
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 42 (Part 1) Illjako and Gramanos (2)

The Noble Gramanos Royal cat sneered at the proud Sprite and wanted to end his life hen and there but she thought better of it as this was the first direct order she had gotten in her life.

Being from the side branch of the Royal Noble bloodline of Gramanos had made sure that even above her life and ego, the words of the main family line were as good as gold. And her existence was only trash compared to it.

Gramanos Almaganom had a Telewatch in the form of a doll with an oversized head and she Transferred Speech to it.

She was calling the main line and all her anger disappeared from her face as if it never existed in the first place.

"A direct call?" She heard a feminine voice and she instantly stood up from her chair as if she had been electrocuted by lightening. "What is the matter?"

The owner of this voice was part of the Grananos's main pride of lions. She was also the birth mother of Uniah Gramanos.

"My Queen Liege Lord and Royal Sphinx Mother, I am humbly here to seek your advise."

"I am listening."

"Yes, your Gracious Queen Liege Lord and Royal Sphinx Mother." Her heart was racing like a jet on a few hundred Mach Speeds. "I was on the task you delegated to me and I encountered some difficulties."

"... Noble House Illjako gave you trouble?"

"No, it was the intended husband to your most beautiful daughter and Royal Sphinx Cub of the Greatly Esteemed Gramanos House."

"He does not like her?"

"No, he seems to be quite adamant about his own benefits and those benefits do not... feel right to me."

"Look, do what you have to do and just get it over with."

"Yes Majestic Sphinx Lioness of the Highly Esteemed Gramanos House, but you se-"

"I don't need to place you on a list of wearisome contacts like the Illjako Ancestor, do I?"

Her words caught and she prostrated with a bow of her forehead to the floor and her ands extended before her.

"No, I would never dare to, oh Royal Noble Queen Sphinx."

"Good, now get it done within a month. I have things to do. Surely, you can handle this trivial matter?"

"The marriage of your last child should be carefully thought of. If you could only allow me t-"

"Gramanos Almaganom," the girl paused and was afraid that her thumping heart would disrespect one of Gramanos's Queens. "Every Noble has their arrogance, i do not expect someone who could get with my Most Cherished daughter to be simply average. Check his attributes and see if the problem is you or him. Now, get it over with."

The call ended and some royals stood up from their kneeling position. But only after Gramanos Almaganom did so.

Gritting her teeth, the Leopard Sphinx ground her teeth and stretched forth her hands. The servant holding her food knew it was his end, but for he sake of his generations that had been kept under captivity by the woman he moved to feed, he acted ignorant. And when she got a new mice head to bite off, his body ended at his neck, brain matter and blood on the floor.

She moved her eyes around and it rested on another one of her servants. This one, like the others, where kneeling in wait. And she grabbed his head, giving him orders before she flung him to he door as if he were a rag doll.

"Tell that snotty nosed brat to return to me within a week with an answer more befitting of someone of a lower status to one of a higher."

The servant she tossed in the air was a possum for 1/3 of the journey. But when he crashed past the curtains that separated the 2nd level from the first he became a cube. And by the time he reached the doors leading outside, he was a falcon.

"He does not know what is good for him, please do not mind him princess."

"The battle with Mako Nini must have made him think himself to be much more than he actually is."

"He should be glad as this opportunity is one that is basically a pie landing directly from the heavens for him."

Gramanos Almaganom couldn't bother to respond to them as she lounged on her seat with legs dangling from one side of the arm rest and she lazily picked fruits mixed with raw meat. Both kept hot by the Potent Artefact that looked like a tray.


After Kazu woke she had fully finished the 80 Artificial Crystals and decided not to use the Bodyweight Suite to clean the impurities and instead waited till she hit the Cultivation Haven terrain. And when she did, she saw that her theory was correct.

She stood in the room, and under her training regimen, she saw that the impurities melted like butter. However, like before, they came out through her skin pores.

The first time, with Artificial Crystal Ores the excretion was like water.

The next time, with Artificial Crystals, it resembled sweat on her skin.

This last time, however, it was like sticky slime with Artificially Refined Crystals.

She still had more time to train, about half an hour left, and outside of feeling that she was closer to breathing through to Divine Early Level 8 than before, she was also soaked in sticky slime.

