
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 34 (Part 3) Nini Past (1) and Meeting The Nobles (5)

 Uniah Gramanos grew a smile on noticing Isimaila Fginja's expression and she could not wait for things to blow up in the Pixie and her roommates faces. She scoffed under her breath as she did not dare interrupt the conversation like her fellow contemporaries. The Coe Head was seeing Kazu Nini's behavior first hand and he was almost impressed.

 Sadly, though, she was up against the Nobles. So, this was going to end horribly.

 "Yes?, Is that a yes?" Jolhenge Fanipurom was all smiles and he even impatiently touched his ear as he leaned forward.

 "Are Nobles deaf or something?"

 The Cow Head blanched like her friends before narrowing her eyes like the Royal Cat after they shared horrified expressions. Iskrin Olinum was smiling because the deeper Kazu Nini sent herself into he rut, the less they had to do, personally.

 Haron Javan, however, was worried about what would become of the Fairy after this incident.

 Rashta Micko actually stood up but Haron Javan slapped his shoulder back down.

 The inulted man in question glanced at the Head Master before reigning his emotions and then shooting a question in reply.

 "Do you know that all of heir tourist attractions have a tag on their bodies?"

 "What if she decided to give it a special markings in the case where a Noble's greed would get the better of them." Kazu Nini looked at him as if he were stupid and the man almost reached out slap her. His friend his laughed it out.

 "Well, there is also a spot where a tracking device was placed into its body."

 "What if there is a scar there, too?"

 "What with all these… unpredictable placing of scars, even you would have to agree that it is quite suspicious. No?"

 "Who would harm their own pet to prove a point as fickle as this." Kazu Nini stared at them as though they were brainless. She even face-palmed. "Plus, it would have to be a fresh injury if she would want to hide it."

 "Well, before we begin, let me just clarify to say that while she was younger I was trying to train her with a ring of fire and she got a scar all over her underbelly."

 Both of them squinted, but then still waved their hands.

 "Nonetheless, let us see."

 "Yes, let us see."

 The both turned to the Head Master, who tapped his Telewatch, promoting a door frame to form mid air and the same person that Kazu Nini and her roommates had seen taking care of Ninomorua, fall out along with the RecuperativeCage that was intended to help it heal.

 "Greetings, Head Master. The familiar face bowed at the waist to her superior, but to the Nobles, she only nodded her head. "Mister Jolhenge Fanipurom. Jolhenge Fanifara."

 Their brows lowered but hey chose to ignore it. If his was back home, 10,000 lashes would not do. The creature roared in excitement as it sensed its master. Then, it began growling as it also could tell that she was nervous.

 "Shhhh, its okay."

 Hearing her voice, it calmed down and began looking across the room. Facing Rashta Micko, it roared and he flinched before the doctor in charge of it pressed something on the body of he cage that shut out sound.

 "Can we trouble you to show us Ninomorua's body?"

 "Sure, sir." She extended her hand and Topaz Yellow Ko-jin enveloped the entire cage before it was lifted and upturned. And on its back was a long scar in the shape of a ring.

 Both Nobles pointed and exclaimed.

 "The point of vandalism has been covered, brilliantly."

 "So brilliantly that if one di not know, they could even completely miss it in carelessness."

 "I guess this is what life on the end of the spectrum is." Jolhenge Fanifara was going to spit for effect but he did not know how the man behind himself would take it. "Vermin kind with vermin tricks."

 "My students are not vermin"

 Their lack of response proved a theory that Kazu Nini had thought of once she entered the room.

 "We have extra video," Jolhenge Fanipurim was not going to give up easily. Even though the Gramanos house had asked him to deal with such a trivial matter, he would anything to get into their good graces.

 The next clip showed two halves of a screen. The first was a blueprint. No, a map with a blinking dot on it. The second showed a trail of cameras that where being shut down as the culprit of the crime fled the scene.

 Eventually, way after 10 minutes of destroyed cameras, the only screen showing activity was the one with the blueprint. But eventually that one stopped too.

 Jolhenge Fanipurom ended the video and Jolhenge Fanifara picked up.

