
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 34 The Unruled One

Fujitsu begins to have a dream, he sees a house in the middle of a forest under the warm sun,he makes his way to the house. As he began to make his way the house he began to see little glimpses of his past with his aunt, as he gets to the front door of the house and opens it he began to hear a big boom come from out of know where. He stops and looks back and sees the world begin to crack around the house, he quickly opens the door to see a woman in a dress facing the window then another boom happens.The cracks began to get larger and began to appear in the house, the woman in the dress turned back confused and smiles at fujitsu as the cracks began to get larger.Fujitsu tried to make out who it was but right when get the chance to the third an last boom woke up fujitsu immediately from his dream. Fujitsu wakes up to hear mr.katashi screaming then he hears a slicing noise come from in front of the door, fujitsu quickly pushed the door and noticed that it had a little bit more weight to it.He got the door up and looked down to see mr.katashi's dead body laying their, fujitsu looks down at mr.katashi's body in shock then looks quickly saw kaya who turned to look at fujitsu and gave him a awkward smile then gets shot in head.The terror in fujitsu eyes quickly turned into rage as sand bursted out everywhere through out the house. Leaving one dead and another barely breathing, fujitsu quickly walked over to the one barely breathing and kicked him over onto his back and grabs him by his shirts collar.

"Who do you work for,who told you to kill this innocent!" Fujitsu screams as the bystanders watch on in fear.

"The headhunters"the man says as he coughs up blood, fujitsu grabs his wrist and began to squeeze.The man began to scream in agony as people began to cover the children's eyes and look on terrified.

"I also asked who gave you the order to kill this family"Fujitsu says with rage in his voice.

"shi..shinji u..chida" the man stuttered as he held on to his wrist, fujitsu stood up and made a sand blade and killed the man.For the first time every fujitsu began to feel a feeling of hatred towards someone, fujitsu knew exactly where to go so he got himself ready and launched himself to the west side of the undercity.

(In an abandoned building on the West side of the undercity)

A door swings open, two men walk into the room with three other men one seating in a chair and two standing at his side.The one seating looks like he's in his 50's and the two on his sides look like their in there 20's.

"well if it isn't mr.Rolland himself"The old man says

"You must have been misinformed rolland won't be attending this deal today"The man with the tattoo on his neck says with a tired tone.

"then who the hell are you!"the man with a fancy suit yells

"now now their isn't any reason to yell handa" the old man says as he waves his hand.

"Then who exactly are you then"the other guy says

"My name is shinji uchida" shinji says with a tired tone

"It's nice to meet you shinji, if you haven't been informed i am mr.Sukoshi"the old man says

"that name shinji uchida i remember it from somewhere"The guy whispers to himself

"what are you whispering over their to your self while master sukoshi talks miyata" handa says

"his name i remember it from somewhere"miyata says

"Enough short talk we came to talk business"Shinji says as the man beside him unbuckles the briefcase and shows them the material they sale.

"Is that the alchemy canceling material I've heard so much about"sukoshi asks as shinji shook his head yes as the briefcase is closed.

"you see I would give the material to you if i wasn't given an order"shinji says as he begans to reach for something.

"And what exactly where that order shinji"sukoshi says as handa began to reach for his weapon

"That's his name!"miyata says as fear began to appear in his eyes

"Your still on about that?!"handa yells

"Handa you don't know who where up against that guy over their is used to known as a alchemist mercenary, He was given the nickname the unruled one shinji uchida"miyata says as shinji launches towards the three. Handa tried to pull out his weapon but it was too late for both him and miyata as shinji passed them both of them where slashed immediately killing them in an instant. Shinji stopped right in front of sukoshi as miyata and handa's bodies hit the floor.

"It was nice too meet you and your subordinates mister sukoshi and don't worry about your little group of misfits they are being killed right as I speak"shinji says with a tired tone.

"Damn you headhunting b-"sukoshi says as he tried to pull out a weapon but shinji stabs him right in his heart and cut the hand he was about to use the weapon with. As he stood in front of sukoshi's dead body came fujitsu busting through the window with hatred in his eyes. Shinji swung a chain sending it fujitsu who gets hit by it but turns into sand shocking shinji, then reappears in front of him sending a right hook to the left side of his rib cage sending him flyings. Shinji was able to stop him self from going into a wall, he then starts to swing the chain that's under one of his sycthes.

"I see you got my good morning surprise"shinji says as he sends the chain flying towards fujitsu who dodges but didn't notice shinji in front of him. shinji kicks fujitsu sending flying into a pillar, fujitsu gets up as his hatred continue to burn in his eyes.Fujitsu sprinted towards shinji as shinji's partner with the briefcase pulled out a gun but get fujitsu creates a sand blade and sends it right at the man killing him.Shinji gave his partner as sad but disappointed glanced then turns his attention back to fujitsu who gathered up sand around his arm to create a sand monster arm.Fujitsu tries to attack shinji with it and he ends up cutting it turning it into normal sand.Shinji looked shocked as the sand continued to hurl towards him, the sand had so much force it pushed shinji out of a window, fujitsu was right in front of shinji and punched him and continued to try to land punches on him as they fall to the ground.They hit the ground and roll, they slide across the ground looking at each other fujitsu looks at shinji with a burning hatred as shinji looks at fujitsu as if he was looking at a wild beast, the battle between the unruled one and the demon has begun.