
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 19 (Part 2) Move List and The Wait.

Kazu Nini recalled that had learned how to make the Solid state of her glass into Liquid when she had been trying to use her powers under RestraintHolderChips during her kidnap. She knew that the difference between solid and liquid in matter was the strength between each molecule and the laxity or strictness of those bonds.

She had never named the *Glass Ball* she created around herself for defense and flight

*A Hundred Castigations.*

This was where she compressed glass until they burst into a hundred needles that could each pierce or carry things away from their impact. She can also use each individual projectile to hold things and redirected them. She can form and explode it at will.

*Forgive My Rudeness.*

She does a feint and launches a spear of Ko-jin towards the opponent. Still, she herself merges fists of glass so that a hand of glass that is double her torso follows a heartbeat behind her as she rushed in to pincer the opponent. Did not work against the orc, however.

Kazu Nini took a step forward in the filed she was in and when she saw that someone had just left the stall and the one moved forward. She then crossed her legs and went back to remembering her moves, the ones she had used before at least.

Fist Food

Merging one more fist to an already formed Glass Fist.

*A Knuckle Greeting, Please?*

She would keep an opponent locked between two fists that were bigger than her torso. Meant to crush to paste. Did not work out against the orc.

*How About A Present?*

Four hands the size of her torso or greater, lined themselves behind her body and are each boosted with Ko-jin. Merging into each other as they go, the damage they wreak is astronomical.

*A Christmas Present.*

She adds more Ko-jin to exponentially increase the speed of the moving 'How about a Present' at least 20 percent.

*Die A Thousand Deaths.*

An improvement of 'A Hundred Castigations.' A thousand needles that get faster for every half-second they spend blazing through the air. The longer she directly empowers them, the faster and more destructive they get. While this version can attack more deadly and can even track opponents based on her willpower, at some point they begin to miss more and more because of their ever-growing speed.

Kazu Nini moved forward again in the line she was waiting in.

*Glass Cloak.*

A move that imitated, Kivon's. Works on the same principle as weight training and burdens the user's body so that if they wish to be strongerl, they had to get used to the weights. Eventually when they do, they become improved in strength and speed. It helps both mental and physical energy the more she increases the concentration of glass and has to withstand the result with her body.

*Glass Skin.*

Glass Cloak Pushed to its limits so far.

*Here is a Greeting.*

The move she had used on Kivon when they had battled.

A combo that started with propelling herself atop a fist at the speed of a rocket and launching an uppercut.

Then, she begins raising a fist of glass up from the ground that is a torso and a half as she creates platforms to hold her feet every time she attacks the also rising opponent. As she throws more punches, Kazu Nini jumps around the air, also creating mini fists that connect to the other fighter so that he/she is lost in confusion as to where the attacks are coming from.

When thoroughly disoriented, Kazu Nini places a platform both behind the opponents and above them so that she drags a punch on their cheek until the person is entirely sent through the fist that had been growing from the ground all along.

*Meteor Series*:

A series of fists that can have their numbers upped, as long as she keeps channeling Ko-jin to them.

*Have You seen Meteors Streak?*

Fists half her torso form behind herself and launch themselves at the enemy, only to come back around on missing or if the enemy is capable of wrecking them.

*Have You Seen Meteors Pursue?*

Fists the size of her upper body, these ones pursue for 3 seconds, and they can also explode on impact like a small grenade. Only to form again.

*Have You Seen Meteors Evolve?*

Fists the size of her torso-and-a-half these ones can pursue for about 9 seconds. They can merge and geometrically increase an explosion that normally would be a PSG.

Kazu Nini moved forward again and was surprised at the speed of the movement of the line but she kept that to herself.

*Eat My Fist!*

Her slowest move thus far, and her most effective.

First, she spends at least a minute building a fuist above and behind her so that it keeps on growing. Before it, is a spiining luquid like glass that adds a twist to its movement and doubles its already devastating impending impact. Especially after it is boosted with Ko-jin.

It can be made deadlier by coating it with mud.

Mud Fighting

Kazu Nini has various steps to this.

1 The first has her eyes glowing momentarily on occasion with no visible change to the mud

2 The second has her eyes glowing like they are on fire (the color depending on cultivation level.) And this time, the mud glows from within like a steady pulse

3 The Ko-jin on her head seems to resemble a flame and Ko-jin covers the Mud Minions until it looks like jumper pajamas.

4 Ko-jin trails from her body like the whisps of a ghost about her body, some connecting to the mud directly, and the mud she uses are contained in globes of her Ko-jin where the whisps meet them.