 "After gaining access to the city cameras, we found the culprit's lair which began a year of direct chase. After that the case was not taken so seriously anymore. However…"

 "We have their artifacts such as the masks and clothing." Jolhenge Fanipurom' smile could not have been wider. "Can we do DNA test?"

 "Evidence can be forged. It is not the first time in history and it won't be the last ." Kazu Nini scoffed. "Besides, you have the gall to publicly want to me intimidate me, a 17 year old girl. So, what else can you no do?"

 Jolhenge Fanipurom almost slapped himself for wanting to pressure her earlier, so he could only keep his silence as Jolhenge Fanifara picked the conversation up.

 "You seem to have a reason for everything. Personally, I think you are hiding so-"

 "Head Master I pardon you for wasting your time. Because, I can only imagine that with the amount of time wasted on my part, you being busier than I am, your frustrations must be past the roof and even transcending the limits of the universe."

 She wanted to not only stomp on their faces but tug on the part of the Head Master she hoped was already tilting to their side.

 "I do apologize for any uncomfortable inconvenience this meeting may have cost you." She was ready to spin about on the spot and head out but his next words stopped her. "The thing is, I do value my peace of kind a lot and would rather have this to he settled once and for all."

 The Nobles smiled at his speech as it showed that he man was bot biased but only fair. And while that had detained the girl, it meant he could not be bribed either.

 If only he were weaker than them in cultivation, they could have handled it as easy as blinking.

 "Urgh," she folded her arms and rested on one leg. "Lets get this over with." Now that she knew he might not stand up for them except in an emergency she felt disappointed, but she had not yet proved her worth to him. For her, that was just a matter of time.

 "Do you mind answering one of my questions… student.?"


 His brow twitched so violently that Jolhenge Fanipurom would have spoken up if Jolhenge Fanifara did not raise a hand.

 "What is your name, exactly?"

 Her eyes bulged and then she imitated puking. "I'm too young for any advances of any sort. Please."

 Now his fists clenched themselves until they made popping sounds.

 Jolhenge Fanipurom, chose to laugh and speak in his comrade's stead. "No, no do not misunderstand, we have options from across the globe. You cannot even imagine the amount of beauties would feel honored if we so much as lied about wanting them to hold our cups for us while we used the toilet."

 He laughed again and wiped a tear.

 "Does she remind you of someone?"

 Kazu Nini sighed and interrupted. "Royal Cat, are you unsatisfied with the last match. Do you want another one, is this a product of you being unable to face ne after failing your goals?"

 Uniah Gramanos brightened up and was going to speak but Jolhenge Fanifara Held up an arm. So, Kazu Nini interrupted him again.

 "Maybe before inheritance grounds are open, what do you say?" Kazu Nini had a pleading expression on her face, like she would do anything for this. "Unlike you, I have things that need to get done. Things that I don't need permission to speak up for."

 "She reminds me of some… Nini woman like that." Since, she would not listen, he might as well speak to his friend.

 Kazu Nini's head snapped to them and they both knew that it was someone that the girl probably knew personally or distantly. Thus, they would drag it out.

 "It was not just the woman though, it was as if they were all… possessed is a string word for it. She was not possessed, no. It was like their genes had this…"


 "No, not exactly."


 "That too, but it does not entirely encapsulate it."

 "…Insanity, perhaps."

 "Yeah more of that. I mean compared to what we saw insanity seemed pale in comparison."

 "Do you remember how her cousin was dismembered?"

 "Oh, was he the one that was pulled apart by different horses?"

 "Yes, yes I think that was him."

 "Hah!" Jolhenge Fanipurom laughed until he had to catch himself from falling. "And how his body was paraded for weeks on end."

 "Yeah, I think his wife ran away, even."

 "Like a beaten dog with her tail between her legs."

 "It was as hilarious as it was pathetic."

 "Pathetic Pixies."

 "Wait, wait not just any type of Pixies though?"

 "Yeah, yeah just the Vermin."

 "Don't mind hem, boss." There might be many of those around. Maybe it is a popular name."

 I mean, as she stared at her Public Relations Manager that was finally proactive, her face would have darkened by now. But maybe, maybe they were talking about someone else. Someone else with the same last name, right?

 "What are you dumb nobles talking about?"