
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 20 (Part 1) Mako Nini’s Adventures (2) and A Johklon Noble (2).

"Put your hands up, you have trespassed on Private Property."

Before her were at least 50 armed personnel in black uniforms from head to toe, like the ones she had recently encountered, who had everything from ProjectileAutomatics, to KeratinBombs that ate through flesh and only attacked bones or Tissue Bombs that targeted only bleeding objects and their tissue.

Mako Nini ignored the man and made a pulling gesture that dragged the 1st Ball of Glass which had previously broken through consecutive floors and the made object burst through the wall, dragging along unfortunate victims that had surrounded it with guns raised and about to spray but had not even had the chance to shoot.

"I need to speak with your boss." This room was not actually a room but a Hall having lights set into the ceiling with a space big enough to be half a generous underground parking lot if the parking lot was sa stadium. Tables were here and there, along with wood that had been covered with wallpapers of abstract things ranging from letters to swan. She somewhat excepted it to smell damp in here.

"I repeat again, put your hands up, you are trespassing on private property."

She sighed and rubbed her temples. "I really need to speak with your Boss." She understood every pattern she saw from the way he would react from the sound of his voice to his breathe and his slowly moving muscles that did not escape her eyes as his helmet had lass for him to see through. Thus, she was tired not because of what she knew would happen but because the predictability made the event to come a bit repetitive.

"Do not blame me ma'am." He raised his hands and all of them pulled the trigger at her.

The Fingers of Glass from before merged together like mercury thinned out into a pane that zig-zagged about the airspace surrounding her so that each shot was returned to their owner. But she knew that would not hold them for long as she needed her inquiries met. "Again, I need to speak with your boss."

Rising up as their regenerative abilities were kicking in, they decided to use their PotentTalkies. He pressed a button that made a static sound before going silent. "Intruder requesting audience."

"Are you nuts?" the voice on the other side sounded frustrated. "You said the words intruder, so why is there even a bargain happening?"

Mako Nini sighed before the man speaking to his boss realized that all of his other crew were now headless.

"Please, I beg you sir. Can you ju-"

"You are fired!"

"Please, I tried." He dropped the PotentArtifact and fell to his knees. He was not sure which was worse; his incoming fate by the hands of his Employer or the one before him.

Mako Nini saw he had use and then the glass that was beneath herself peeled a layer off itself and pointed an arrow towards the Elevator door she had broken through, the wrecked 30 Times Reinforced Steel Doors. He nodded meekly thinking it was his end when the glass that followed him sealed him in that space so that she did not have to bother about his person for now.

50 more came this time from the door at the extreme end from which she saw was a large Elevator, and most of them were in the Second Trilogy of Cultivation – the Divine Adolescent Trilogy – and where strapped like their fallen comrades. And having assessed the bloody scene, they kept their distance with some positioning themselves on their knees, some yet behind pillars or others behind tables, and mostly flipping them to make for cover.

The last person who walked out of the elevator had beauty that suggested of his Elf lineage even without noticing his pointy ears. He was about to spout nonsense when he realized that attempting to assess her level made his Ko-jin quake in fear. However, his confidence came not only from his own boss who was downstairs and cultivating but just the fact of the status of the CEO of this company, INO, was.

"What have you come for?"

"You cannot be the boss; your cultivation is too pathetic."

The Elf too, like his garbed friends, was in the Divine Adolescent Trilogy. Even though he was in the last stage unlike them, which was the Divine Chief Stage Level 10, he was not at the very peak – A Divine Young Master – but still he was confident that even if he did not beat this intruder, his own boss will. "You are surrounded by concrete and stone, Pixie, your glass would not be to your advantage here."

"Do you want to test it or do you want to live?"

He spoke surreptitiously and quickly into his PotentTalkie before replying in a calmer voice. "Why did you come to the site of Companion Company to wreak havoc?" He needed to buy time, "this is not even our headquarters because if you have already gone through all of this trouble, you might as well have just told me that you were lying with your intention to only speak to my boss? See, I love my job; not the best, but still."

She understood his viewpoint so she did not feel angry at this moment at all. Someone like this was fed scraps to keep him in line so that the figure of his Boss being a messiah was imprinted in his mind. "I have come to talk, but not with you. How can I speak to someone with authority?" Maybe he was from an impoverished childhood and she did not know whether to laugh or pity him because of this.

"You could have filled the request form to see someone. With your power, being given immediate response would not be hard."

