
Chapter 3 : Fierce Clash with the Dragon God

~previously in New Dawn, an intense battle erupted between Gogeta and Vegito. The fusion warriors tested their limits, showcasing incredible power and techniques. Unleashing the full might of their godly forms, their clash caused massive shockwaves, shaking the very foundation of their surroundings. Despite their equally matched strength, the fight ended in a draw, with both warriors facing a new greater challenge of different type, hinting at the looming threat of the Ominous Omega Shenron.~


~Vegito and Gogeta, respectively in their Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan Blue Evolution forms, standing side by side both prepared for the new challenge ahead, their vibrant blue auras were filling the air. On the other side; Omega, standing ominously, imposing his threatning presence on the duo, hinting how intense that confrontation will be...omega clenches his fists and starts powering up, his aura was dark purple with black undertones, suggesting a tremendous power emanating from him...~

•Vegito :"Hmph, someone's getting fired up"

•Gogeta, in a more serious tone :"Hey, look at the orbs on his chest, aren't these dragon balls?"

•Vegito :"They might be, I've never seen any like those before", "we have to be careful with this creature, if these are dragon balls, we can expect that he has some mystic type powers, that may prove troublesome"

•Gogeta, with excited tone :"That only makes fighting him more exciting! Let me take a crack at him first, you stand back and scope his power"

•Vegito, crosses his arms :"Hmph, if you insisit, I'm not interested in fighting that abomination anyway, just make it quick"

•Gogeta, hits his palm with his fist in excitement :"Alright, let's get this going. I've been itching to try this form out"

•Vegito :"Hey, if things are getting dicey for you, i'm stepping in and ending it"

•Gogeta, with a disappointed face (mouth open) :"What!? C'mon this ain't fair!!"

•Vegito :"It's not about being fair, it's about being smart, fighting individually is an idiotic stunt, we can't risk one of us dying in the process"

•Gogeta :"Hahaha, the Goku in you must be taking over, fine"

~Gogeta starts powering up, his immense royan blue aura probably reached clouds in height, the atmosphere became so thick from the immense pressure of godly ki, yet Omega Shenron seems unfazed, he closes his eyes for an instant, then opens to find that Gogeta has vanished~

•Omega, to Vegito :"Hey you, where is he?"

•Vegito, smirking : ~lifts his head up~

~Omega looked up, to finds nothing, then, with a shocked face, he got a heavy elbow blow to his guts from Gogeta~

•Vegito, laughing :"Hahaha, oh man, i can't believe he fell for that. Idiot!"

~Gogeta smirks at Omega, then sends him flying with a kick, and pulls a double axe handle on the flying dragon after rushing to him, but reaches to him before he hits the ground and holds his head with his hand~

•Gogeta :"Your face is too hideous for my taste, it's better that i remove it"

~Gogeta blasts his face and then teleports up, wondering if Omega survived it~

•Vegito, with a serious look :"I see.." ~then uncrosses his hands as he knew that the battle isn't over yet~

~Omega then teleports behind Gogeta and attempts to punch him, but gogeta blocks the attack and tries to hit him as well, but Omega blocks it easily, Gogeta charges at him several series of blows but Omega is dodging all of them like nothing and holds Gogeta's fists. Then, the dragon with an evil smirk kicks Gogeta in the face sending the latter flying through the void~

•Gogeta, after he stops, palms on his face from pain :"Dammit, how is he so much stronger than before? That blast on his disgusting face should've ended him!"

~Omega, suddenly appears in front of him and prepares a blast right on his face~

•Omega :"it was not wise to interfere monkey...NEGATIVE KARMA BALL!"

~Gogeta seems struggling against the attack, screaming as he can't overcome it, getting pushed closer and closer to the ground~

~Who will eventually be the final victor of this combat?~

(To be continued)