
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 33 The Deal

Fujitsu's eyes widened after what this person just told him, he grabs the persons shoulder and does a piercing gaze at the person who began to shiver.

"Do you mind running that by me again, you said headhunters didn't you?"Fujitsu says as his gaze got more scarier as if he was demon staring down its prey.

"Y..y..yes"the person stutters as they look into fujitsu's eyes.

"I'm in,just tell me when and where "Fujitsu says as he stands up to his feet keeping eye contact with the person.

"the deal happens tomorrow night in one of the abandoned buildings on the west side of the undercity"the person said as they use the wall to get back to their feet, then they grab fujitsu's hands.

"Please stop this deal it could really help the undercity in ways you wouldn't even know"The person says in desperation with a smile on their face, fujitsu gently removes his hand from the person.

"I can't promise anything to you other than the fact you'll have to make sure anyone in that area gets out of their as fast as you can"Fujitsu says as he makes his way out of the alley way.The person tried to say something but the words never came out and fujitsu disappeared from their sight.

(Few Minutes later in the undercity)

Fujitsu decided to stop at a little food stand and get some food cause he hasn't had any food almost all day.While he is enjoying his meal another person comes and sits beside him, fujitsu slightly looks at the man who had tattoo on his neck but he couldn't make it out cause it was a little bit out of his sight.

"You know I never seen any type of aura like yours around here"The man says as the cook hands him a bowl of ramen, he then prays over it and breaks the chops sticks and rubs them together.

"I'm new here I had no place else to go so I came down here"Fujitsu responds to the man as he continues to eat his food.

"Is that so, well I promise you this things won't be getting any better down here than they will up there"the man says as he began to eat.Fujitsu finished his bowl and got up and was about to leave something grabs his cloak so he stops and turns around.Its the guy that was talking to fujitsu now that fujitsu was able to see what the guy looked like completely, the guy had a medium muscular build with black hair with white tips and had eyes that was the color of the bright blue sky.

"I just want to warn you,that this isn't the place you want be when things go side ways"The man says as he let's go of fujitsu and as he did that fujitsu saw the tattoo that was on the mans neck. It was a skull with a sword under it once fujitsu realized what that tattoo meant he turned around quick to look for him but he wasn't there anymore.He looked around him wondering where the guy could have went, then he went back to the food stand and asked the cook.

"I have know idea kid my guess is as good as yours, one moment he was eating then when i turn around to grab something he disappeared" the cook says as he cleans bowls.Fujitsu leaves the stand and tries looking around for him but no luck so he decides go find some place to rest until the deal tomorrow night. As he looks and wanders around in the undercity he ends up running into mr.katashi who was holding the hand of a little girl.

"It's you!, see kaya this is the young man that helped me today"mr.katashi says with a big smile on his face, kaya looks over at fujitsu who returned he look with a gentle gaze.

"H..hi there kaya"fujitsu says as he waves at her, she hides behind mr.katashi and gives a fujitsu a little wave.

"don't be so shy kaya he's really a gentle person behind that oni mask and that mysterious cloak"mr.katashi says.

"Why are you guys still out at this time of night"Fujitsu asks.

"We were just on a little stroll around a little, but what are you still doing around doesn't a young person like you need to get some sleep?" mr.katashi asks fujitsu who looks to the side, mr.katashi looks at kaya who the looks at him.

"You can come rest at are house" mr.katashi says with a smile on his face, fujitsu looks up at mr.katashi's face and sees his aunt once more but this time he also sees his younger self right behind her.

"You can lead the way"Fujitsu says as mr.katashi makes his back to his home followed by kaya who stayed close to him as mush as possible.

(Few moments pass by)

Fujitsu makes it to mr.katashi's home safely, kaya runs and takes her shoes off and runs up to her little bed on the floor and jumps on top of it, she laid there with a big smile on her face as she rubbed it on her pillow.Fujitsu took off his cloak and shoes and followed mr.katashi to a walk-in closet.

"This is the best i can do since you might be wanted by one of the families so"mr.katashi says.

"It's fine i've slept in more cramped spaces" fujitsu says as he remembers sleeping in a box for awhile, as fujitsu was about to close the door and get ready to sleep kaya came and gave him something it was a flower made of paper.

"This is wonderful did you create this"fujitsu asked kaya who shook her head yes.

"this is my thank you for saving my dad today sir"kaya says before she runs up and hugs him, fujitsu returned the hug.

"No problem I just saw him in trouble and I decided to help"Fujitsu says, kaya then points to the mask fujitsu as on.

"Can I wear it"kaya asked, fujitsu was a little bit shocked but takes off the mask and lets her wear it and run around with it for a bit before she runs out of energy and falls asleep.Right when fujitsu was going to his mask he heard kaya whispering something.

"I want to protect dad too"kaya whispered in her sleep, fujitsu looked down at her and smiled as he grabbed his masked and covered her up for the night then goes to the closet to sleep.

"A place like this doesn't deserve people like kaya nor does the place above either people like her are too kind to exist just like them"fujitsu says in his head as he remembers his aunt and his mom, then begins to fall asleep.