Each Enhancement is exponentially stronger than the last.

*Mud Minions.*

Adaptable Mud she got from a transaction with Belthion Ijima, her Spy agent in the New Universe. With the Core of 12 times Reinforced glass. Using the dolls she had crafted since she was young, and after making sure that they had bathed in tribulation with her, have been stronger and much more and they had been made the central form of these Mud Minions.

Note that the reinforcement after 2 can pierce natural steel and each successive one only gets stronger if not geometrically but exponentially.

A Bird

A mobile airborne predator, stronger and faster than it looks to be. Carrying, slashing piercing and Air movement,

A Bear.

A savage predator, built for withstanding impact and its strength.

A Killer Whale.

Built for its mobility. When at play, it has liquid mud over its body with it at the center so that it appears to be swimming. Mud can be made to be in liquid or solid states because Kazu Nini not only evolves her glass by increasing the times it is reinforced, learning to make her own glass into a liquid form and also picking up on mud after learning that Earth(sand/soil) and Fire make glass.

A Cheetah/Tiger.

Purely for speed, cutting and agility.

*Let's Fight Dirty.*

Coating her attacks in the mud which geometrically increases its strength because she is not only wielding the technique but separately adding the enhanced Adaptable Mud to whatever one.

Now, she was in front of the line and she had gone through the moves she remembered using. Now, there were several things she wanted to improve on.

If the Solid from packed a punch, The Liquid form helped with malleability what would a gaseous form help with? Certainly, her shield would be better in a liquid form but what of gaseous.

Her Mud Minions, she had to find a way to upgrade them.

Part of her was curious about learning technique manuals but she was quite good with what she already had.

And most importantly, she had to improve in her cultivation as it was the base of all her strength.

Long into her thoughts and now midday, the door finally opened and she stepped into the stall which had a wooden door. In her mind, she knew that she might have too much already and maybe she just needed to adjust them for now. Thus, the young Pixie walked into the room to see an empty space, that seemed to be a hall, a square hall where she could let loose.

After thinking about it, she started with Glass Cloak.


The night was not too cold, the breeze intermittent and barely lifting her garb of pure black. From here, she could hear residents far below but she felt gaps in her searching senses - like the void or a cliff you wanted to grab form a fall that you would miss despite your greatest efforts - where SenseDampeners were. She sensed an ancient excitement within her like the promise of expectation that had been long waited for, and for a second, her killing intent slipped her control like a caged Epic Beast that wanted to turn a millennium of hatred and resentment into reality. Taking a deep breath, reigning in her excitement and keeping her intent back on its leash, Mako Nini stood atop a rooftop as she surveyed the entire city with a good portion that was closest to her panicking in her recent slip of control of emotion and intent.

She could see her contact from literally at least more than a mile away;

The man who surreptitiously glanced about his surroundings not wanting to be noticed. He shook beneath his clothes every time he passed the cops. Every time he wove through different races, she could tell that he thought one of them would be from his employer and would claim that they knew his mission tonight from the way his face flicked up to everyone he came close to.

Up until he met the older Pixie, he rattled like a snare drum. She saw his form underneath a ragged cloak long before he had climbed up to meet her.

The spots on his neck, his glowing amber eyes, the turtle claws on his hands, the furled mosquito wings, the lizard tail from underneath his garment and his cat head would have made the Manticore all too recognizable, because barely any were like the last.

He relaxed ever slightly when he saw her and threw his head around as he approached, going on his fours to further conceal his traces. "I got what you asked."

"As I asked?"

"Yes, now I need your end of the deal."

She threw Traveling Tickets to his hands, complete with his face and all his forged identification.

"Use It promptly, I intend to wreak havoc."

"Be careful, I think he is a noble."

"That is not your worry, but mine."

he paused a while. "Thank you."

"Business is good. Keep my contact on your Telewatch."

"Yes, but you do not know what this means to m-"

She flared her Ko-jin and he scuttled away like a discovered rat in the middle of its stolen meal. Crossing her legs, she looked at a detailed report he had handed over to her. Then, looking over at the distance, she saw a hundred storied building as a mischievous smile grew on her face.

She missed her youth.