
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 31 Hunter And Prey


Fujitsu wakes up and lifts up, then moves to the side of the bed fujitsu and looks out the window.He then takes a deep breath and gets ready for a day in the city of vakos, he makes his way to a cafe that is around the corner from his apartment. He gets some coffee and a bagel then sits at the table close to the window.He looks outside to see a kid laughing as her parents swing her back and forth in the air, fujitsu looked at the family with a depressed face and looked back at his plate with the bagel on it and sighed.He got up and was about to leave the cafe but got stopped by a girl who was holding something that looked familiar to fujitsu.

"Hey sir your forgetting something"the girl says as she made her way to fujitsu, she hands him the picture of him and his aunt.

"Th..thank you"Fujitsu says as he looks down at the photo.

"No problem all ways happy to help" the girl says with a big smile on her face, fujitsu looks up at her and sees his aunt.

"What's your name"Fujitsu asks with a little smile on his face.

" My names claire barnett and your name is?" claire says as she holds her hand out.

"My name is fujitsu sakyū" fujitsu responds as he shakes claire's hand and constantly blinks as if something was wrong with him. Fujitsu lets go of claire's hand and runs out of the cafe leaving claire confused on what just happened. Fujitsu made his way back to his apartment room breathing heavily and made his way to the bathroom and stood hunched over the sink.He then looks up at the mirror to see himself but with longer hair, with bright orange reddish eyes, and was smiling right back at him.Fujitsu punches the mirror breaking it into many pieces, the other fujitsu continued to smile back.

"You shouldn't try to attack someone who is only try to help you, that's not a very good deed to do you know" the other fujitsu says as his voice echoes in multiple tones and voices.

"I don't need nor want your damn help!" fujitsu screams at the other him,as he did that the other fujitsu's eyes began to glow brighter.Sand quickly wrapped around fujitsu and began to tighten up.

"You should really watch your tone when you're talking to someone who is way more stronger than you in many ways you can't compare" The other fujitsu says as his smile turned into a smirk. Fujitsu kept trying to free himself from the bind of sand he was in as best as he could but wasn't able to cause of how tight the sand has gotten.

"Now you're gonna be listening to me from here on out" The other fujitsu says as the sand that was binding fujitsu began to loosin up and release fujitsu.

"You should be grateful I didn't just kill right where you stand" the other fujitsu says as he continues to smile.

"what or who exactly are you"Fujitsu says as he swings his arms around.

" To simply put i'm you but better than you in every aspect even down to having a better name"The other fujitsu says with a cheeky smile.

"And what exactly is your name" fujitsu asks as he continues to stretch his body.

"The time will come for me to tell you my wonderful name but that time won't be any time soon cause your too weak to even say it" the other fujitsu says as his smiley face turned serious sending chills up fujitsu's spin.

"But that isn't something you should be worrying about right now, what you should be worried about is that man rolland kane who somehow made weapons out of alchemy canceling material" the other fujitsu says as his piercing eyes continue too look at fujitsu.

"He is the main reason where here in this city in first place and not only him but that black sand alchemist, we need to make that are main priority" the other fujitsu says. Fujitsu hesitantly nodded his head, the other fujitsu looks the left of fujitsu to see the sun light in the window was starting to fade.

"it's about that time, listen the main objective for the night is to find out about the whereabouts of rolland and that black sand alchemist"The other fujitsu says as he began to fade away in the mirror. Fujitsu walks out of the bathroom and looks to the dresser in his room and sees his mask laying there and then takes a deep breath.Fujitsu began to get dressed for tonight, fujitsu looks out the window to see the moon, then to his mask.Fujitsu puts his mask on and jumps out the window and lands. Fujitsu moved through the shadows in the city looking for someone to get information from, as he is on the move he sees a group of four hooded people running after someone.Fujitsu changes his direction towards the group as he began to get closer he began to hear what they where saying.

"No matter where you go traitor will be right behind you" one of the hooded people said as they pulled out some daggers and tossed at the person running from them.Two missed but one hit them in their left calf, the other in their right shoulder.They fall to the ground in agony as they hold on to their calf and try to pull the dagger out. The hooded people surround them and right when they were about to end the person fujitsu sends a sand spike through one of them sending them flying forward into a building wall. The three hooded people look back to see fujitsu charging right at them with a sand saber in hand.One of the three charge at fujitsu and draws a blade but right at that moment fujitsu stabbed him right in his heart stopping them right in there tracks and falling on the ground.As the other two where about to run fujitsu appears right behind them and vertically slashes one, shocking the other one who stumbles and falls the ground.Their hood falls off as they began crawling backwards trying to escape fujitsu who began walking towards them as he created a sand spear.

"Please i'm just doing what I was told to do please let me go!" the man begged as fujitsu got closer, fujitsu squatted down to see the man eye to eye.The man looked into the soulless eyes of fujitsu who kept turning his head as if his head was a scale balancing if he is guilty or not.

"I'll give you about 5 seconds to leave or I will kill you"Fujitsu says in a deeper voice as the man got up to run away from fujitsu who stopped squatting and twirled around his spear. He takes a deep breath then proceeds to take a big step and launch the spear hurdling at the man.The man turned around to see the spear right at his head, a mini explosion happened due to how strong fujitsu threw the spear.Fujitsu turned back to see the person that was in agony was gone, fujitsu rushed to see where they went by falling their trail of blood that led to an ally way. Fujitsu sees the person that was running away laying against a building wall in agony it was clair.