Kazu Nini also wanted the alchemist to get back to her.

She forget all that and focused on her training.

A week passed by before she could stand and do basic exercises under the constraint of both room and BodyWeight Suite.

Taking the Artificial Mineral Stones felt like her belly was going through a belly ache as felt her core molded like a gear and piston on the inside of a machine vehicle.

She felt Ko-jin tendrils making their way over to her skin and she had at least 60 percent more to do before she could hit Divine Early 8.

Gritting her teeth, she wished that things were faster but she did not regret her decision to wait until everything given to her was replaced.

She spent the remainder of he time in the Cultivation Haven Terrain before heading back with hopes of good news from the Alchemist.

"He wrote some things down for you." The Fairy was talking to her as the Goblin and the Spirit were watching One eyed Ball and screaming in delight. "He said to take them seriously and down to the most minute change because of the risks if everything was not rightly done."

To be frank, she had the idea and most of what she had already thought was already at least 80 percent of the things that the Alchemist had written down.

She rejoiced inside because her Mental Capacity, then smiled at Zlai Dfon whose face grew pitiful at her Boss's effort to appreciate the Fairy's effort in approval of her actions.

Kazu Nini looked like she could drop the very next second. But she dragged her body to where there was covered trays with food and drink under aluminum wraps.

That night, she was about to sleep before she did the last set of Artficial Mineral Stines that she had. And in the morning her skin looked as though dirt had caked atop her body. Almost like she were a sculpture. And two days passed like that.

She realized the BodyWeight Suite still had its functions on. So, the Pixie stood up to see her staff outside her door with worry etched on their faces.

"You slept through a day."

She laughed as she felt that her body stull needed moe push. Though she could feel each vein without visualization because of the pain that highlighted each one that felt like they were on the verge of cutting apart.

When she got out of he shower, she saw that the had positioned chairs in a way that blocked the door so that she could not go back in.

They seemed to also be in a conversation where she could not get any of the attention.

So, she decided to go to the couch but the Fairy suddenly decided to go there and began shouting at the op of her voice.

Kazu Nini laughed before creating an orb of Glass to continue her cultivation. And before they could think of breaking it, she decided to up her Glass's reinforcement which she did 3 times.

The Pixie then took time to open one eye and stick out her tongue before continuing.

Outside, they looked like animated mimes in a furious session that showed their desperation to prove a point to their bored audience.

She laughed before resuming her cultivation, amazed at the speed it had taken her to reinforce her glass.

She laughed until she saw them cooking food outside her glass with mischievous smiles.


Jason Haon enjoyed his recent lifestyle.

His ancestor was still perpetually grumpy with him, always complaining but now the ancient fossil could not hide the admiration in his eyes.

The ancestor had even taken it personally to handle more of Illjako Enterprises affairs, as well as that of the Infamous Noble Ones. And when the Ancestor had first found out about it a few years prior, he had reacted with anger and indignation. However, things had changed.

He had heard about the encounter with the Royal Noble and what had shocked him even more than his descendants' reaction was that of Uniah Gramanos's own mother.

A Royal Noble!

He had talked to the boy this week, more times than he had in a regular year!

But, earlier this week, his descendant had taken the initiative to meet a Faux Noble.

This was the title given to one such that was detested in their social and diplomatic circles

That day, in the cover of night, Jason Haon had arrived with Jilla Haon to a house that looked like the backyard of a king. While it was spacious and extravagant, the walls, floors, roof and gate had chips and cracks that were painfully covered up.

So, in the space of 100 hectares, exotic plants in their pots, driveways for carriages, luxurious pet houses and dwellings for servants, was a man he had contacted not too long ago.

Ighjom Nunarin stood with one arm behind his back in anger as he waited. Doubt also was on his features.

Jason Haon had come in from a carriage pulled by an Epic Tarantula Beast of Class 2. It had about 16 legs and rose to height higher than a horse. Faster than one, venom was always readily in its concealed fangs. 16 eyes covered its head and it made sounds at regular intervals.

The Sprite within it's vehicle came down in smiles as he wrapped an arm around his companion after he helped her down.

"Hello there!"

"You know how I feel about nobles."

"Straight to the point, already?"

"I have a reputation to keep."

"Yes, I know I recently finished off someone who you could relate to. But you should listen to my proposition, first."