
Chapter 4 : Achieving New Levels of Power

~previously in New Dawn, Gogeta challenges Omega in a death battle and dominates the mysterious foe at first, until Omega somehow gets stronger and surpasses the god fused saiyan even with him in Super Saiyan Blue Evolution, meanwhiel Vegitois watching and analysing the battle carefully and is getting ready to interfere~


•Omega Shenron, smirking :"You are foolish to think you can challenge me, Syn Shenron"

•Gogeta :"Impossible! To think he could muster an attack like this!"

•Omega Shenron :"in fact, i have evolved beyond a petty star dragon since my rebirth, i became a god FAR above all God dragons, I am the Omega!

I am Omega Shenron! Honor me with your death!"

~Then suddenly, Omega gets blasted by Vegito, giving Gogeta the opportunity he needed~

•Gogeta : "NOW IS MY CHANCE!"~ And he redirects the ball towards its owner, making a huge explosion"

•Gogeta, to vegito :"Hey, Thanks for the save, he is stronger than i thought he would be"

•Vegito :"I'm not so sure about that...That blast you landed on his face was enough to obliterate him; instead, it appears he added power of that attack to his own, also, he seems to have the ability to regenerate...I'm guessing the only way to beat that guy is to obliterate every cell in his body, without him absorbing our ki in the process"

•Gogeta :"Man, this is gonna be annoying"

~Omega finnaly emerges from the smoke, apparently totally unharmed..~

•Omega :"So, you finally decided to fight, potara. Your head will make a glorious gift to The Almighty"

~Omega gets down to the ground, Vegito with a serious glare getting warmed up to face this formidable foe~

•Vegito, to Gogeta : "I'm going to take a page from your book, and handle him alone. Don't worry, I'll end this quick so we can get back to our match. Hmph, sit back and enjoy the show"

•Vegito, walking confidently towards the God Dragon :"Feast your eyes on this, it'll be the last thing you'll see, Omega"

~Alright, Vegito widens his legs, clenches his fists, stops smiling, abd proceeds to charge up his ki, his blue aura filling the air, and radiating in powerful waves~

•Gogeta : "A-Amazing..His power is incredible! I never felt something like that before. That voice was right, He IS the real deal, show us the extent of your power!"

~Gohan, from Gogeta's timeline, training as well in the GodVoid dimension, felt Vegito's tremendous power all the way from there :"This ki, Dad!? No it feels like Vegeta's as well, he is growing stronger with him, so they must have fused then...This power is incredible, their opponent must be dangerous for them to fuse..well, i better not slack on my training then, who knows who might appear next.."

~Back to Vegito, having reached Super Saiyan Blue Evolution 2, His hair and aura were both majestic royal blue, just like Gogeta previously, except that he has no longer any hair bangs, but he wasn't done yet, he was aiming for another level, even further beyond..~

~Vegito, starts smiling, which had Omega shocked..~

•Vegito :"That look on your face is what I was waiting for, it suits you a lot. Tell me, how does it feel to know Hell is a few seconds away"

•Omega Shenron, infuriated :"Hell starts for you now monkey!"

~Omega launches his negative karma ball on Vegito, but it couldn't pierce through his intense aura~

•Omega Shenron, greatly shocked: "Impossible!"

•Vegito :"Sorry, that wasn't the right answer" ~and deflects the attack towards him, but Omega dodges it, but still in disbelief of what he was witnessing~

•Vegito, smiling :"The time has come!"

~The scene switches to Goku and Vegeta, inside Vegito's being, in a totally blank white atmosphere, seemingly Vegito's mind, they were standing far appart from each other, but then Goku turns around to Vegeta who did the same, and then the two bump fists both with smiling faces~

•Vegito : "I'll show you my power!"

~his muscles bulged slightly as he channels more power, and his dark blue hair starts to lengthen and grow spikier, Blue lightning crackles around his body, intensifying the visual spectacle, and a blinding light is emitted from him filling even the nothingness of this realm. With a final burst of energy, Vegito's transformation is complete, the ground still shaking from the tremendous raw power above, and the energy radiates outward, signaling the ascension of the mighty warrior, to Super Saiyan Blue Evolution 3! ~

•Gogeta, in awe :"What power.. Witness this closely Omega, That is the potential and power of the mighty saiyan race!"

•Omega Shenron :"How is this possible!? How could a monkey like you be this powerful!?"

~The scene shifts to Vegito, glowing in blue, slowly opens his golden eyes, with a menacing look, ready to take on the fearsome shadow dragon~

(To be continued)