
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 35 (Part 1) Nini Past (2) and Meeting the Nobles (6)

 "Don't mind them, boss." There might be many of those around. Maybe it is a popular name."

 I mean, as she stared at her Public Relations Manager that was finally proactive, her face would have darkened by now. But maybe, maybe they were talking about someone else. Someone else with the same last name, right?

 "What are you dumb nobles talking about?"

 Veins on their foreheads twitched at her question, but they continued on as if she had not spoken. "Well spoken… what about the things she said before she ran away…hmmm."

 "She cursed her child as she blamed it for her husband's death. Hahaha!"

 "How pathetic, so weak and useless."

 "Such trash deign to call themselves beings. It is so ridiculous."

 "FINE!" She was breathing hard now. "I'll tell you my name, but you need to tell me the complete story."

 "Oh, did you hear something, Noble brother?"

 "I am not too sure because the volume was a bit too low…"

 Kazu Nini let a breath out before bowing at the waist to the Head Master. "May I take my leave? I really am a busy person." She did not fail to notice Isimaila Fginja's startled jump, so she spoke again. "And could I take me and mine with me?"

 The Head Master regarded her and was about to nod. When the fat one spoke up.

 "So, you finally decide to have manners." He chuckled, "striking a deal? I think you might have manners."

 The skinny one turned to her, "how long does it take you to speak like you've had home training?"

 "How long does it take you to say something to catch my interest?" She snapped back. "Are all Nobles as empty and boring as you are or is this the price of being in your social circles?"

 They both waited a while and it was Uniah Gramanos that broke the silence. Surprising to the Pixie, she wanted peace.

 "Seeing as we have reached an impasse, Noble Lord Jolhenge Fanipurom and Noble Lord Jolhenge Fanifara, I will give a good word to my parents if you can get his issue settled." She then rose her chest from the slight incline it was at before continuing. "Sadly and painfully so, I have to agree with my… fellow… student… that time is of the essence."

 The both perked when hey saw that she would out in a good word for them both befoe they spoke again.

 "Okay, kid, what do you want to cooperate with us?"

 "And don't forget that this is a chance of a lifetime. We are nobles, we have connections everywhere you can think of."

 Kazu Nini paused and regarded all her friends before speaking her mind.

 "1, PhysiqueStabilizers, SpaceStabilizers, Epic Beast Feed, Artificial Raw Ores Space Boxes Hyur and Advertising my brand."

 None of them shifted, it was nothing heavy.

 "2, Finish up your story and a challenge at the Royal Cat so that she would cease her pestering. While I do kike followers that are as loyal as dogs, I do not like smelling ones that always bring about flies with her presence."

 Now, both the Nobles laughed. If this girl was on their side, she would spectacularly cruel and beautifully corrupt.

 "3, Give I and Uniah Gramanos the same amount of resources to reach the next stage of cultivation. So that, she has no excuse to being beaten when I am through with her."

The both smiled at one another and were about to speak but she continued.

 "The betting stakes to the match would be that Isimaila Fginja gets to keep her pet and it can never be taken away from her person. And the both of you will not only spectate the match but sign your agreement."

 Now, they both frowned at first. Though later it changed to smiles. Because, the watershed from Divine Early Level 9 to Divine Early Level 10 was the same as Divine Early Level 1 – Divine Early Level 9.

And even if the Nini Girl managed to skip 2 levels and reach Divine Early Level 9, Uniah Gramanos would still be in the lead.

 Plus, while they were acting on their own, they could use their surrounding vision to notice that Uniah Gramanos had nodded her assent. Without her parents, they would rather spend their past times manipulating wars between countries to earn profits or infiltrating governments to fill their pockets.

 And, she would be able to master a certain technique unique to Sphinxes by that cultivation stage.

 They wanted to speak but carefully reviewed the conditions to make sure there were no loopholes or word games.

 "How much exact quantity for condition 1?"

 Kazu Nini went through the number of people in her New Universe before remembering that she also did not have funds at all. "At least… 100 times."

 The Head Master laughed this time but the Nobles only nodded their heads as they were impressed.

 Jolhenge Fanipurom's smile was now as menacing as it was genuine "Our turn for conditions, right?"

 "Don't forget that time is precious to us both."

 "Concerning the match's bet, if you lose you have to kowtow to Uniah Gramanos and proclaim her Majesty. I will give you a list of things to say every time you see her. Then, all your followers both home and abroad must swear fealty to their family for a 100 years, their generations 4 times included. The 2nd condition will have your followers at all times following her whenever thy see her to speak loudly of her eloquence and beauty and eternal reign."

 Jolhenge Fanifara, who had been waiting patiently, finally spoke up. "Tell me your name and that of your aunt, honestly. Then, outside of school grounds – if attacked – you cannot receive help from school staff, extending to all your members."

