
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 42  (Part 2) Illjako and Gramanos (3)

This week had passed and Gramanos Almaganom was awaiting. In fact, from what she heard from those keeping watch in him, the Sprite had even taken his time to visit someone else before her.

When had she been mocked like this?

She had just made a few calls that had condemned various civilizations when her Telewatch had its mouth and eyes open up to shine forth a light which projected a screen for her viewing.

"Royal Prince Gramanos Almaganom, you have a visitor."

She growled and sneered. "Is it the Sprite bastard."

"... The candidate husband, yes."

"Send him in."

He had made her wait all day. So him coming at 6 meant that she made him wait till 11.

But any place owned by a Gramanos would be anything but boring.

On his way, he had noticed that there was more than one vein in the ground for cultivation. Natural spirits had been formed of different elements in different corners of the compound, of which he sensed the common 7 and even more abstract ones like sound and spirit. [1]

The next half hour was a garden maze of 500 hectares dedicated to massive statues ranging from 100 meter to 10,000 of different members of the Gramanos bloodline.

The last half hour was then another 1000 hectares dedicated to a house of milky walls, blood red doors and black windows.

Jason Haon had stepped in to witness a row of servants. Who bowed at the waist, some of them even human.

Walking after helping Jillia Haon down from their vehicle, he comfortably passed the first hall that had pictures of each Gramanos member worthy of being remembered with their accolades and descriptions, all framed in different precious stones.

When Gramanos Almaganom had finally arrived, he was taking a bite of an apple.

The Royal Noble had appeared in a transparent and dark clothing that hang from her shoulders to her ankles. Her slippers looked comfortable, her shorts clasping her upper thigh and what resembled a sports bra on her chest. No jewelry on her neck and head today.

"Royal Noble Gramanos Almaganom, my sincerest greetings."

She snorted. "You can follow me."

He bowed at the waist again before letting her lead. And she was quick to take him to the nearest room because she felt the heat of his gaze.

They entered what could hold a ball room with at least 200 people, outside of waiters for each one. Curtains fell to the floor and lights where soft enough to allow sleep bit bright enough to be useful.

"Have you come to your senses?"

He understood that she meant how he had been gazing at her back and how he had responded to her last time. "Depends," it looks like he might be able to have some fun today as well.

She would have furrowed her browse of she did not feel like it would sully her pride. "Do you consent to the marriage or not?"

"If Jilla Haon is regarded as 1st wife, then yes."

Gramanos Almaganom swallowed a plethora of insults. "What is your problem?"

"None at all, in fact. I am just hoping to get the best deal out of this."

"How can you expect a Royal Noble to be a 2nd?"

"I know how it is, but I have strong attachments to this one."

She arced a brow. "String attachments." Gramanos Almaganom even eyed him. "I felt your eyes not too long ago."

"Oh, she does not mind sharing." He smiled innocently. "But she has to be put 1st."

The Leopard Sphinx almost outwardly frowned. "So, you want my niece to be involved with you but you want her to be a 2nd?"


"Do you expect me to say yes?"

"I value freedom," he bit on his apple as his gaze roamed around her body again which made her shiver even though she had not thought she would. "Think about it, Mako Nini was a savior to a lot of people but i took her down simply because she stepped on my toes."

"What does this have to do with Mako Nini?". Gramanos Almaganom covered herself with the transparent black clothing and folded hr arms when she done.

"Mako Nini represented their freedom. Over half the people of nation and i attached it simply because it encroach on my territory. You know that her presence created a balance?"

"Her being alive and unhurt meant that the people could remain free and it would further deepen the grip Nobles had on other sides of the nation and continent?"

"Yes, there are places now where some of these people are not even sad. Entire states where they are born into service... yet i tool that down because i felt like and you think i don't know that once she marries me as my first wife all my years of hard work would be given and recognized as hers by the annals of history and the global records?"

"So, you don't want the Gramanos family to get involved in your trade?" She scoffed, "what makes you think the Gramanos family will be interested in your trade?"

