
Night Class Nightmare

Fear. It is something that we need to protect ourselves. But is it okay to be afraid of something that does not exist at all...

Awo_00 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Prank

It was 8 P.M. March 15, 2020, we were having class and the lights started to blink…

Karlo's POV

"What's happening? I'll go ask the guard what is happening." Mr. Baltazar walked to the door to ask the guard.

"Whoa!" Mr. Baltazar was shock that Jhun Lloyd suddenly appears in front of him.

"What the hell are you doing Mr. Reblando?"

"I was just trying to make things funny. I am bored with your class so I just want to make it alive." Although it was just a prank it scares everybody.

"If you just saw Mr. Baltazar's face after he sees me hahaha. It was worth a laugh."

"You think that's funny? What if he has weak heart? Do you think you can pay his life?"

"Hey you jerk, I mean Jake. Can you make your wife shut her damn mouth?"

"Who's your calling wife of whom? You're the one who must shut up." Jake and Joyce were being teased as couple because Jake defended Joyce once when Jhun Lloyd is bullying Joyce.

"Shut it you bitch."

"That's enough you too. I already told you, no fighting in my class."


"I will let it slide what you did tonight Mr. Reblando but next time don't try to OD pranks like that again because we don't know what may happen to others. Do you understand?" It's like Mr. Baltazar was saying something so scary that time but it was true that there might be some things that may happen if it was someone.

"Let's have a break for now. I will be back in a minute."

"Hey Jake-jerk, what a chicken are you that you can't even defend your girl." Jake was really mad that he wants to punch him but I don't want to make him do that.

"Stop it. Mr. Baltazar already told you to stop right."

"Whoa! You're to brave for a beautiful girl like you."

"Don't touch her."

"Huh? Are you looking for fight?"

"Stop it. If you going to keep on fighting I will tell it to our teacher."

"Mary, don't interfere with those fools. Let them fight like morons." It was Jhonrey. He is a type of person who only cares for his girlfriend Marychris.

"Why would I not stop them, we might also get punished."

"Stupid couple. To think you can have a happy lovey night here at night class."

"Ouch! How dare you punch me?"

"Rey, why did you punch him?

"He said we're stupid."

"Stop it please. Are you okay? Do you want to go to the clinic?"

"I can go on my own I'm not as weak as all of you."

"Don't make effort to someone like him Karlo."

"Jake's right, he will be like that forever."

Everyone return to their sits and do what they are doing. Mr. Baltazar came back with the guard to fix the lights and left the room after. The class starts at 8:45 P.M.

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