
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 41 (Part 2) Cultivation Begins and Ideas.

Kazu Nini put it back in the Box before placing the container into her SpaceBox.

"We never spoke about your trade." She met his eyes, "you brought it up. You were saying something about it."

"Oh, I commune with them. As a liaison."

"Like, both sides?" She looked at the box.

"Don't worry that was from one of us."

"How?" She started reaching for her gag reflex.

"No like, they don't know."

She stopped.

"But to stay on their side I hang with them. On occasion."

"How am I not sure I stand in the presence of a Noble?"

"I really can't prove it but I doubt your man would send you to one."

She was debating over the box until she realized that Belthion Ijima would not allow her meet or conduct business with one of them. At least, not on friendly terms or without a bet.

"What kind of information do you sell to them?"

"It's more of a social circle kind of thing. Latest gossip, current affairs, trends and all that."

"How old are you?"

"Too old to be a student, but not old enough to be one of those hermits."

"You are useful for maintaining a double identity, why can I trust you?"

"Really, if you did not hear sincerity in my toast or you think Belthion Ijima has no respect of you then you can continue doubting me."

She paused, "how long have you and Belthion Ijima known each other?"

"About 50 some years."

She made a call on her Telewatch.

"You did not tell me he played on both sides."

The Dragon laughed. "No need for worries. I've known him for several decades."

"How many?"

"Almost 5"

"Trust. Scale of 1-10?"

"I'll give him a 7"


The Giant whistled as he fell on his butt, stumped at her level of doubt.

"When I ran away for greener pastures, he met and worked together along the way. And there was where he honed his craft."

"His double faced craft?"


She dropped her hand and stared at the Giant before walking away in silence.

"I could get you their next moves and important issues. Things to exploit and things that could be helpful."

"… I'll decide on what to do with you later."

"I am invaluable. Do not forget me!"


When she got back from the Cultivation Haven that day, Ismailia Fginja smiled at her as though she were her lottery.

"The response was amazing," was that a growl in their spare room? "We were able to get other New Universe helping out."

"Boss," she heard a whining voice. "You did not tell me what to do."

Zlai Dfon's cuteness transcended what she usually had when she used puppy eyes to guilt trip Kazu Nini who wanted to laugh but was taking time to appreciate the girl's beauty.

"Next time," Kazu Nini turned to the Goblin. "Is that Ninomorua?"

"Yes, apparently I just had to fill some forms."

"Won't she mess up the room?" An apple got stuffed into her mouth from her councilor.

"Nah, I got something with the last of my savings."

"Okay." She turned to see a plate of what looked to be leaves but with scattered meat, corn beef and carefully dribbled stew. Chicken was on one side and scrambled eggs was on the other. Fruits like mango and tomaties where on other plates. The last one had pasta and bread on the side for dessert.

"Healthy body, healthy mind."

She smiled at her Counselor and dived in immediately after she sat on the Island's stool. Kazu Nini had been eating more as she had been pushing herself for her date. And before she slumped to sleep, she heard the Goblin say that the EquilibriumPotions would be appearing next month.

The rest of that month was spent in the Cultivation Haven Terrain and after she could release her moves while doing nimble movements that made her resemble a professional gymnast, she started adding on the BodyWeight Suite to her training regimen.

So, on the 1st week of the 2nd month till her match she stepped into the Cultivation Haven Terrain and booked a room.

She entered into a dark space and turned the light from 0 till it hit 1.5. it was just on the border of useful and glaring which she had been doing since she came to not only test how much she could isolate it with her glass but to work her eyes

Next, she did temperature knob that was double sided and rose it till 1.5 on the side of heat.

Sweat began trailing her skin from her forehead as she continued.

Then, Standard Cultivation Vein helped to agitate the Ko-jin flowing on her body. Like it were boiling. This would learn to not allow herself be distracted while performing techniques. But it's 2nd purpose could not be wholly experienced till Ko-jin veins were connected fully to her skin so that she could add the Divine Energy in the air to her body and increase the rate of her cultivation progress.

