
New life after seventeen months / New life after seventeen months

How much can a person be affected by certain circumstances? How has the lack of support affected the case-weakened person? How much can a person’s character change in more than a year, how much can his or her sense of “right and fair” be coarsened by losing one of the most important aspects of his life - faith in him as “fighting comrades”? And what of all this was to give Kurosaki Ichigo such a strong desire for something so that it could open the doors of the Tower? Fan fiction on the manga "Tower of God" and "Bleach . "

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26 Chs

Chapter Hedon's Floor

Ichigo, making an effort, squints a little to the left, although, it seemed, there was nowhere stronger. A flame of emotions boils in his chest: anger, rage, hatred, contempt. And among all this, there is only one thought, one sentence: "I will never forget your betrayal."

An unexpectedly huge pillar of blue spiritual power envelops him, in which black, red and bright pink whirlwinds of reatsu are mixed. A wave of energy began to destroy the earth beneath the young man, throwing Rukia to the side with such force that she, hitting the tree trunk behind her, loses consciousness. Enraged spiritual power no longer spared any of the "old comrades", seeing in them only "just passers-by," and Ichigo, either clenching or unclenching his fists, tried his new power "for taste".

His appearance has undergone changes: the strict form of the white shinigami with black lines along the chest, on the collar, back and on the floors of the cloak was quite tight. She replaced ordinary clothes. The bright red hair was again gathered in a ponytail, in which one could distinguish the presence of a couple more of the same shades - black, white and bright pink, on the face were already the usual glasses of old Zangetsu. Four black rectangular estigms appeared on Kurosaki's neck. Like collars, they wrapped around the back of the head, an arrankar pattern appeared on the forearms, as if repeating the pattern of the human skeleton, which was also visible on the sleeves of the bleached clothes of the soul guide, depicting the cross, lower back, back and collar of the form of the god of death.

Ichigo no longer had to open his mouth, expressing his opinion, wrinkling his forehead or frowning, reducing his eyebrows to the bridge of his nose, now he did not need words or gestures to show his intentions, his mood or desire. The spiritual power, trying to pass for the "fluffy fog", curled at the feet of the owner in a blue stream, finely, invisibly to the rest, crushing the soil and stones, small twigs and leaves. Everything turned into dust, dissolving under an invisible "press", as if it were in the order of things. But at some point, everything died down, as if some invisible, omnipotent force had put the whole world on pause.

The spiritual power of a young man began to decline sharply, suppressing the consciousness of either the person in whom the power of the Shinigami is hidden, or the guide of the souls inside which the monster sleeps, or the monster who decided to try on the mask of a person. And now, just a moment later, according to the captains Gotei-13, who came out through the gates of the worlds, Kurosaki Ichigo disappeared, as if he was not there just a second ago in the place where a deep dent in the earth was clearly visible now.

Opening his eyes the next moment for himself, Ichigo could not understand all three things. The first is where is he? Slowly turning his head from side to side, he could make out, fifteen to twenty meters from himself, huge, ruined columns, some of which, however, were still intact. Various drawings were clearly visible on them - people, houses and some little things. It was as if they were telling someone's story, as if it were someone's diary in which someone had carved routine events. Also, it was worth noting that all these ruins fit in a large, simply unimaginably huge room, reminiscent of a corridor on the walls of which were also full of various images: there you and people with various edged weapons, and simple passers-by, and animals with birds. .. which was not there. The second question, which was spinning in a red head, was much less significant than the first, but Kurosaki was much more concerned with this particular question - why can't he move? The thought immediately came to mind that this was to blame for everything ... the movement, which, in his opinion, left the body without strength. The fingers were barely moving, and there was no question of clenching a fist. The body seemed to have lost all strength overnight, so tired that the feeling of muscle pain atrophied and was no longer perceived by the brain as pain - there was such a thought. But then Ichigo tried to use spiritual pressure and quickly realized that not all his strength had left him, but only a part. Just fatigue, no more. And finally, Ichigo asked himself the third question, which arose only after a few long minutes of reflection on the previous topics - what kind of creature is looking in his direction with bright yellow eyes? It was great about a little more than a meter in height, thin, white, with an elongated muzzle and long, sharp ears, a creature that is unknown than resembling a rabbit. His forearms, in the center of which was something blue, having a round shape, were one and a half to two wider than the rest of the arm, by the way, the same incomprehensible things were on the legs of the creature with which he thoughtfully shook back and forth, while twisted in his hands a staff at both ends of which were blue spheres. So far, the creature was calm, only occasionally sighed, debugged its staff to the side, and again began to stare at Ichigo with its predatory eyes until it completely regained its strength. in the center of which there was something blue, having a round shape, was one and a half to two wider than the rest of the hand, by the way, the same strange things were on the legs of the creature with which he thoughtfully wound back and forth while twisting in his hands the staff at both ends of which were blue spheres. So far, the creature was calm, only occasionally sighed, debugged its staff to the side, and again began to stare at Ichigo with its predatory eyes until it completely regained its strength. in the center of which there was something blue, having a round shape, was one and a half to two wider than the rest of the hand, by the way, the same strange things were on the legs of the creature with which he thoughtfully wound back and forth while twisting in his hands the staff at both ends of which were blue spheres. So far, the creature was calm, only occasionally sighed, debugged its staff to the side, and again began to stare at Ichigo with its predatory eyes until it completely regained its strength.

