
New life after seventeen months / New life after seventeen months

How much can a person be affected by certain circumstances? How has the lack of support affected the case-weakened person? How much can a person’s character change in more than a year, how much can his or her sense of “right and fair” be coarsened by losing one of the most important aspects of his life - faith in him as “fighting comrades”? And what of all this was to give Kurosaki Ichigo such a strong desire for something so that it could open the doors of the Tower? Fan fiction on the manga "Tower of God" and "Bleach . "

Agnostos · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 2 The floor of Evanchell

Ichigo did not come to consciousness soon. His "dream", in which he dreamed of a rabbit monster, possessing terrifying, again sensible, power, and a giant "steel eel", which in fact did not exceed the average strength in size of an adyukas, was interrupted not to say that it was disgusting, rather in an annoying voice. The speaker, first making sure that he was heard, immediately reported that everyone who hears him now is on the second floor, the floor of Evanchell. The voice also said that there were too many people who passed the first test, it seems that he called the number close to four and a half hundred, and therefore they, the participants, will have to reduce the number of "competitors" by any means to two hundred for a limited time - two hours. The speaker then highlighted the last words, as if hinting. And so, sitting on one of the many boulders that were scattered throughout the vast field, Ichigo, scantily analyzing the situation, realized that the murder in the Tower was something akin to everyday life. People and not only people killed creatures closest to themselves, who could pass as a test participant, slowly moving to the place where Kurosaki was sitting. The space was gradually filled with the sounds of battle: the grinding of swords, the whistling of arrows, energy flashes and much more.

The clock that was now to the left of Ichigo showed the remaining time. 0:59:59.

- It is clear that not everyone understood everything correctly. Again the voice of the trial administrator spoke. - If the number of participants does not decrease to the required two hundred people, then all participants will be excluded. - The voice fell silent as unexpectedly as it appeared, opening a second wind in many fighters, as time decreased with amazing speed.

"Well, bad luck, isn't it?"

Ichigo turned to look at the red giant. This humanoid creature, the whites of the eyes of which were black and the pupils yellow, was unusually huge, as for a man — three times as much as Ichigo himself. In his hands with black nails, he clutched the hilt of huge, rectangular swords.

- Do not you? - He grinned, showing a row of yellow teeth and two pairs of sharp fangs. "We are forced to fight so that we move on." Isn't that cruel? - The giant tensed.

- It depends on what you compare it to. Ichigo grunted, looking at the bloodied blades of his interlocutor. - My first test was a fight with "white steel eel", and then I only woke up, plainly not knowing anything about the Tower. - Kurosaki watched closely as the muscles of his interlocutor's hands began to throb, as if he was preparing to attack, like a wild beast. The air was heating up faster, the less time was allotted, now the clock showed exactly fifty minutes.

- White? Steel? Stop pouring! - The giant grinned, approaching dangerously close range. - These monsters are found exclusively on the twentieth floor. - He was indignant, clutching the hilt of his swords.

- Looks no. Ichigo shrugged indifferently, squinting displeased at the redskin. "So why are you bothering here?" He looked around, frowning and narrowing his eyebrows to the bridge of his nose. - Yes, and one.

- What a stupid question? - Raising both swords, rhetorically inquired rhetorically. "I don't need extra ballast!" - Rushing forward, the giant shouted. "And you are not very resembling a strongman."

After these words, Ichigo stopped listening to his opponent, becoming more and more convinced that the world in the Tower was inhabited by more than just people. This creature, similar to something like a man, was strongly distinguished by its huge size, bright red skin color, insane strength and speed, which an ordinary person can never possess, and also his always scary and twisted muzzle in a furious grimace. "Red giant," Ichigo called him, not knowing the attacker's real name. This boastful bastard did not hesitate to laugh at the top of his lungs, while managing to spit out various insults in Ichigo's face, he says that he doesn't fight, which means a weakling, a coward, insignificance and much more. According to the humble opinion of Kurosaki himself, who dodged the next careless blow of a giant who cut the trunk of a small tree, this ambal was a hundred times more uncouth than the captain of the eleventh detachment, Zaraka Kenpachi, who, at least, before killing the enemy, did not forget to introduce himself, which already did him honor. The same one even owned his own weapon with a stretch on the shaky "twosome" ... and then with a minus. True possessed an enviable brute force, which helped him win in previous fights.

- There is strength - no mind? - Ichigo commented. This time, instead of dodging or rejecting the blow, he decided to block it with his ID. Since a certain part of his spiritual strength was hidden in a piece of wood, she was not affected by the blow of the red-skinned giant. - Still talent, but a little brain to determine who you can handle and for whom you are in the teeth.

The broad blade of the sword, covered with a web of cracks, shattered into fragments.

- The test is over! To all those fighting immediately stop! Those who disobey will be immediately disqualified. - The administrator spoke. - Now, when the number of participants has decreased to two hundred, we will begin the second part of the test called "Make your enemy your friend!". In this simple test you need to assemble a group of three people. Time is limited, you have five minutes, people who have not found a group will be disqualified.

The red-skinned giant staring stupidly at Ichigo, staring at the sky, quickly looked around, trying to find at least someone else.

- Here it is, so how are the trials here? - The face of the red-haired man by itself took on a slightly relaxed look.

- Why are you so calm? - The giant was angry, brandishing a weapon in his right hand.

"Why worry?" - Kurosaki dismissed. - Did not pass now, so what? I'll go next time. - He confidently stated. "Now I know what is required of me and what will be required later." I have nowhere to hurry. - Ichigo shrugged, looking at how his recent rival, at first cursing, ran away to look for unoccupied participants. - "Hours", if you fill up the administrator's test, then it will be possible to pass it again? - He still decided to play it safe.

"Yes" - the answer was displayed on the "clock".

"At first they make you fight, bring the whole thing to the death of hundreds of participants, make you count all the creatures and people around you as enemies, and then, when your arms or hands of the creature opposite are already elbowed in blood, they say make friends, create a team of three participants. Yes, it's like knowing who the killer is, and then give him a knife in his hands and go ahead, hoping that they will not kill you. So what? "Ichigo mused, watching the timer on the clock slowly count down second by second. "Is it possible to pass this test without killing anyone?" Say, eliminate the superfluous before the start of the test. "- He thought, hypnotizing a person staring at him. "True, it will work only in this case, if the required number of participants is two hundred, and not, say, one hundred ninety-nine or less, up to one. After all,

"I am glad to know that not everyone here is spineless and weak-willed, ready to gnaw each other's throats for a ghostly chance to go up a floor." - The unknown brunette smiled, approaching the boulder on which Ichigo was sitting. He was wearing a black, plain t-shirt, over which was worn a light coat, dark jeans and shoes. - My name is Tu Peri Poong. I hope we can find a common language.

(Last for today)

(One day 1 chapter ) (Maybe Xdd)