This one had two knobs to itself one for stages like 'Divine Early, Divine Medium or Divine Late' and the second knob for 0 – 1.5. The 2nd knob she hit to the max after putting the 1st Divine Early. A familiar feeling of her Ko-jin veins wriggling slightly from the external influences came to her senses as she reached for Huma Vein on the wall.

For this Vein setting, she set Physical on 1, Soul on 1.2 and Spirit on .5. At first, Kazu Nini felt a uniform weight distributed to her body. Then, her thoughts grew sluggish as if trying to think was as toll taking as working out. And for spirit, it was as though her anchor to this reality had deepened.

Lastly, Beast Vein felt like it was a kind of cultivation which directly reached into fibers, chitin, organs and skeleton. A burden appearing on all the above, tempering it with pressure and what felt distantly like heat. So far, she had been able to reach .5 on this one too.

But what she had noticed with the BodyWeight Suite was that it was pretty much a portable Human and Beast Vein. It even had a setting for temperature.

The advantage it had was that she could add her inner body systems and even capillaries too. And to her senses the pain climbed until she thought she might pass out. Even breathing was heavy as it seemed like her lungs had weight. Her heart slowed down a bit and her vision faltered but she bit her lips and persevered..

While his was painfully thorough, the downside was that its options were limited in comparison to the room's.

So, after her workouts, took a deep breath and made the heat on the BodyWeight Suite drop until she stopped sweating to counter the high temperature of the room. Then, she added a quarter of all the settings she had used from before on the Human and Beast Vein with her BodyWeight Suite.

Slowly, the Pixie had wisely set herself in a meditation pose as her body shook like a massaging machine, then she began to cultivate. Until the building closed for the day, she did not leave. And he was quiet until she reached her room. She couldn't even wave Ruthany Jasmine at the front desk. The troll lady sighed and hoped that the Prime Student for the first years would not break herself while Kazu Nini had an idea on how to continue her cultivation in doors.

At the beginning of this month, the NDI chat group had informed that that by the end of last month she should have gotten the Mineral Stones and she was looking forward to it.

Nothing could have uplifted her spirit more like seeing the delivery box in front of her door.

Her shaking hands moved to open the room and Isimaila Fginja waved at her.

"Get my Identity Card and the box." She walked in as if her soul had left her body. "Tell me you prepared some food."

During their conversations she had been making no other movements apart from smiles, shrugs, slight nods and minute head shakes. The only major thing she did was to take the shaking spoon from plate to lips. Her body was too far gone to even contemplate anything else.

The Fairy had rushed into her room to get the card and the protection around the box opened until it was just the package with CavityBracelets. She would gave to send Naro Meena the money for it.

"Take it to the room, I need to rest."

"Awwwn" you just came.

"You could wait till I wake up where I would continue."

She shrugged, "okay."

The Spirit handed her a paper like she had been instructed the month before. All updates regarding the subjects treated in class, any message any teacher had for her and anything said in the group chat.

She had no reply from the Alchemist but once she had acclimated to the training she was on, she would be able to do her own cultivation without necessarily needing the alchemist. She smiled as she took the paper then fell on her bed.

Waking up and showering at night was a chore, but she did it anyway. Zlai Dfon was cultivating too. Even the Goblin has sat up with hers, it was only Jagonu Nanhor who was watching T.V.

When she is out of it, tell her I am awake." Jagonu Nanhor reluctantly tore her eyes away from the T.V and nodded.

She felt aches in everywhere on her body. It was almost as if, it was a headache that was covering every part of her body. She could not wait to get used to it as she saw the package and opened it up.

A note on it said that this was the first batch and gat another will be sent.

It was full with Artificial Mineral Stones.

100 Artificial Raw Ores,

90 Artificial Crystals,

80 Artificial Refined Crystals,

70 Artificial Vein Crystals.

She grabbed the first Artificial Raw Ore and tried absorbing it.

It felt like she her veins were being carelessly pricked. And she felt the energy run along all of her Ko-,jin veins before they settled in her core.

There it was like stomach pain. A chronic one that made her bite her scream and Make her clearly understand what she had 99 more times to experience.

She unconsciously began kneading her core by herself and the pain became less unbearable.

More to go and she eas already dreading it but his was the oath she had chosen.

But what if…