She rolled her shoulders in annoyance, not only because she needed to talk with the man at the top, but then again also because he was probably right. "The people coming, are they going to be of useful help?" She had already taken this path so far, and this was the quickest as well as the most ruthless besides, no one in here was a saint. "And help to you, the situation or me?"

He almost blanched, for her to sense even the underground layers meant that her sensory perception was at least…it could not be. His partner - An Elf Beautiful like him, if not more so, and Dark, with tattoos that glowed intermittently – stepped into the room to assess the situation and the tattoos pulsed with more frequency once her eyes locked unto Mako Nini's.

Behind her yet, a full head taller, was a man whose hair looked like it was straight of anime; spiky hair that almost made him resemble a porcupine. Stopping at his neck the hair added to his already tall height. His shirt could barely hide his muscle and he unsheathed his claws as his feet elongated until he had hind feet and he was on all fours growling. His teeth visibly became pronounced and sharper, his eyelids narrowing and his ears elongating. The last of his transformation was the emergence of his furry tail.

The first Elf raised his hand up, shouting. "Fire at the airspace between we and her in sets."

Mako Nini facepalmed as bullets left ProjectileAutomatics, the ground tried to encase her from her back by forming itself into a maw that wanted to enclose her while wind of over 20 knots shot at her after concentrating from just before the open jaws of the Werewolf and condensed lightening balls met themselves at a splayed palm from the Dark Elf.

*"Combined Technique,"* their voices shouted in tandem. The strained voices of three Divine Chiefs merging an attack. *"Voltage Tempest Execution!"*

The beam of Lightening and Wind merged to exponentially grow in power until it reached her, making some of their subordinates pass out from the charged air alone and others to forcibly revolve their Ko-jin so that they actively engaged regeneration to protect themselves unlike a good portion of their paralyzed comrades. The remaining few where fighting to concentrate by making their Divine Energy do laps around their bodies.

With shining clenched palms; a glowing neck and face; and lastly glistening tattoos as well as scintillating clawed palms - all shining forth Emerald Green light – the beam reached Mako Nini just as the Maw closed on her and attempted to squeeze her while the Beam of Lightening and Wind exploded in her face, within the entrapping animated face.


The ground rattled but they knew better than to relax even before she emerged unharmed out of the dust. Her pane of glass was back to slithering about her and deflecting all incoming bullets from the surviving henchmen. When the Elf saw the direction the Pixie intruder was headed, he stomped on the ground, popping a 15-meter-long pike that was as fat as 10 trees out from the floor as even the ceiling added to its girth and proportions like a magnet pulling metal. Although the different materials added to the formed weapon so strongly, it resembled clothing being pulled from different angles.

The Werewolf roared again and clapped his hands, pulling in wind suddenly that was at knot 50 this time, which swirled around the Earthen Pike like it was its armor, giving it a deadly spin and fortification of both offense and defense.

The Dark elf contributed too, with Kazu Nini only now 20 meters away from them, by opening her arms in a wide arc that birthed a palm which was at least 30 meters tall.

When the Elf pushed his arms forward, the Pike added power to itself from not only the floor and ceiling but the lights and most of the pillars.

When the Werewolf started pushing his palms that faced each other forward, the wind rotation increased and the pike got faster and faster as it shot forwards with speed that dwarfed its weight several times over.

The Dark Elf lastly stamped one foot on the ground and supported her body forward with her other as she pushed with all her might with one of her arms so the Lightening palm donated half of its body to the spinning Pike and increased its lethality while the now 15 meter palm pf Lightening carried the Wind, Lightening and Earthen Pike like it was an Immortal's technique in a blast of speed which threw everyone but the most advanced cultivators into the air, walls, pillars, what was left of the ceiling or their graves.

*"Divine Encounter!"*

The plane of glass that was formerly deflecting glass about her body became a glaive that cut through the attack like fire and butter, or knife and paper or rotten meat and eager hands.


The explosion;s manifestation time that had been 5 seconds slower than the splitting of the technique affected not only the henchmen, the grounds that rattled as if it were the snares on a drum, the ceiling which ruptured as if it had encountered a volcanic eruption face to face, but mostly the Elf who she caught by the head which got exploded against the locked doors of the elevator on impact. By the time she had had reached there and he was well gone, she turned to notice what patterns she could read from the remaining fighters; will they fight, flee or surrender?

They had chosen the second choice and had zipped behind her, slightly disappointing her of how sometimes creatures wriggled to survive, although in such acts cold force the said organism to evolve. Thus, from disappointed, she almost became impressed and saw endless patterns how she could work with them.