
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 19 (Part 3) Mako Nini’s Adventures (1) and A Johklon Noble (1).

Mako Nini saw the city, saw the faces pass by, saw the adverts on the building, saw their intent to bend customers, admirers or critiques to their whims, saw wind shields of the vehicles and also saw a thousand expressions on a thousand faces that could mean whatever it could in their conversations and eyes. Epic Beasts mounts and their drivers, with some glancing at her in kind, rude or hard. The older Pixie marveled, as always, at the pattern of all things that existed while she flew past by in her Ball of Glass, at how many things happened at this moment. And how many things too could and would happen if they moved in a trillion possibilities.

Mind bent on her destination, her eternal musings that happened even in her subconscious did not stop her from leading the ball and glass over the land and higher until she hovered above the hundred floored structure of her choice. INO was written in bold letters and the acronym was spelt out under it. Both of them blazed in the night sky like a quasar but a lot of things that could afford it did so too.

The Pixie saw HoveringBots that were armed and would open fire at her, the moment they noticed her – in 3 seconds – so, she let most of the Ball of Glass that hurtled forward in terrifying speed to catch all the Potent Artifacts of security she could, then mentally ordered the ball so high into the atmosphere as if she wanted it to escape the planet. Slamming back down with a terrifying ferociousness that totally contradicted her calm expression with a generous boosting of Sinhalite Brown Ko-jin which propelled the Ball Of Glass filled with HoveringSecurityBots to smash through at least 10 floors even after the futile resistance of the RubberGumClothing that acted like a screen of elastic defense for 10 seconds between each ceiling.

With the alarms blaring, she timed her entrance and her feet touched the ground just as guard after guard reached out of the front doors while others that had wings flew out from windows within the building to go check what had happened at the top. The Humans in all black uniforms strapped from head to toe in more than ProjectileAutomatics that they pointed at her with when they saw her. But seeing her hands up and her panicked voice, they did not pull the trigger. Mako Nini did not allow the ID card of the Manticore who had given her much needed information to be angled properly. And when they drew near, she slapped the human guard so that by the time he hit the man behind and beside him, his skeleton had become spikes that impaled the other guy. She then flicked her right wrist and glass became an arc that passed through the remaining necks like hot knife through butter.

Mako Nini next used the same glass to pick up the weapons deftly and dump them unto her Soul Space before she entered the building where she slapped her hand on the ground after arcing her arm on the ground, so that the Ball of Glass on the 90th floor was boosted with Sinhalite Brown Ko-jin once more to first go back up and first smash through the group of flying guards who were shooting at it into paste in an abrupt circle, then wreak what was left of the regenerating levels it had previously destroyed, devastatingly, coming through 30 floors this time. At the same moment, a shield had sprung up before her face and body to avoid all the bullets from the Projectile Automatics.

And as the regenerative effect of the structure had kicked in yet again, she threw back the Ball of Glass through 30 floors before dropping it back down for the next 50. This time however, the Rubber Gum Clothing between the 70th and the 69th floor had slowed it down enough so that it stopped only after 40 floors destroyed in total.

All this separating of her mind to use the Ball of Glass for a perfect distraction did not stop any of her fluid motions, and she continued on to pushing lightly tap the shield, while she mentally expanded it, so that it caught all her attackers and slammed them against the wall to become some sick artist's graffiti of entrails and massacre.

A fresh batch came into the room and the Glass that was once a stretched-out shield became a spinning knife that buzzed through everyone that appeared before they could pull their triggers. The reception hall was thoroughly died in blood and bodies, and she sensed some people behind the front desk even as she flicked her fingers to make the Ball of Glass go back up into the atmosphere before returning downwards with more of a boost so that she broke through the ceiling of the 59th floor.

Seeing the elevator arrow head direction light up and ping with directions as if the security personal could not pick where to go, she smiled as she browsed the hallway with her eyes.

