
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 20 (Part 2) Mako Nini’s Adventures (3) and A Johklon Noble (3).

She floated to the Elevator and touched buttons so that she descended unto the last floor.

Like the one above, this one had a large stretch of space with tables or pillars in between the lighted area. She saw a bald man with a goatee who raised his head up after she entered.

"I was hoping for an audience."

"How did you get down here?"

"I need to talk to your boss."

"Haven't answered my question."

"Oh, I took care of what I needed to. Now, your turn; how can I reach the noble who runs this business?"

"Who is asking?"

"Not important for you to know, I just need to speak with your boss."

It sized her up with his eyes and from the Balls of Glass hovering on ether ends of her person, he knew it was a Pixie. His boss had never told him to expect a Pixie, so had already planned to enjoy torturing this one. "My Ko-jin seems excited, are you that strong or am I that bored?"

"You could be so many things in your life. Your specie has so many branches to cultivation and you think you want to end your journey?"

"Haha," it laughed honestly with eyes closed and a tap on its belly. "Entertain me, please."

Mako Nini tiredly glanced at her opponent and did not need her senses to tell her that the man had reshaped the internal parts of the building to become some sort of cuboidal structure that expanded until it met with the external walls of the property since she had watched the building bending like it was some sort of robotic dancer.

All the walls had their damaged pieces returning to themselves as if time sought to heal its wounds, ceilings wet higher and higher to join the roof while floors merged as they descended to ultimately fuse into the one they now both stood on, entire levels slurped into the walls so that vertical length was added to the growing structure and windows were crushed to nonexistence, their glass pieces falling to the floor and disappearing to the ground as if the floor which Mako Nini now stood was quick sand while new spaces were broken in the wall to form natural windows.

Not entirely symmetrical, but now at least the being she fought would have space to reveal its true form. She waited as it took extra precaution to add a DamageRoom to the very destruction resistance of the space and environment it had modified by throwing a box that paused midair which started out looking like concrete but unfolded and unfolded endlessly, becoming into light as it did so, until it found the modified walls of the building and eventually stopped, sticking to the internal perimeter. When it threw another box into the air to add to the danger room and threw yet another, she was certain that it did not have a better version of the Potent Artifact she had just expended; the DamageSpace.

She knew that when it had to resume the shape of the building back to normal, the parts that had been broken before by her will heal because of the Building's Core, but it thought that it could win her and that was the only flaw in its plans.

However, to also add more of allowance of room to move about and indulge to their desires, it then brought out another box that it animated with infusing some of its Ko-jin. This one was a sphere that pulsed with Ruby Red from lights that began to crack over its entire body until it was covered in a strange pattern of lies over its whole surface. The AreaExpander did as it name suggested and would allow them more room so that they could run about the building – at least for several tens of thousands of Kilometers – without any worries. The being before Mako Nini did this several times.

Lastly, it pulled out another orb that was like a toy pyramid, which once again floated to the very center of their space. This one – The AreaFortifier – broke off all its sides; All 3 and the bottom part; that melted into the perimeters of the building. Then within the structure, the pieces met and strengthened all it came across. Repeating the process again and again, Mako Nini was starting to feel impatient.

When she looked up to distract herself, she could see a layer of vapors coming into the building that now literally scraped the fall clouds – actually having 3 layers of atmosphere if this where earth but only with almost one here on Hyol – she then allowed herself to remember that there was a part of the compound which the creature had not allowed the expansion of the building to reach, so that the building was less of a sky high towering cuboid but had one arc; a sharply angled edge to accommodate a building in that corner of the compound on the outside. If the Werewolf and the Dark Elf knew better, they were either already done, or trying to be already done, or maybe they were casualties. But in either case, she hoped for the best.

Clearing her throat, she called its attention that she already had just from her mere presence. "So, what's your point?"

"I have to do my job," it made a shrugging gesture and waited until he felt that all the Potent Artifacts he had employed were in place. "Nothing personal."

She sighed and 2 Balls of Glass came to either side of her person, 3 more layers peeled from the Glass Platform she had been on since she had come to the lower levels. And each of them formed fingers that splayed themselves at her North, East, West and South. She then motioned politely to his person so that he began.

And begun he did.