"It is no problem if i give it to her because of my decision. I am saying i do not want to be... cuckolded from it."

"So you would say no to her as a 1st wife as long as your business and sales remain unaffected without your permission and will?"

The Sprite looked to be in thought. "Let me how you something as an example."

Jason Haon walked up to the Gramanos Side Family member until he was not 10 steps away rom her. Then he reached out to grab her body.

And while he approached, she had not ben cautious. Even when he stood not too far away. But now, he was attempting to touch her.


Sand wrapped around his hands and she had to remind herself not to break them.

"How dare you!?"

Jason Haon's hands were stretched for her chest, his fingers outstretched for her nipple.

"Nobles and Royals and Royal Nobles and people of those circles have more than one. They may do it for fun and pleasure. But for me, it shows a level of freedom where ambition or eve marital ties do not hinder."

"Are you crazy, are you trying to justify yourself?! Do you know who i am!?"

"Even in your Main family. Even Uniah Gramanos's mother is one of man-"



He hit the wall and slid down it. Chuckling, Jason Haom stood back up, and sent a mental command though the bind he had with Jillia for her to stand down.

His companion has actually started conjuring Garner Red Ko-jin between her fingers, a gale beginning to brew in the room s though a tornado were about to be birthed.

"Things like that are difficult for me to do because of the shackles of one such a bond. And i cherish my freedom."

"That aside, how dare you refer to her Most Royal Majesty!?"

"I apologize now, but have you stopped to think that if I do agree she becomes my own mother as well?"

Gramanos Almaganom paused.

"Imagine if i wanted to have recompense for today and the last time we met?"

The Sphinx turned serious. "I would accept whatever punishment. But as at now i would not tolerate any indignation that would be attempted to be drawn towards Her Most Holy One!"

"A fiery woman... I've never really had one before." His gaze was much more wanton than even before and he kept it on until her body shivered again. "Agree to my terms and let's settle everything."

She gulped. "I believe you have stayed her ling enough. I will have my men escort you out."

"Are you hot and bothered, Gramanos Almaganom?"

"I will not repeat myself, good night."


She stepped into the room and saw them cultivating thus time. Kazu Nini felt that maybe she was inspirational now, but that thought was overshadowed by her hunger.

The Spirit pulsed in a weird manner where the outline of where the bodily systems flashed one after the other. Slowly and gradually, they began looking like actual body systems. When she opened her eyes to nod at her Boss and started again, everything looked like a mess.

Zlai Dfon looked as if she were blinking in and out if reality as flashes of Light Blue Ko-jin accompanied each phasing in and out

The Goblin's seemed the most ordinary with her eyes closed. However, she was sweating and breathing hard as if she had run a marathon. Kazu Nini did not hear the Lindworm making any noises in its room so she assumed that it had cultivated too. Isimaila Fginja opened her eyes and went to get the food.

"Hello, New Universe CEO."

"Hello, New Universe Ambassador."

The Goblin eyed her up and down. "You don't sound as tired as you usually are."

"Guess results are starting to show."

"Good to hear that."

"When will the next shipment of Mineral Stones arrive."

"The week after."

Kazu Nini turned to see a panting Public Relations Manager before her with one shaking hand on her knee and the other towards her. Kazu Nini took the paper directed at her and glimpsed the handwriting of the Alchemist before eating and waving them goodbye.

The Pixie slumped on her bed and woke up in the middle of the night to inspect what the Alchemist had given to her

She was excited.

Kazu Nini had thought up various applications to herself during this time and because her mental energy had increased once again, she had even added more and more creative ideas.

This one, however, was the most simple and effective too.

Looking at it, she confirmed one of her many conjectures. And now Kazu Nini was even more grateful for the existence of the Mineral Stones, The Cultivation Haven Terrain and the BodyWeight Suite.

This meant that once she had impurities, not only would the new practice of Ko-jin circulation melt away any hidden ones, but it meant that she could push the BodyWeight Suite even farther. Smiling in expectation for the fight she began the new principle before she slept. Again.