- It's funny. - Finally said the creature, jumping from the place where it was sitting - in this case, from a piece of the destroyed column. "I didn't think you would recover." - The creature explained. - Let me introduce myself first. - Making an almost imperceptible bow, imperiously, prudently "suggested" it. - My name is Hedon, I am the keeper of the first floor of the Tower. - He explained, thereby giving a partial answer to the first question of Ichigo. "Tell me what is your name and what are you trying to find in the Tower?" - Squinting, as if seeking out the weaknesses of a young man, said Hedon.

- My name is Kurosaki Ichigo. - Introduced the man, carefully rising to his feet. - Can you talk about such a "Tower" you say ... Hedon, right? - Ichigo picked up the ID of I.O. the Shinigami lying nearby and put it in his uniform pocket.

- Here is how? - The floor keeper drew his conclusions, squinting at the animal eyes. - The tower is a place where dreams come true. Power. Money. Strength. Influence. Women. Everything and even more awaits those who are ready to conquer the Tower. - Rehearsed spreading his arms to the sides, said the oldest keeper, inseparably watching the reaction of the young man. "So why did you invade here, huh, illegal?" - The air seemed to get heavier, after the words of Hedon, starting to put a little pressure on Ichigo.

- No idea. Kurosaki snorted, responding with a confident gleam in his eyes. "There, where they pulled me out, I was just about to smash a pair of arrogant faces, but here a couple of minutes pass and I lose consciousness. After I woke up here. - Outlined by Ichigo. "I don't know whether I ended up here because of my desire or because of someone else, but I will definitely find out!" - With a fraction of the threat in his voice, the young man says, straightening up after the pressure on him has completely disappeared. - Now tell me, who are "illegal"?

- Well, listen. - The keeper smiled. - Illegal - these are people who violated the laws of the Tower; those who were not selected from the Middle and Outer zones of the Tower for its subjugation. People who managed to open the gates of the Tower on their own are illegal.

- Well, it turns out that they are criminals, "outcasts"? Kurosaki asked skeptically, bending tossing it and smiling wryly. Yes. I'm in a situation! Even here, in an unknown place, he was not destined to be an ordinary guy, to be friends with ordinary people, to talk on ordinary topics ... - "This is wonderful!" - Ichigo grinned mentally.

- Not all. - Hedon gave an ambiguous answer, taking the staff in both hands. - Some, in search of their goals, are ready to kill thousands of people, tens of thousands, hundreds, and some reached millions, but there are some among the illegal who are trying to protect the innocent, help, lend a hand, as people say. - The keeper of the floor explained, thereby answering the second question Ichigo did not ask - before him is not a dressed up person, but some kind of creature. - Almost all illegal, ninety-nine percent, have tremendous power, which is why the rest of the participants are afraid of them, who, like everyone else, conquer the Tower.

"And what needs to be done to go to the next floor?" "Ichigo already knew that they wouldn't let him in just like that." Perhaps ... Although not. He was sure that he would have to fight. No wonder this creature emphasized that almost all illegal are incredibly strong. The keeper singled out precisely the power of the illegal, not their intelligence, not their appearance, not something else, but namely their strength. Is it possible that he is checking illegal? Personally.

"Nothing at all." - Hedon smiled, sparkling with white fangs. "Just pass my test." - A bad light flashed in the eyes of the keeper of the first floor. This feeling always promised a huge change in the Tower. It visited him rarely. These cases could be counted on the fingers: a meeting with Zakhard, a brief dialogue with the Phantominum, a record-breaking short test time set by Urek Mazino, an angry skirmish with Andrew, which resulted in a scandal of unprecedented proportions, and, naturally, the appearance of the "long-dead boy", the existence which roamed in the Tower like a terrible legend, about which few knew or even less. And now this feeling has visited him once again.

