
Night Class Nightmare

Fear. It is something that we need to protect ourselves. But is it okay to be afraid of something that does not exist at all...

Awo_00 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Nightmare

Jamil follows Jaedyll's voice and runs as fast as he can until he reaches the room where he can hear Jaedyll's voice.

Jamil's POV

"Stop it! Don't! Help me! Jamil!"

"Jekyll? Where are you?"

"Stop it! Don't! Help me! Jamil!"

"Stop it! Don't! Help me! Jamil!"

"Huh! Jaedyl…"

"Why? Why are laying down there? Why aren't you speaking?"

"Stop it! Don't! Help me! Jamil!"

"!? Where is that voice coming from?"

"Why is it the same as Jaedyll's voice?"

"You are…!" *Shocked*

"Why are doing this? Why are killing us K-" *Choking*


"Jamil? Where are you?"

"I just hear his voice in here he must be here somewhere."

"Aahh… Ja… mil…"

11:30 P.M. Jamil and Jaedyll were found dead by Benedict inside a room where both of them choked to death.

Benedict's POV

Why? Why is it happening? How come has it come to this?

"Ben? Where are they? We found the keys. We can get out of here now."

"Where are they?"



"Why is everyone? Being killed?"

"Let's go. If we want to live we must leave now."

"Come on Karlo, Mary, and Ben. Let's go."

"Karlo? Are you okay? Can you still stand?"

"Yeah. It's just that…" *crying*

"It is not your fault. It is no one's fault. We must get out of here now."

"Let's go."

*bang bang bang*

"Huh?! Mary? Ben? Sir?"

"You can't escape from me."

"Who are you? Why are you doing this to us?"

"Who am I? How dare you forget who am I."

"I don't know what's talking about just let us go."

"Jake, do you remember?"

"Karl? What do you mean?"

"The day we first met?"


Jake's POV

"Jake? Where are you? It's your brother."


"If you won't come out I will just force you to come out."

"…" *breathing*



"Hahaha… Found you."

*push* *run*

"Damn brat, come here."

"Why are doing this brother?"

"Why? Hahaha… I just want to see your blood that's all."

*running* *breathing* *stomp*

"Don't run from big bro, let me PUT A HOLE IN YOU BODY AND LET ME SEE YOUR BLODD."


"Hey!, in here."

"Who are you?"

"Question's later."

"Just hide here."


"Shhh…! Don't make any noise."

"…" *breathing*



*stab* *cough* *cough*

"Why… why did you save me?"

"Hahaha, maybe I'm just an idiot."


"Don't worry about me run now. I am just a stranger passing by."

"I'm sorry…"

11:55 P.M. Mary, Benedict, and Mr. Baltazar died after being shot by the culprit. Jake and Karlo left talking with the culprit but instead to run Karlo stopped and smiled.


"What are talking about? Why are asking that question now?" *Crying*

"It is the same as before. You must run. You must live and forget about me."

"What are you talking about? We will come back home alive. We will be…"

*bang bang bang."

"Karl… "

*woke up*

"Are okay? Where am I?"

"You are in the hospital."


"Huh? Don't you remember? Your brother stabbed you and you were in a coma for 6 years."

"6 years?"

"What are you talking about? 6 years? That's impossible. I was with my friends in the night class and they all die…" *crying*

"I'll call the doctor. Doc the patient is awake!"

"What just happened?"

!2:00 A.M. March 16, 2020. Jake woke up in the hospital after being in a state of coma for 6 years. It was a long sleep but he wants to go back to sleep again.

"It is just a night class nightmare. I'm sorry… I

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it even a little.

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