 She smiled widely and proclaimed, "deal."

 Jolhenge Fanipurom spoke next as he folded his arms. "Deal."

 Jolhenge Fanifara spoke last. "Deal."

 "My name is Kazu Nini, my aunt's name is Mako Nini."

 Jolhenge Fanipurom covered his face. "It is her! She is the one!"

 Jolhenge Fanifara, "it also explains her attitude. Her aunt is so much more worse than she."

 "I remember her saying something along he lines of… 'we will pull you down from the skies and stamp your worthless lot!"

 "She told me the same thing. It is indeed her you speak of." It was Kazu Nini who spoke next. "Now, tell me the rest of the story."

 "I remember them being bold. Stupid, but bold. And they challenged the entire Nobility of the country. When they were asked if they could handle the ones of Jhoklon, they said that they could."

 "They were indeed given a chance and they won… but only against half the states of this country."

 The Fairy stared at Kazu Nini in shock as she could imagine their string of victories.

 It sounded impossible!

 Kazu Nini could not get over the fact that she had heard something about her mother just before.

 "And that was when just the two of them participated."

 Now Zlai Dfon and Isimaila Fginja fell on their butts. Jagonu Nanhor turned to the Pixie with so much respect in her eyes that it was almost worship.

 "They did the impossible, them both. They won and won and won and won and won until… we Nobles changed their tactics."

 "If anything, it was a good wake up call for those who never took cultivation seriously by thinking it was something which could be simply solved by buying pills and sleeping all day when they were hedonistic in their mannerisms."

 "So what was this about my mother and father?" She did not care an ounce about what happened to he nobles. She kind of felt like he was cheating because she had not yet finished the MemoryBalls but still.

 "Your father, he said something he should not have – to someone he should not have – so his punishment was both a spectacle and a warning." The Noble's expression went serious. "He did not scream, at all."

 "These were his words, "how would I stand up to my child in the afterlife if I let out a hint of discomfort. Kazu Nini! You will accompany Mako Nini and stomp their faces." The man then shifted as if uncomfortable. "He went on to describe what sort of faces we had, but not a single hint of discomfort when he was dragged, tied up and then pulled apart."

 "Your mother, wanted to destroy you in her womb because, if not for her pregnancy, she would have had enough power to fight alongside them. It was your aunt that stopped her. The woman had to pick between that and saving your father. You can imagine who she listened to if you are still alive." The Noble then furrowed his brows. "And according to the research done on her after his incident that made them the hottest topic for years and years, she was the strongest of the two. Which means that although he hated you… she loved you.

 "Yes, reports said they had never won against her."

 "Adding the fact that they had personally encouraged self defense in their school, and were all the cream of the crop."

 A silence was drawn out and she turned her back to them. "Head Master, can I leave now?"

 He sighed, "fine"

 "What time is it though?"

 "Yeah you have no-"

 "A day to the opening of the inheritance grounds."

 Uniah Gramanos frowned at her, "at that time positions would be contested either way. And those positions will determine who gets the additional prizes."

 "When we reach that point, we will set new bets. So far, haven't you had fun as my sponsor in school all this while?"

 "We are enemies and this is of no use to you, I know." Jolhenge Fanifara, spoke up which made his friend think that he was growing sentimental. I heard she is targeting the CEO of The Infamous Nobles Ones… she should be sure not to get herself in the same mess your father did.

 "Did not realize Nobles had feelings." She scoffed, "do you have feelings for me or her? It's a no from both of us, though."

 Jolhenge Fanipurom turned to his brother. "Even I am curios, too."

 "Haha," he rubbed his goatee and laughed. "No, the things is… if sue follows the oath of your father and you are left without standing… You will only have this school to be your back bone. And if that is the case your mindset for cultivation might drop… in other words Uniah Gramanos has been motivated since she cane here."

 "Oh," Jolhenge Fanipurom Nodded his bulbous head. "True, why do you think they never targeted you and annihilated you on the spot? They do believe you will help their cub grow."

 The Sphinx in question frowned hard when she realized that she was going t pretty much on her own but she immediately killed the expression. So that by the time she was done wiling her face with her hands, it looked as though she were wiling mock tears at Kazu Nini.

 "Whetstone, you still have use. Do not disappoint me."

 "Haha, Royal Cub-that one is a winner." Kazu Nini dragged in catarrh through her nostrils before adding. "Do not forget that if too much pressure is out on a blade as it is being sharpened, it can break. And when swords are broken, they can never be fixed back. Even if hey are melted and then rejoined. It won't be the *exact* same."

 Kazu Nini walked towards the door using Instant Step an Uniah Gramanos did not have time to voice her comback.

 "New Universe, Out!"

Author's note.

Quick Step


Instant Step


Explosive Step