
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 16 fourth Piece Up For grabs

The king jumps down smirking at a strange looking neko gives him a evil look as he is oozing black and purple aura don't look like yourself cat something wrong king says.He unchained his royal cape and got in his fighting stance let's just get to the point if you can beat me you get your friend and a special prize King says.A man shows a red glowing stone in a glass case neko looks up and pauses that's makes it more easier for me neko says as he smiles and vanishes then reappears behind king.A pillar rams right into the back of king sending across the ring but he caught himself and launched a kick at neko but he disappeared and kicked him into the ring wall.What kick you got there cat but you forgotten one thing king says and what's that neko says I control everything and everyone king says people started to enter the ring surrounding them go!! king says.People started to charge at neko he touched the ground and pillars appeared and sent people flying all around king didn't see an alchemist all he saw was a demon king falls to the ground as he does the last body hit the ground.Neko starts walking towards him the black and purple aura was bigger than before king crawled backwards neko smirks a pillar sends king high in the air making him hit the ceiling he falls back down.Neko made his way towards fujitsu the closer neko got the lesser neko ways angry the aura shrinked and the hate in his eyes started to vanish he cut fujitsu out of the rope and broke the glass and grabbed the stone what happened and why are their bodies every where fujitsu says in a daze neko looks at him no reason neko response with a smile no where to next neko asked I think it would fujitsu says as he pauses neko goes and take a look it's andateru the biggest underground city neko says.They head out of the underground fight club and head straight to the train station we only have two stones while the chaos cult has one we need this next one to make it three neko says fujitsu looks at neko worried and wonder's what happened when he was sleep.