- The test? Kurosaki smiled wryly, feeling something was amiss. Such a face was usually in the possession of the "nutty panamochnik from the twelfth detachment", when he came up with another sad masochistic idea, which can be embodied in what he called "training with the princess", he so affectionately called his Benichime, the spiritual sword .

- Yes. To rise to the floor above, the ascendant must pass the test of the keeper of the floor on which he is. It will show you are worthy to go up to the next floor. Test conditions are set by the floor keeper. And, of course, the farther, the more difficult the test. Under the test, which is very important, anything can be hidden. From a harmless game to a battle for survival, where only one survivor should remain. - The keeper explained, striking a sphere on a staff along the wall of the corridor. "My test is called the Ball."

Part of the wall, as if it were a sliding door, moved off to the side, showing a huge, black grate behind which, just a second ago, a huge eel was dozing. Behind its elongated muzzle, whose mouth was red, two large processes fluttered.

"And I need to defeat this?" Ichigo asked, somewhat dumbfounded, pointing to a huge white eel.

- Exactly. - The guardian nodded quite weakly. "This test, the Shar, is one of the simplest in the entire Tower. "Like a mockery," said Hedon. He always liked this situation. The situation when you see the real face of a person, his real emotions, the true desire to go forward, and not a fake, a fake that you want to personally break, destroy, and then throw it back to where it came from. "All you need is to dodge the monster the size of a man, dodging the attacks of the monster." - The keeper with his staff pointed to the black sphere, which the eel entwined with his body. - If you apply enough force, the ball will burst and the test will be considered passed. All that is required of you is not to perish.

- Here is how? - The young man grinned sarcastically, looking at a monster the size of a huge Empty. It seems there is nothing that could be a real threat, and no, but the sixth feeling was whispering anxiously, but when Ichigo came to the entrance, it quietly shut up, as if not wanting to distract the young man from the battle.

Soon after entering the room with the monster, where, hissing and starting to rise to its full size, a huge eel was awake at all, Kurosaki released the spiritual power, which covered the entire floor of the cage with black fog.

- Illegal, somehow often you began to appear here. - Hedon mused in his ears, grinning terribly at the edges of his wide mouth. - Although, this one is more like "illegal" than "chestnut" *. - Staringly watching how the black chinos, which has enveloped Ichigo, brings down the "white steel eel" at the feet of its owner, said the keeper. The overwhelming power, partially breaking out through the bars of the grate, gave the keeper of the first floor all the information he was interested in. Entering the Tower is illegitimate gifted with stunning overwhelming abilities. - Passed by. - The oldest guardian of the Tower grunted as sharp spikes of black tire pierced the ball.

- It turned out to be not so difficult. - Shrugged Kurosaki, already going up to Hedon and restraining his spiritual strength. - So, what is next? - Followed by a logical question.

- Here you are. - Hedon handed Ichigo a mechanical sphere. - This is a clock". A "clock" is needed for several things: it allows the carrier to recognize all the languages ​​spoken inside the Tower. They also serve for communication, like a walkie-talkie or phone, and, of course, they show time, and much more. But remember this. "Clock" is a necessary condition for survival in the Tower. This watch is of the "E" class, or, more simply, of the fifth, the higher the rank of the watch, in the decreasing direction - I did not forget to add the keeper of the first floor, meaningly twisting the staff in my hands, but it's not enough - the more useful and versatile it is. Usually, newcomers to the Tower are given a "D" class watch, but since you are illegal, you are an exception. But no matter how strong you are, without the "clock" you are nowhere.

- Got it. Ichigo nodded, touching the sphere. The "clock" began to emit a faint, gray light, "unraveling" in a multitude of "bandages" on which unknown letters were applied.

"If you command them to become invisible, they will disappear, but they will appear if you order them." - I did not forget to mention the oldest keeper. - And now, goodbye. - Pushed the guy in the chest with a staff, smiling, said Hedon.

Instantly, Kurosaki's body was enveloped in black substance. The young man did not even have time to come to his senses, as he lost consciousness.


"Chestnut" - a reference to manhva. The name Baam (from Korean) can be translated as chestnut.

Khm , i don't know how ichigo learn koreian languege!!?!?! xDD

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