Numerous pillars before a group of couches and an open ceiling that allowed views into the second floor. Instead of railings on that floor to protect its customers from the high heights if they were non-cultivators, it was glass that overlooked the statue of an angel in the center in the middle of a fountain. Even as she heard unsheathing of knives behind the front desk to her left most and the cocking of ProjectileAutomatics, she looked at the elevator at the extreme end opposite of the angel and the emergency staircase noting that her informant had been precise and honest. Flicking her fingers one last time, The Ball of Glass went up again until it needed Escape Velocity to move any further while down on the ground, she took 3 short bursts of speed forwards – left, right and then against a pillar- towards the front desk.

*"Hammer of The gods."*

Smacking the back of her fist down, Mako Nini's fists clenched hand hit the man's head into his neck, the second got blinded by the skull that flew like shrapnel from impact to blind him before the man's ribs pieced into his lung as if directed from inside somehow. The third man clutching his ProjectileAutomatic had successfully jumped backwards to allow him shoot at Kazu Nini's guardian. However, before he could pull the trigger, the Glass of Ball that almost escaped the planet of Hyol Smashed into him and further reached into the ground of the building.

Actually 200 floors - one set above and the other underground - Mako Nini knew that she stood in the middle of what was once actually a megastructure.

Looking up, and before she went to the doors that were extremely opposite to the back of the angel statue, the glass piece that she had used as a spinning knife formed into another Ball of Glass that hurtled upwards in blazing speed and lost a 10th of itself every time it passed a ruined floor which became lethal shards to any surviving enemy of hers until it reached what should have been the 100th level. When it sped back down collecting of its bloodied pieces, after she noticed that the floors below ground where tougher and that the first Ball of Glass had only crossed 30 floors, she crossed 10 meters with each jog, crushing the angel statue and its upraised sword when it came into animated life - with the new ball of glass - as if it were a bug. A 3rd Ball of Glass spun from her necklace that she usually kept hidden to hover behind her and she used a slice to make a small platform like a tile which she used to levitate.

She tried her informants' ID Card where it should have been accepted and it shimmered red in rejection of her approach which made her wreck the door beside the exit staircase. Seeing a long stair case down, she did not need to use much effort to break down floor after floor as her goal was the last. Sufficient for its carnage and distraction, she then aimed in the direction of where the elevator would be and punched the glass ball in that area wreaking all material that stood between her and the Elevator Shaft. Passing through wall space, she hovered until she reached the Elevator Shaft up high above which had passengers coming down, and then she let her hover board drop, converting both glass pieces with her into 6 multifaceted blades and sent them up with blinding speed.

Doing the job with ruthless efficiency, gore that was supposed to splatter on her was shielded with 3 of the multifaceted blades that reached her even faster than the remains of the corpses she had just created while the 2nd set of 3 multifaceted blades became another slab that shoved the dropping material of shredded elevator into the wall space she was partially in.

Not forgetting to resume her destructions through the lower floors of the building from the 1st Ball of Glass she had created before she even entered the building, she caused more mayhem and could see that guards were shooting at it in the room it had destroyed; from the bullets attacking it, she could see the path of the ammunition projectiles; from the path of the ammunition spent, she could see the ProjectileAutomatics and from the ProjectileAutomatics, she could see their wielders. Thus, she once again repeated the process of raising that Ball of Glass into the air before hurtling it back down at stupendous speed. A fraction of her mind made the set of multifaceted bladed that had now pushed slab away from her body to become a platform that she stepped unto and lowered her form into the Elevator Shaft towards the bottommost floor while the one that had protected her from the gore, she created to became a Ball of Glass behind her.

Like that, she slowly descended until she reached the final floor. And before she did indeed proximally near her destination, she made sure that the Ball of Glass that she had been using to wreck through floor and people arrived at the same level she was at, at the same time she was about to make an entrance herself. Mako Nini abstractly used half of the platform beneath her to mold glass into fingers that easily pried A Steel Door Reinforced 30 times.

And she did not need her senses to know she was going to be surrounded, unfortunately for them.