
Night Class Nightmare

Fear. It is something that we need to protect ourselves. But is it okay to be afraid of something that does not exist at all...

Awo_00 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Drop

10:30 P.M. after running from east to west the three can found the others and they started to look for the key.

Jake's POV

"Sir, have you seen it?"

"It's not here. The key is not in him."

"Then where could it be."

"Let's go to the faculty. We have spare keys there."

"Is it really safe to go there? First were Lloyd, then Joyce, and now the guard. Who would be the next?"

"There will be next. We will go out here alive."

"Karlo, are you okay?"

"Why? What's happening?"

"Karlo has trauma. Anything that is related to blood and death, his trauma activates and it will make him hard to breath. That is why we need to leave this place now."

"Then we need to hurry."

"I'll be walking me the front then since I'm your teacher."

10:55 P.M. They went to the faculty office to look for spare keys but one another noise was heard by everyone.

*clang clang* *ting*

"What was that?"

"Shhh…! Keep quiet."

"What if that is the killer?"

"Shhh…! I said quietly."

"Everyone hide somewhere else."

*blag* (the ceiling fell)


"Is that the nur… nurse?"

"What happened to her?"

"Her throat was slit and her body was full of holes."

"Hey! Don't describe it in front of Karlo he might die in a heart attack or cardiac arrest."

"We should look for the keys faster."

"Wait, have you seen Jaedyll?"

"Wait she's just right here a moment ago."

"Don't tell me she ran out there alone."


"Jamil, where are you going?"

"Of course I'm going to look for her."

"Damn, I'll follow them just go look for the keys."

"Ben, be careful."

"Don't worry Karlo, I can protect myself."

I hope they will not get hurt. We should find the keys before…

"Sir, is that the key?"

"Where is it?"

"There, in that room over there?"

"Yeah, but how is it there?"

"That's not important right now. We just need to get it."

"Wait Jhonrey don't just…"

"Aahh…! Jhonrey! Aahh…,"

"Don't look. Don't look."

11:00 P.M. after they are able to locate where is the spare keys Jhonrey died from being beheaded by a glass.

Mhark's POV

Now how can we get those keys? It looks like when we enter that room, that glass will fall and kill us. How even the culprit does are able to stick those glass to the ceiling.

"Sir, what if we let these glasses fall first before we get the keys?"

"What do you mean Jake?"

"Look sir if we throw something inside, the glasses fill fall first, and then when we are able to remove all the glasses we can now enter the room."

"Your right maybe we could try."

11:13 P.M. they are able to get the keys but Jamil, Jaedyll, and Benedict haven't come back yet.

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