
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 34 (Part 2) A Beautiful First Impression and Meeting the Nobles (4)

 Their surroundings were pure white the first second before they photoported into a room wide enough to be a basketball court. [1.]

 When light molecules coagulated to reform Kazu Nini, she found herself in a space that had guards at its four corners, a desk 10 meters away from the door that had two and people waiting in absolute silence by going through their papers or staring at what resembled a television that hovered before one of the walls.

 Haron Javan reformed, after all but Iskrin Olinum and began leading them towards the door guarded with two personnel. The Pixie at the table noticed Kazu Nini and did nothing apart from slightly shivering the spectacles on the younger Pixie's nose bridge through Mental Energy. Kazu Nini nodded back before the other lady mouthed, 'New Universe Rocks' and then she returned to her work.

 Papers kept on changing their positions on the table as if they had a glitch and the pen did the same, so did stamps, clippers and staplers.

 When they reached their shut destination, the personnel stood farther apart from each other and the oak door was opened by the Ghoul.

 In front of their eyes were 4 people that Kazu Nini knew and 3 she did not, inside a space that was half of the previous. Shelves lined the walls. And where rows did not have files or folders , they had books. On the only free wall was firstly the 3 insignia of the flags that were right outside of he building. The column underneath it had pictures of one of the men standing in the room, along with several other placed behind him and ahead of his. Then, the last row hold plaques and medals of different sorts and kinds. Apart from plush chairs used by the people she knew, there were ones not being used and ones before and after on ornate table.

 Uniah Gramanos turned her head their way and grinned at her rival before Cow Head took a second look at Kazu Nini. The Shapeshifter, Rashta Micko, stood beside at the end. But the other three made her feel danger when she so much as glanced them. And she could tell, from mannerism alone, which one was noble and which was not. [2.]

 One had a glass over one eye that was round and was connected by a chain to a necklace that held a pendant, his eyes held a cruel light. His soft black satin shirt revealed a bit of his chest hair and his brown silky pants looked even softer than his shirt. Whenever light did not catch them, they sparkled.

 The other was skinny and had his glass spectacle over the other eye, his bracelets had spikes adorning them that were covered in diamonds. He wore a navy-blue jacket which he let fly like his white shirt underneath. His trousers stopped at his ankles, and his loud shoes made him resemble a sneaker head.

 The final man looked even younger than them both, but Kazu Nini had a feeling that this guy was *old*. And his dressing did not give it away, as he had a pressed red shirt with the DNA Helix about it, his jacket was over one shoulder and was golden. A handkerchief that was silver hung about his neck, his Telewatch was silver, his ear rings were yellow, his sleeves were platinum stripes on black background but the cuffs and gloves were onyx black like his shoes.

 This one smiled kindly when she stepped in.

 "Is this the worm?"

 The fat one raised his nose so that it was now upturned as he looked down on Kazu Nini as if she truly were wriggling, only to be eventually stepped upon.

 "Be mindful of yo-"

 "Are you a dog?" She chuckled, "my apologies. Are you a flea?"

 His face darkened as Uniah Gramanos's eyes opened until they look like saucers and then a pressure started from the ceiling, falling like an avalanche until it was about to touch the young Pixie girl and then it just… vanished.

 "Jolhenge Fanipurom I would ask you to not only mind your manners and how you regard each of my students, but much more to consider your status and more importantly, mine."

 The fat man puffed out loud and then calmed his breathing before the skinny one picked up.

 "I am Jolhenge Fanifara and I heard about something that might be a lost belonging. How can we settle this?"

 "I never saw a name on it."

 "Usually, when party A presents their name, party B responds with that. It is common courtesy and does not need a special birthright of being noble to be understood before it can be carried out."

 "Oh, sharing my name is no problem but how much can you pay for it?" She shrugged. "I need funds."

 His eyebrows twitched, "You want me to pay for a name?"

 "No, just to return to what is more important; Ninomorua." Kazu Nini then stepped to the side and held the Goblin's shoulder, until she urged her roommate forward. "Don't worry, they can't do anything to you."

 Isimaiala Fgninja had been shaking from how Kazu Nini had been regarding them since she entered te room. So, she swallowed spit and cleared her throat after blanching at her Leader's face. Rolling her shoulders, she finally got the courage to speak out without a shaky voice.

 "Ninomorua is mine, and mine alone."

 "Hmph, you think we came all this way to bicker." His fat jiggled as he swung out his arm with the intent to step up but his friend kept a hand on his shoulder.

