
Chapter 2 : Unwanted Visitor


~previously in New Dawn, Vegito and Gogeta, the mightiest fused warriors to exist, and in the legendary god form, faced each other in the plain emptiness of the Time Chamber. Both warriors stood tall and proud, their auras flaring with an intensity that made the very ground beneath them tremble, their fight was as intense as it looked, but Vegito emerged victorious by the end...of the first round. refusing to admit defeat, Gogeta decides to transform once again, into his super saiyan blue form, so did Vegito, and the second clash of the mighty warriors started once again~


~And with both fighters now using their ultimate forms, the battle resumed with renewed vigor. They exchanged blows that could topple mountains and shatter planets, each combatant pushed the other to the very limits of their power. The landscape, unable to withstand the huge impact of the clash of legends, began to shatter, and the house in the chamber was almost reduced to shards,if it weren't for Gogeta who covered it with a barrier protecting the way out of that dimension...Gogeta unleashed a barrier of punches, each one carrying the weight of a thousand suns, but Vegito, parried with the grace of a seasoned warrior, countered them all with lighting-fast kicks that forced Gogeta to stay on defensive style. Refusing to stay down, Gogeta charges his God big bang kamehameha, which Vegito countered with a Final Kamehameha...~

•Vegito : "Time to finish this!"

~Vegito overpowers Gogeta's last hope of victory, and the latter, with a slowly fading-away scream, disappears in the explosion of the collided blasts~

•Vegito : "Oh no..maybe i put too much into that"... "hey, you alright?"

~Gogeta emerged from the smoke, but in his Super Saiyan Blue Evolved form, despite the setback of the collision, his resolve remained unbroken, his eyes blazing with a newfound determination, and his glowy majstic-sapphire aura pulsing with intense vibrancy~


~Vegito was left astonished by the magnitude of the power he is sensing~

•Vegito : "you are amazing, that is the kind of challenge i was waiting for, i would love to see how much stronger you can get but..we have company..."

•Gogeta, in shock : "What!?!?", "who the heck is that!?"

•Vegito : "beats me"

"The merged Saiyan, Vegito, I've come to end you"

~It was Omega Shenron, but...covered in a dark purple aura that the heroes have never seen before...~

•Vegito : "Hmph, that's big talk!", "I highly doubt you will succeed"

•Omega : "Failure is not an option"

•Vegito : "You sure? Because it's looking like a 100% possibility for you"

•Omega : "I doubt you have faced anyone like me before"

•Vegito : "nope, not quite like you. You are definitely the ugliest thing that has ever threatned me"

•Omega : "Insults won't work on me"

•Vegito : "Your presence is an insult. Now go away, You're interrupting our battle, There is the way to the door"

~Gogeta gets down from above~

•Gogeta, to Vegito : "Who or what the heck is this guy?"

•Vegito : "I don't know, he is obssessed with ending my life"....."so obssessed that he was watching us the whole time while we thought..."

•Omega : "impressive that you were able to sense my presence, no mortal before you has ever demonstrated such a feat, However, your demise is still inevitable", "Surrender, and I'll make your death as painless as possible"

Gogeta : "Yo you! You're in the way of our battle", "if you want to fight him, you will have to go through me first"

•Omega : "go through you? Very well, that sounds entertaining, then I'll have to deal with you first, peasant"

•Gogeta : "I'd like to see you try, Ogre"

•Vegito, to Gogeta : "something's off with this guy, his aura feels weird, we need to be careful...I sensed another presence with him before, and now it's gone", "it may be waiting for us to drop our guard..."

(To be continued)