
Night Class Nightmare

Fear. It is something that we need to protect ourselves. But is it okay to be afraid of something that does not exist at all...

Awo_00 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Power Shortage

8:50 P.M. the power shut down. We heard a noise coming from the west and our teacher and the guard went to look at it.

Mhark's POV.

"What could it be?"

"Maybe something fell."

"But why does the power go down?"

"I don't know either. Hey, look at this. It looks like someone just turns it off."

"Can you turn it on?" *Blink*

"How is it?"

"It's not working."

"Why? Is there a problem?"

"I'll look right into it."

"Aahh…!" *Scream*

"What was that?"

"I'll go check back at the students."

What is happening out there? Why are they screaming? Could it be Jhun Lloyd is making pranks again as Jamil said?

"Ugh!" *faint*

9:00 P.M. Jhun Lloyd died because of loss of blood. Everyone is panicking. The girls are crying and the boys are making them feel better.

Jamil's POV

I should comfort Jekyll.

"Hey! Isn't better to go ask help?"

"You're right! I'll contact the police."

*toot…* "There's no signal."

"I don't have signals to."

"What is happening here all of a sudden?"

"I'll go look for sir."

"Ben! Is it best to stay together until he comes?"

"Someone already died. Are really going to wait? We must do something."

"He's right. If we just stay here we won't know what's happening."

"Are we just going to leave Lloyd's body?"

"He deserves it!"

"Hey! We're talking about a dead person not just someone but our classmate."

"Karlo stop it! He is already dead we can't do anything anymore,"

"If you don't want to leave we will."

"Mary's right. We need to go now."

"I will stay!"

"I will too."

"Jake? Are you just going to let Joyce be on her own?"

"She's not alone. She will be with you. I cannot just let Karlo stay here alone."

"Hey! Are damn?"

"Hey! Joyce! Wait! Where are you going?"

"Stupid Jake. See what happened?"

"Just go after them we will stay here."

"Sorry Karlo, I can't let Jaedyll be on herself."

"It's fine. Jake is here anyway."

"We will come back if we saw Sir Baltazar."

"We will be waiting."

9:24 P.M. everyone left. Karlo and Jake stay to take care of Lloyd's corpse.

"Joyce! Wait."

"Joyce? Where are you?"

"Where is she?"

"I don't know. She disappears."

"What do you mean?"

"She is just right here standing then she disappeared."

*Drip! Drip!*

"What is this?" *drip*

"What is that?"

"It… is… blood…"


"Joyce! Joyce!"

"Don't look."

"What happened? Where is Joyce?"

"Look up!"

*looked up* *cried*

"Joyce? Why? Why is this happening?"

"We must go."

"Wait we need to put her down."

"We can't. If someone is trying to kill us all we can't just stay here and wait until we're next."

"Ben's right! We must go out now."

"Mary, come closer. I won't let anyone hurts you."

9:35 P.M. Joyce was seen hanging up in the hallway. They left Joyce and went to the main door.

"It's a lock."

"Now what?"

"How about the windows?"

"All windows are blocked with iron bars so it is impossible to escape from there."

"Hey let's go to the west."

"Why are we going there is no way out there?"

"We will not look for an escape route; we will go there to get the keys to the guard."

"What if the guard was dead too? What are we going to do?"

"The light came back."

"That means that sir Baltazar and the guard is alive."

"Yeah. We should hurry."

9:48 P.M. the power came back. The students went to the west and look for the guard to get the keys.