear… and after 30 minutes of procession that waited before the bleachers where the Nobles had situated themselves, trailed out with a girl having a scorpion tail but also with pawed feet. The next person was another female with a cow head and gorilla hair trailing her arms and the next was Uniah Gramanos who had an ornate tiara on her head, along with a cape.

 Lat of all was Amalganom Gramanos, who was behind her niece.

 The Niece was not completely on talking terms with her, to be honest. And not just because she had not passed through the Royal Noble Trial OF Transformation, but also because the news the girl had brought had been so ridiculous.

 The Gramanos and the Illjako family uniting hands?


 Still, her own mother had agreed to it, so she was not sure if she was going to say no.

 Either ways, today was her day. So, she did not need to even look back at the wannabe Direct Descendant.

 Following another roar that shook the entire stadium from ground to ceiling, Uniah Gramanos wondered why the place was so empty. But she realized it was a good thing to know that the Pixie already saw herself taking her place after Uniah Gramanos, just like the Sphinx had arrived before herself to the arena.

 Thus, Uniah Gramanos took dignified steps until she sat in the middle of the highest level, then closed her eyes to think as she ignored the bows from the mere Nobles beneath herself.


Funny enough, it would normally have been a regular school day but she was sure that most classes would be skipped. The throng she walked into waved at her and yelled a million things that she did not care to pick. And she had wanted to ignore their faces so as not alter her state of mind, but her background vision caught smiles and joy and laughter and people screaming for her to acknowledge their presence.

 Why were tears in her eyes?

 The Pixie also wondered how Mako Nini and her mother had felt when it was their turn instead.

 They could carry it, so she would.

 One of them was screaming and was trying to touch her but it seemed that Shapha Rinmon had hired people from within school to keep her path clear as she moved. So, their outreach that got to her heart was only from their words.

 The Pixie just had another reason not to lose.