
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 41 (Part 3) Illjako And Gramanos

It was early in the morning but the light was already on as Kazu Nini had forgotten to close the door.

The Wood Fairy imagined how tired she must have been to forget her door open.

Zlai Dfon she yawned and stretched, taking steps to see Kazu Nini in a meditative pose.

Her chest rising and falling, the Pixie looked to be at peace. Sweat had pooled under her and her skin shone as if she had used glitter.

"The energy was nasty, right?"

She nodded.

"How was your first experience."

"It's a god thing i had the BodyWeight Suite."

Zlai Dfon was confused until she slapped her head. "That's smart." She frowned as she wished she had had such a Potent Artefact when she had first used Mineral Stones "You felt the impurities, right?"

"I even saw them. I absorbed The Artificial Mineral Stones until my veins clogged up with impurities and my body started buckling."

"Her Public Relations manager gasped.

"But, I realized that if I added the conditioning from the BodyWeight Suite, it will would be easier to detoxify myself."

"How far have you gone?"

"I'll adjust my mind after i finish with the Artificial Raw Ores. Then I will go into the 90 Artificial Crystals, next "

Even with everything she had absorbed, she still felt kike she had a long way to go. She was determined to finish the Artificial Crystals before she slept. Then take the Artificial Refined Crystals after she woke up to test a theory at the Cultivation Haven Terrain.

"Has the Alchemist asked about me?"

Zlai Dfon paused to think. "No, he has not."

"Hover around him and find any excuse but mention my name a few times."

When Zlai Dfon wanted to give her water, she felt a spike of pain that almost made her faint and she wisely returned to her position of meditation before accepting it.


"It was a surprise to learn about what happened."

"Yes, the leaked pictures confirmed it thoroughly."

"It was her."

"Without a doubt."

Under suspended Chandeliers and lamps of different colors that floated about like drifting ghosts, the area had a low hum of sound to it.

"How had he managed it?"

"I don't know, I am as surprised as you are."

Many of the attendants at his time of the day had on suits or gowns. Some had servants trailing behind while others stood singularly.

"I would like to hear it from himself."

"Good luck with that."

"What do you mean?"

"You did not see the Carriage that had arrived first."

"...do you mean?"

The massive hall had 3 levels to it, each one having 3 more staircases to reach the next and more exquisite walls separating the last. The first had materials made of finest bronze - chairs, tables, carvings, statues, cutlery, and even vases - with enough space for dancing and 400 meter race. Most of the ones here just wanted to meet people and expand heir contact list.

The walls from the second reached the ceiling, even on the higher area that had stairs, but the wall was transparent.

"Are you serious?"

"So why is he showing off his partner?"

"Maybe he is not scared of their wrath."

"No... This might be a psychological move to cement his position in their minds and give them his stand."

"Hmph, he might be playing with fire."

"I don't mind bad boys."

The 2nd floor had glittering silver in everything ranging from lights to what the waiters here wore. Like the counter for he bar downstairs, everything down to the cutlery glimmered with he same precious stone.

Plus, everyone at this point were only Nobles.

From the 3 steps leading to this place and 6 steps that meant the next level, the floor space her could easily hold 1000 meters. More people here wore masks and facial coverings like gauzes or ones used for carnivals

Finally, in between the 6 steps was a landing that led to 9 steps and a curtain that fell from ceiling to floor.

"He has been awfully busy though, good luck on what you don't mind."

"Doesn't mean i won't try."

What everyone had in common was that, suits and ties and elegant dresses and high heels came in different colors and forms - ranging from hose that shifted in their very material to others that were stitches directly to skin - some even had skin suits.

Jason Haon was in a bright mood. Things had finally fallen into place. Tension had been dropped and his prestige had risen in his circles.

'He' had 'beaten' Mako Nini and it was recognised.

*The* Mako Nini.

Ha, that was the only why his ancestor had not directly slain him during heir last conversation.

Plus 'his' sudden change in attitude to the older Sprite cemented the idea that his blow against Mako Nini had been a carefully calculated one.

Mako Nini jad thrown away their face and trampled on it with her action over 17 years ago.

To the Nobles, he helped had fought for prestige but to the commoners it was a nightmare.

Not only was he seen as a 'bad boy', but he was also seen as string and more than met the eye with his already somewhat high cultivation.

Even those who used to only spare him a single glass now found the dumbest reasons to hang about him.