"My name is Fklap Prion," and like its voice, its body popped like a busted balloon, except noiseless. His tone deepened until it was a mix of an erupting volcano and the sound of hundred thunders, and that his height went from relatively 0 to 100, real quick. His form gained so much mass in such speed that the friction from the process caused the air about him to burn like when he threw a punch form his being that was now as tall as half the building.

*"Suppression Punch!"*

Its voice alone whipped up air in the surrounding like a vacuum was finally opened after airtight sealing to experience a compressed storm of winds, the passing hand drawing heat, light and painful screeching sounds. The savage, incoming fist seemed to attempt to squeeze everything in her personal environment – the air, the space, her body against itself, the ground and the surviving tables from the metamorphosis of the building – as if his punch had made her a sort of black hole expect that when the environment that bent her was to meet her and get sucked into her person, these ones were supposed to crush her.

But supposed to, did not mean it happened.

And Mako Nini calmly floated in a cube of tightly interlocked Glass Fingers all surrounded by what was supposed to be a burial of air, space, ground, light, sound and smell. She did allow the gargantuan creature to hit her cube of Protection and gain broken bones from its phalanges to its elbow joint.

Its howl would have shattered the glasses from vehicles that passed by in a 100-meter radius but with the height of the building and the fact that it was reinforced by Damage Rooms, The AreaFortifiers and AreaExpanders, the entire structure only shook as if several earthquakes were happening all at once.

"Willing to talk now?" Her voice passed through all the suppression all about her, and in response it snarled at her as if staring at a millennium old hatred before clasping both the restored hand with the other and bringing them down like it could end the whole world of Hyol with this strike.

"ROAR!!! Eat This!!!"

His bellow could have caused a path from surface of water into deep blue bottom and the light, air, smell, sound, space and ground unraveled themselves from all around her who had a hand on one of her Balls of Glass, lightly pushing it forwards.

*"Punishment Of The gods."*

The Ball of Glass delayed sound and only after breaking through one clasped fist till it reached the shoulder socket did it come to a sudden stop. The countless sound barriers broken finally showing themselves in its trail and mangled flesh was a testament that an object actually passed there and was not always there as its current coordinates suggested. In fact, by the time the creature felt pain registering in its nervous system, the ground along with the reinforced space and building, all exploded in a spray of debris that resembled part rain and part landslide especially with the addition of so much blood into the mix.


It screamed, obviously going to fall off balance and missing its target when the older Pixie tapped the other Ball of Glass so that although it hit the other arm and made the falling Giant get back his balance on his knees, his other arm only stuck to his bones because of this merciful attack that drew lines of blood across his skin and dented his phalanges on that hand.


It was about to get its bearings as its other bone began healing when it realized the first Ball of Glass was in the way and the pain of it regenerating skeleton it brought was gut wrenching. When it tried to cry out in pure reaction, the convoluted Fingers of Glass unfurled itself like a blossoming flower that could live not one more second without the sun, and grabbed at his goatee, pulling him down to the ground in a blast of debris resembling a waterfall in reverse.

"Willing to talk now?"

"Screw Y-"

Another group of Glass Fingers grabbed his scalp and yanked it upwards, flying higher than it would reach after carrying it to sufficient height then smacking it back down, so that if before was a waterfall in reverse, this one was an avalanche.

"So many ways to end this, you just need to tell me how I can reach him."

"You only need my blood and my fingerprints, but good luck getting them."

"Are you ser-"

She squinted her eyes when she realized that he had tried to bend the air about herself against her by stopping its flow into her nostrils. Mako Nini's eyes dropped in disappointment as it opened its mouth that made her look as if she was biscuit to it. And in the depths of his Jugular, a Beam of Ruby Red began grew first from a hum that rumbled everything as if the structure was a guitar string that was plucked. When the Beam was released in a flash of heat and wave, she timed when the Glass Fingers on her his head smashed that body part to paste out of frustration.

So, the Beam of Ruby Red erupted out of its feet instead of his teeth. making both a jumbled gore and hit the building that had been reinforced with Potent Artifacts from earlier. The attack was stored in the structure until it could be handled no more and poured out of the ceiling of the sky-high structure like a true volcano only on a scale that was almost unbelievable.

"He should have said that earlier and saved me time."

Collecting what needed be, she returned her pieces of Glass after she made them portable as a necklace and also into arm bracelets each before collecting the parts of his body that she needed, made the Glass Suite that was always on her body to now make her invisible and then floated out of the structure.