
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 14 The Underground Fight Tournament

Neko asked around for directions in a hurry he got his answer and he took off to the coffee shop. The abandoned coffee shop it was burned nothing but ash and burn marks. Neko saw something that caught his eye it was a hatch the door was jammed he used his alchemy to break open the hatch door. As he walked down the stairs he hears screams coming from the door in front of him. He rushed his way to the door he opened it to see a place full of people and two men where brawling in a caged octagon. A pipe was thrown into the ring fighter 2 used it and could have killed fighter 1 if it weren't for the referee stepping in to stop him. The man raised the pipe screaming and everyone else joined in he left the ring then a man in a fancy red and white suit entered and he announced that their will be a free tournament where anyone can enter. And the prize is the sand demon him self with a 1,000,000 bounty on his head neko's eyes widened as he saw fujitsu hopeless their was no more life in his eyes. The announcer said if you wanted to join in on this special tournament come step in the ring with me. A bunch of people ran in and one of them was neko the announcer then said their are to many of you to count so this round is a qualifier who ever is the top 10 people last standing are qualified. Let's count it down 3

( In neko's mind)

I can't lose this


this is where I have to help someone in need


Neko's eyes began to turn into yellow cat eyes

I will save you fujitsu mark my words
