
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 28 The Arrow Alchemist PT 1

the dome forms around the broken down building Suna claps his hand and a green light lights up the dome well come at me Suna says as he lands.Kane charges to attack him he slash's and shoots at suna but suna is able to dodge his attacks you almost got me their suna says as he toy's with kane.Kane pulls out some time of gun and starts rapidly firing bullets at suna the bullets go right through him suna begins to smile nice try suna says as his body turns to sand and falls to the ground.Kane begins to hear suna's voice echo through out the dome come and find me suna says a sand spike fly's straight into kane's right arm tch kane says.He begins to pull it out and groans in pain when he pulls it out it turns to normal sand more sand spears appear and sent flying at him kane quickly puts the knife his mouth and picks up his gun with his left and starts shooting the spears the spears burst into normal sand as he shoots them down.Suna appears in front of him he raised his hand mid way sand rises and form into sand tentacles kane charges at him and suna charges at kane.Well here we go the man claps his hands together and pulls his hands away creating a bow he takes his three fingers and puts them in the middle of the bow and stretch's and released a arrow of energy.The arrow pierce's the sand dome and lands between both kane and suna and explodes they both jump back kane looks to his left and sees the hooded man that's my cue to leave kane says in his head he puts his gun away and takes the knife out his mouth and puts it away.Maybe will fight another time kane says then runs off holding his right arm I could go kill kane and get it over with or I can deal with the guy that interrupted are fight suna says in his head.The hooded man makes another alchemy arrow and was about to fire him it is suna says he launched at the man who was surprised of how fast he was suna uses his sand to grab him and plants his landing then jumps in the air then tossed the man to the outskirts of the city into the forest.Suna creates a sand cloud and quickly makes his way to the man to finish the job.

I finally regained my motivation

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