
Night Class Nightmare

Fear. It is something that we need to protect ourselves. But is it okay to be afraid of something that does not exist at all...

Awo_00 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Letter

9:35 P.M. Mr. Baltazar wakes up after being hit in the back by an unknown object.

Mhark's POV

"Ouch! What was that? It hurts."

Someone hit me at the back. But who would do that? The students? Where are they?

"Sir! What happened?" *shocked*

"Sir, we don't know what's happening but when you went to out with the guard Lloyd went back here cover with blood,"

"Sir, we try to call the police but there was no signal."

"How about the others?"

"They said they will look for you sir. We stayed here because Karlo doesn't want to leave Lloyd's body here."

"We should go now. We can't let others get hurt anymore. I know you don't want to leave Lloyd's body but we can't just let ourselves killed here."

"What do you mean sir?"

"While I am heading back hear someone hit me from the back. That's mean someone is responsible for what's happening right now."

*blink* *blink*

"It looks like the power is back. We should be able to see the others."

9:48 the power is back. While the others are looking for the guard, Mhark and the two went to the clinic to clean the wounds of him.

*tweet* *tweet*

"It looks like this is the phone of the nurse. Maybe she runs off after the shortage."

"I'll go look for first- aid. Karlo stays here with Mr. Baltazar."


"Are you okay Karlo?"

"Why do you ask sir?"

"You look like you're out of yourself."

"It is because I'm scared."

"Here's the first- aid."

"Hey! Don't be scared. We will go out of here alive."

"Our teacher is right. We will go home alive."

"Anyway, is it here where Lloyd came from?"

"You're right! Before he comes back to the room covered with blood he was here."

"Don't tell me it was the …"


"Was that Mary?"

"Ms. Serrato?"

"Let's go maybe she is in danger."

10:03 P.M. The others went to the west and look for the guard but they didn't see him.

"Where are they?"

"Look, is this the guard's flashlight?"

"Yeah, it is. But where is he?"

"Hey, guys look at this."

"I came to look for you" *Written in blood*

"What does it mean?"


"Mary? Where are you? What happened?"

"Where is she?"

"She's here."

"What? What are doing here?"

"Is that…? The guard?"

10:15 P.M. the guard was seen burnt in the power box. His flesh was burnt because of high voltage and his hand was ripping like it explodes.

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