
Night Class Nightmare

Fear. It is something that we need to protect ourselves. But is it okay to be afraid of something that does not exist at all...

Awo_00 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Sound

8:30 P.M. Jhun Lloyd went to the clinic. The nurse takes care of the wound in Jhun Lloyd's face.


"It is just a little scratch. What a baby."

"I'm not a baby, you are."

"Not interested with you though."

"Ouch! That hurts." Smile*

"Go back to your class now."

"Yes, baby."

8:45 P.M. we heard a noise we can't tell what.

Karlo's POV

What was that?

"Sir, what was that?"

"I don't know yet."

"Sir, what happened?"

"Dan, we heard something."

"Yeah, I heard it too that's why I came back but what was that?"

"Maybe it is one of Jun Lloyd's prank."

"But Lloyd is in the clinic right?"

"He's been there for 15 minutes though he only has scratches."

"We're going to check it out so everyone doesn't go anywhere."

I wonder if it is just a prank of Lloyd again. But if it is he should be in here by now. (Boom)

"What was that?"

"The light? No, the power was down."

"Hey I can't see can someone use their flashlight here?"

"Karlo! Here's the light."

"Thanks. Is there anyone who can follow sir Baltazar? He left his phone here."

"He will be fine, he is with the guard."

"Don't you think is it too much to be a prank of Lloyd?"

"Prank or not we should be going out now right?"

"But sir Baltazar said that we must wait."


"Who was that?"

"It is coming from the east."

"Is it where the clinic is?"

"Huh, so Lloyd is too scared of the dark that makes him scream."

"But why would he …"




"Wh- who is that?"

"Is that Lloyd?"

"He's bleeding."

"Whaa… Aahh… waah…"

"Shut up! You're not helping."

"Hey! Can you hear me? Hey! What happened to you? Are you alright?"

"Run! Run…"

"Hey, don't play your pranks right now it's not funny you know."

"He is… He is dead!" *back off*

"What are you talking about?"

What's happening right now? Why there is someone dead right now? What nightmare could this be?