
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 28.5 Arrow Alchemist PT 2

The hooded man began to get up but as soon as he got up three balls of sand where speeding towards him.He quickly shoots them down as they explode suna jumps down and with the sand making the hooded man unable to see he sends a sand spike straight at him it pierced through the sand and almost strikes him.He jumps the side and sets up his bow and fires a green arrow at suna the arrow hits the ground making the ground began to break and spike up at suna uncontrollably.Suna continuously dodged the attacks.When suna turned around the hooded man was behind him with an arrow pointing at him he releases the arrow suna twisted his body to turn and dodge it but as soon as he dodged.Suna heard a snap of a finger he turns his eyes to see the man's left hand was in a finished snap position an explosion goes off sending suna's body flying into the air and on to the ground steam coming off his back finally this job is done the hooded man says as he begins to walk off.The man began to feel a very dangerous and destructive aura he then began to hear a devilish giggle behind him.He turns to see suna starting to stand with a smile the color in his eyes change to a dark red suna lifted his hand face down it's been awhile since I've used my technique suna says as sand from the ground came up to his hand followed by his blood on his arm mixing together blood sand technique suna says then the blood sand begins shooting at the hooded man like bullets the man rushes into the forest for cover behind the tree's.The bullets their going through the wood the hooded man says in his head as he continues to run suna appears in front of him with two blood sand spikes at his sides he raises his hand signaling his spikes to attack him the hooded man sends an arrow witch connect's making an explosion of smoke a blood sand spikes pierced through the smoke and nearly hits him in the head but he dodge.As soon as he turned his head he got punched and sent flying he was able to stop himself as soon as he looked up suna was walking out to the open space with a smile with blood sand spikes around him suna sends the spikes at him he dodges and jumps into the air ready to launch a bright red arrow.Suna began to ache that brat is suna before he gets cut off as he looks up the hooded man released the arrow and when the arrow touched the ground it caused a great explosion I'm not gonna block in time suna says before the explosion gets closer to him.The aftermath big the explosion resulted in a crater in the ground the hooded man lands on the ground with no problem Fujitsu awakes to find I'm self in the crater right when he was about to get up the hooded man appeared standing in front of him pointing an arrow at him finally this little fight bout is over he says right when he was about to release the arrow he stopped and the alchemy arrow disappeared and then fell to the ground once he got the ground Fujitsu saw a black material coming out his back.Man it was what a pain trying to find you a mystery voice says Fujitsu looks up to see a guy floating in the air on the same material thats coming from the hooded man.