Face full of a disdainful smile, Jason Haon threw an arm around his companion and he swaggered as he walked purposefully in the ball tonight. By the time he had reached the final steps of the elegant hall, he had drank down every glass he had snatched from every passing tray.

Different eyes locked unto him and he did not spare one a glance. If the person who was monitoring who entered this level had stopped him for inspection, the creature's head would have rolled.

The air here was different. He could catch Ko-jin, money, power and status with a singular whiff.

Jason Haon took a deep breath and and sighed loudly.

The sights here were different.

Palanquins dotted the massive area, some looking like stages at a concert and others like thrones.

The sounds here were different.

There was a general music playing for all but each palanquin had their sounds guarded by Potent Artefacts.

The feeling here was different.

It was all dazzling gold.

And the attires here were outrageously relaxed or loudly flamboyant or in-between.

Taking purposefully slow steps, he reached the very end of he room and all sounds died.

"Royal Noble Gramanos Almaganom, it is an honor to be in your presence."

He observed the courtesy after dropping his hands from his companion who did likewise.

The Royal Cat was biting from a mouse that had just died from her fangs, blood dripping to the floor. This one had chosen a human form but had kept her eyes, ears, tails, claws, fangs and whispers. Even her bine structure was still feline, it was just everything else that looked human. Jewelry hung from her neck, wrists and ankles. The tiara on her head was bronze and all had gemstone stuck in hem. Outside of that, her silk long sleeved shirt stopped at her abdomen while her shorts puffed at her knees before they clamped just under them. Her shoes where more like golden slippers and they followed the arc of her feet.

"Jason Illjako Haon, we finally meet."

Looking up from her meal, she met his eyes for an instant before returning to her food. And others would beg for that honor alone.

"Yes, I am actually intrigued that House Gramanos would actually take an interest in me out of the many other Nobles."

If she was not going to give him further face, he was going to do he same. So, he sat down and stretched his legs fully before crossing them. His companion rested her head on one of his thighs as he stroked her hair.

"Your ancestor visited us." She took another bite. "Hard not to think about you about after 1,000 of them."

"Ha," he smiled. "I know he can be such a... Willful Sprite."

She finished her meal and licked the blood off her paws before taking her flexible tongue round her mouth

"Yes, intermarriage can be troublesome thing."

"On that, I agree."

The cat studied him for a while.

"Do you think you are worthy of her?"

"My companion or My Ancestor's choice?"

He had just said that it was not his decision and it had not been aware of it. One could say he had just shown his disinterest in a Gramanos.

The cat before him considered killing him in more ways than one as he donned an indifferent expression.

But then again, for someone to finish off Mako Nini...

"Did you say what I think you just said?"

He shrugged.

"I am a business man." He smiled as he stroked the hair on his thigh. "I need to understand what i can gain. Yes you are powerful and up there and envied and feared and loved and respected but what if love does not blossom in her eyes? I also do not enjoy forced relationships."

"Pffft, never took you as a romantic."

"If I do become your relative, you would not care what i am."


"And what about my companion, she knew me first."

The Cat frowned, I know about Sprites. Which means, they can be petulant about who they first form bonds with."

"I want her as the first."

The cat laughed. "Did your ancestor put you up to this?"

"No, he buried me literally."

"He is prudent." She cupped her chin. "The first prudent Illjako I have met to be so. No, the first I actually think I can spare my thoughts on."

"I'm not changing my mind."

The Cat before him wondered if she felt frustrated enough to mate with him then dispose his body after she was done.

Then, she thought if she should not make it fancy and send his pieces to his ancestor.

Or, if she should just walk away; she had nations to toy with.

If this guy was not a Sprite, she would have given her time to think of a plan that would ruin him and 9 generations of his.

But, she had been told to come here , so maybe she could get a high standing in her family if tings ended well.

"Do you hit girls?"

"Well, I recently had a scuffle with a woman. But outside of that, I have never given it a thought, really."

"I see."



Jason Haon found his body in the air but he quickly adjusted himself to land on his two feet. His partner had already started circulating Divine Energy.

However, after getting tense for a moment and the fellow Royals now looked at him like he were trash, he suddenly laughed.

"You want to test my resolve? You will have to do better than that. But I am feeling sleepy tonight, enjoy yourself and don't forget my terms."

He then bowed and turned around to walk out.

"Do not forget I am Almagnom Gramanos, be careful!"

Not facing her, he waved as he left.