
Night Class Nightmare

Fear. It is something that we need to protect ourselves. But is it okay to be afraid of something that does not exist at all...

Awo_00 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Night Class

Karlo's POV

It was Sunday night, I walked out to buy midnight snacks at the convenient store not so far from home. I was on my way home that I felt like I'm being watch by someone. I started walking a little faster so that I could make distance if ever there really is someone following me. I was so scared that I almost had a heart attack. And I felt ease when I am at my house front gate but then someone grabs my shoulder and I was so scared and freeze.

"Mister, you forgot your wallet, I was following you but you suddenly walked faster that I can't keep up." I was embarrassed that I worry for nothing.

"Sorry, I didn't know. I taught someone was stalking me. Hahaha!"

I went to my room and eat the snacks I bought and started to look for part time jobs. I search in Google and I found some.

Call center Agent

Service Crew


Kitchen Helper

I tried to apply to all of it except for deliverer because I don't have licensed to drive but none of them accept me because I said I still want to study. I tried to apply in the restaurant near my house and I got hired but it disappoints me that I got hired because the owner of the restaurant is my best friend Jake. He always helps me in so many ways, like studies, financial problem, and other things that I can't manage on my own.

"Are you mad?" He asked.

"How can I be mad to a person who helps me? It's just that I keep on receiving help from you but I can't even treat you a single meal. It makes me feel pitied." I am honest in everything I told him because I can't lie to him at all.

"Sorry but I can't just let my friend to stay like this. I was worried after you said you got fired on your part time job." He is so kind that I can't even look at his eyes anymore.

"My father enrolled me to a night class; he said it may be a good opportunity for me to learn more." I know he is lying because every time he is scratching his neck he lies.

"I know you're lying but I know why so I won't ask any more question. Thank you for giving this job for me. I will do my work properly so that you won't get worry." I said that and smile at him but I don't know why he suddenly look away after I smiled. Do I look weird when smiling? I hope not ha-ha.

That day I started working as a waiter in the restaurant that my best friend owns and I always see him there. I didn't regret that I accept this work because it helps me in so many ways. After the work I and Jake went to school together at night. Since the school was not so far from the restaurant, we just walked.

"Did you do your homework?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did it yesterday while I'm on my break time."

"Great! I taught that you might forget it because you're too busy yesterday." I wonder why is he so concern about me that sometimes I think he is likes me but that's impossible because we are like brothers or maybe I just don't want to think about it.

"Good evening Karl, Jake." It was Jamil, a friend of mine. He also enrolled at night class the same as ours.

"How long do we need to attend this night class? I am already bored." He said that while laughing but sarcastic.

"You really are stupid aren't you? You already think to leave even it just a week since we started this night class." Benedict said like joking.

"Hey Ben, aren't you too good to take this night class?"

"I am but it's just that I don't want to lose to the three of you." But it was not a competition though.

"It's fine! The more the merrier, isn't it? And in fact I like it when we're altogether." I am happy that we were together but why am I feeling that this is the last time we would laugh like this.

Jake's POV

It was Sunday midnight that I was looking at my phone waiting for something I don't know. It's like I've been waiting for someone to text me even though it is midnight.

I was shock that I received a text and I was happy that it was Karlo. He told me about him being embarrassed because he thought that a stalker was after him. I was laughing like crazy but also was worried that what if it was really a stalker.

Karlo, he is that popular with girls, but he is much popular with boys because he is athletic and so kind and helpful. He always put others first before himself and many of us like that part of him.

Flashback, when I was in grade school, I don't have any friend. Many were avoiding making contact with me. It is because of my brother.

My brother is a delinquent brat that always makes trouble for my father. He always fights others and hurt them then one time he chased me out so the house and I was scared. It was March 15, 11:55 P.M.

My brother was holding a knife pointing it to me like he wants to kill me. I ran as far as I can but he keeps on following me. I ran into someone and he was stab because he defended me.

My brother was caught and he is in prison because of that. The one who save me was Karlo. I can't forget that because that was the very first time we met. And after that I started to have so many friends because he introduces me to his friends.

I wonder if he still remembers that day. I hope he does. Going back to the present, he is now working at my father's restaurant ad we are having a night class together with others.

It is happy to be with them all but why is there an uneasiness I can feel tonight? Maybe because today is the same day that I and Karlo met each other.

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