
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 15 The King Of The Streets

Punches and kicks where thrown people where thrown as neko punched an kicked ever person in his path.He looks to his left he saw kage beating guys with only his feet he looks to his right their he sees the guy who can make red lightning he was beating guys up left and right.What are they doing here neko says the two notice each other without any words said they charge at each other as their fists touched a big explosion of power sends some people out of the ring.As the two throw destructively punches at one another sending waves of power are dispersing ever where.I've had enough kage says shadow hands charge at the other guy and the guy charges in dodging the hands his body began to spark red electricity he tried to punch kage but he was able to dodge the attack.Shadow hands punch the guy into the air this is your end! kage says the shadow hands formed into spikes the spike where sent flying at him then all of a sudden where kage stood exploded.Kage was bearly standing the names akai the red lightning alcamist the guy says as he looks at kage I would like you to give me that stone kage or I'll do more damage than what I just did akai says.Like I would give this stone to you kage says as shadow hands appear behind him we'll then let's do this akai says as red lightning surrounded akai's body they where about to charge but they felt an uncomfortable feeling.That feeling was neko as his cat eyes stared them down they could see a dark aura from around him they send their attacks at him which made a big cloud of dust.Neko launched out of the cloud and kick kage across the chest making him cough up some blood sending him out the ring into a pillar.Akai goes and attacks neko but he is dodging every punch and kick neko finally attacks by punching akai in the gut akai then falls to the ground holding his stomach.Well done alcamist or should I say cat eyed alcamist as a man with a crown smiles down if you're looking to win your friend back then come and fight the king of the streets bay-babe.