 "Do you have papers that recognize you as its owner?"

 "No, I never had them."

 His lips turned up in calm, "so you admit to stealing them." The Royal cat smiled alongside Jolhenge Fanifara.

 "I found him in the wild, how can I get papers from that?"

 "You heard her, what does that have to do with theft?"

 The Fairy and the Spirit had not yet spoken. For the former, maybe she was shy but the later…

 …Kazu Nini glanced at the Spirit to see it looking as though it were bubbling. The Head Master had looked at her multiple times. And not just because she was angry, as since he wanted no dispute in this space of his, no body could try any sort of madness but because she seemed… familiar.

 "Jagonu Nanhor, they could not wait more for us to lose control and break the rules. It would put the ball way into their court" The Pixie transferred speech to her Councilor and hoped the girl would listen. "Be calm and let us figure this out together."

 The ectoplasm that formed Jagonu Nanhor went from boiling hot water to placid lake when Jolhenge Fanipurom turned to Kazu Nini. "It was caught in the wild," he laughed as his fat jiggled. "I can prove it to be false!"

 "Go ahead!"

 Jagonu Nnahor had shouted more than she had planned to, maybe she had intended to Transfer Speech at first. But now, a pulse heavy Light Blue Ko-jin had violently radiated from her which Kazu Nini cancelled with a similar action so that it would not seem as an act of aggression, being that fighting was not allowed.

 And these were guests currently present in their midst. So, her punishment would have been worse.

 Luckily for the Pixie's hopes, the Fairy had caught on. Good that, that one was attentive even if she was not proactive. Kazu Nini outwardly smiled then turned to regard the Spirit whose 'chest' was rising and falling.

 What exactly had happened between Jagonu Nanhor and the Nobles?

 The fat man squinted his eyes her way and declared with indignation, his facial muscle twitching like he was being electrocuted in his deep, deep snarl. "Against me, Jolhenge Fanipurom, you dare!!!"

 "Enough!" The Head Master declared and everyone turned to him. "You said you have proof, and you have been asked to show it. Let us see your claim!"

 The fat noble returned his glare before going through his Telewatch in obvious fury. Then, after a while, a screen magnified itself several times until was about 6 by 6 feet big.

 "This was ten years ago; you can see the date 10,448." Jolhenge Fanifara spoke as a video began. "And this is a clip from the Zoo itself."

 "Can you back that claim?" Kazu Nini asked, "that it was from the zoo itself?"

 "I can contact the owner," Jolhenge Fanifara grinned. "Right this instant."

 "I don't believe you."

 The Head Master clapped, "let us watch. Please."

 The video showed people leaving and coming out of a zoo but the camera was angled from the top, and in a corner that focused on zoo habitat in particular.

 That corner had people taking picture in animated glee. And inside it was a Wyrm. No, a Dragonling. however, the video's play bar was touched and dragged by Jolhenge Fanipurom until people had dispersed from the area on the video. [3]

 At some point, a creature was seen to have scaled the outer fence and walk into the habitat. Then, as if jolting in realization, it then turned around to reveal that it wore a mask as it then squeezed a ProjectileGun in the direction of the camera that destroyed it.

 The video was minimized in his Telewatch and the projection disappeared.

 Kazu Nini began with a clap, "bravo. So, a Dragonling getting nabbed by a perpetrator in a mask means not only that it could be any specie but a Goblin." She raised her brows at them. "And not just any Goblin but Isimaila Fginja?"

 "Yes its lack of arms and legs and sharpened horns makes it a Dragonling, but your surprise at that shows your depth of ignorance." Jolhenge Fanifara's mouth was in a slight smile. "I should be the one clapping at your depth of ignorance. It is truly outstanding."

 "Not even that," Jolhenge Fanipurom was uproarious with his laughter. "You do know that before Goblins begin cultivation, they are standard height, right?"

 Even if it was an actual Goblin," She should have began cultivation earlier like Mako Nini had suggested; such facts would be common place in her memory, "what makes you think that this is the Goblin responsible?"

 Jolhenge Fanifara rubbed his goatee before folding his other arm behind his back. "We can conduct a series of tests to prove it's origins."

 Jolhenge Fanipurom blanched before nodding his head so that his cheeks bubbled. "Do you dare or not?"

 The Goblin's hesitation was obvious. So, Kazu Nini laughed confidently and replied in her stead.

 "What are you afraid of? Let us get this over with."


Teleportation using light as a means or a bases


Prologue 16 part 3


Dragons have different forms of cultivation and it will be highlighted when necessary