
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 27 Sand Spirit Suna

Fujitsu makes sand spikes behind him I'll make sure your pain is quick and easy fujitsu says that's sounds so dull don't you think kane says as he throws a knife fujitsu tried to block it but it went through the sand stabbing him in his left shoulder.I forgot to mention my weapons are made of special material kane says fujitsu pulls out the knife and drops it.Kane pulls out a huge survival knife you see this special material cancel's out alchemy kane explains just shut and fight fujitsu says as he send sand spikes flying at kane who dodges and cuts some of the spikes.Then pulls out a gun and starts shooting at fujitsu who makes a sand wall allowing him to dodge them more easily.Fujitsu didn't notice kane above the wall kane lunges at fujitsu who quickly jumps away and dodges kane's following attacks.Sand began to emerge from the floor and starts striking kane but he just starts shooting and slicing at the sand.You should know by now your attacks aren't working kane says those won't but this will fujitsu says as he quickly closes his fist.The building began to rumble cracks began to form in the floor and on the walls and begin to fall apart if I kill you the building will stop crumbling correct kane asks you can try but you'll be losing your life fujitsu says as sand appears behind him.Can I have a turn now a voice says no you can't fujitsu says in his head ok then it's your loss the voice says fujitsu and kane charge at each other.Fujitsu tries to hit kane with his sand but he either dodges it or slices it you can do better than that! kane says as he Slash's downward cutting the sand and fujitsu.Fujitsu jumps back in pain kane appears infront of him and hits him with his gun sending him flying into a wall in not that strong am I kane wonders welp I guess it's over kane says disappointedly as he points his gun at him at fires.The bullet goes through the wall what the- kane says as fujitsu's body turns to sand kane turns around to see fujitsu sitting down on rubble smiling fujitsu looks up to reveal his sand star eyes.Nice to meet you kane the names Suna i've heard that name before kane says do you mean Suna the sand spirit kane says the one and only Suna says as he continues to smile.Kane turns his head to see a sand fist punch him then another appeared then two more appear above him and smash him into the ground.The building began to crumble down Sona and kane begin to fall kane began to awake to see Sona sitting criss cross looking at him smiling.I guess I have to get serious kane says in his head he draws a dagger and prick's his finger and makes a tiny transmutation circle something doesn't feel right about this kid Suna says in his head.Kane tries to attack and cuts him in half but his body turns to sand that looks like that would hurt suna says kane continues to attack Suna but still can't hit him.They crash to the ground pieces of the building wear scattered around Suna floats down on his sand cloud I thought he would last longer than that- Suna says before he gets interrupted by kane pushing up a huge peace of the building.Im not dead yet spirit kane says ok then let's get the show on the road Sand dome Suna says.That looks interesting but I still don't know why I was sent here he should have just chose shadow boy instead a hooded man says.

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