

Anything can happen in this world. Heroes can be villains. Villains can be heroes. But can there be heroes who break rules like villains?

RedR58 · Urban
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7 Chs

Zero Gravity

After coming back home from work, Maika had the happiest grin on her face. She kept glancing at her phone like she was expecting a call or message. Mom and dad too have noticed her weird behaviour just like me. I knew Maika had a crush on a boy who works at her company but could it be that he has asked her out? Thinking about all the possibilities and impossibilities tired the hell out of me. So I decided to question her instead of thinking my head off.

" Maika, did he ask you out?" Here grin dropped and face went blank. Clearing her through the, she responded.

" Nope." I smirked. Even my parents were smirking.

" Ahaaaaa...so it's a he." Maika stood up from her seat avoiding my eyes.

"I'm going to my room." Our eyes followed her as she retreated to her room.

" They finally got together." Mom sighed happily.

" And I'm still single." I pouted earning a laugh from my parents.

" That is true unfortunately." Munching a piece of meat while having dinner, I thought about who this mystery guy Maika likes so much. I was furious because I hardly knew anyone in her work place and it was annoying because Maika knew almost everyone in mine. A thought crossed my mind just thinking about it.

'Does this mystery boy work at my company? I browsed every boy I knew in my company with closed eyes comparing their looks and characteristics according to Maika's taste. But none seemed to match her criteria. I stopped all my thoughts thinking why the hell would I care. Because it's not like he's going to marry Maika the very next day and become my brother-in-law right? I forgot everything about Maika's love relationship when remembering the work load I had to do before next day. After dinner, I too excused myself from others and locked myself in my room. I sat down to work with one thought in mind.' No Luminous tonight.'

Days passed and everything was still normal. My twin kept rambling about that guy who asked her out and I kept ignoring her so that I wouldn't get tormented with hearing about her love life. Mr.President reminds Luminous,me about the invitation to have a chat with him on news everyday saying it's still open but I haven't thought of meeting him yet. The tiny uniques, they kept in contact with me. We would send letters back and forth to get information from both side. To tell you the truth almost every hero and criminal in Little Asia wanted to meet me. Even Black Knight came to meet me but I left him alone on the rooftop (the place I used to hide from the media) not answering a single question he asked.

Although I rejected all the invitations from both media and Mr. President that asked to have a nice chat which probably end up as fucking job interviews, they didn't stop bothering me. Mr.President sent his personal helicopters with big banners hanging from them. The sentence,' Please do come meet me. From President. To Luminous.' Was written on them in big bold letters. In the first week, it was asked nicely but later the nice sentence turned to a damn command. They were like ' Come to my office right now Luminous.'. Next he even threatened me saying I would be arrested for breaking laws, for being disrespectful at the president etc etc. But did those stupid things made me go meet him? Of course no. Even if I wanted to meet him, I was too busy. So much so that I had to watch and use the toilet at the same time. That sounds gross. I know. But that's life pal. You'll see when your time comes.

Now you must be thinking what made me that busy. Good question. Let me answer you. You know I work in a big company. Though I sound like my parents are kind of poor. Nope. It's just the way we live. Like I told you before, my dad's great grandfather was a superhero. Because of his great service to the country, his family was granted a title of generals and they were gifted riches too. For generations they carried out the bloodline of generals. One member of the family always get a super power. Yeah. God keeps an account of it. My dad didn't get any power but his youngest sister, that means my little aunt got the earth power. Since she's kinda old now, she hardly uses the power for anything other than gardening. Trust me. I think she's better as a gardener than a superhero. She can't even aim with a stone while her little nephew, me could hit the bulls eye when he was only five. Thank you. Thank you. I was just being honest. I feel shy right now. Anyways, the riches were carried to generation to generation with more wealth getting added to it. My great grandfather appointed his only son Like I told you before, my dad's greatgrandfather was a superhero. Because of his great service to the country, his family was granted a title of generals and they were gifted riches too. For generations they carried out the bloodline of generals. One member of the family always get a super power. Yeah. God keeps an account of i his heir, grandfather appointed dad since all the others are daughters and lastly, dad decided to give all the troubles to me. Since it was the modern era, dad thought of starting a business so that the money will be safe for the future. Not my words. On the first few days no one wanted to invest in the company but then investors started flooding in like crazy. So the business climbed to the top without much problem. Now since I'm old enough to take the burden and since d dad is old enough to retire, I have to run the business. First it was nice, meeting new people and getting to know them but I only got to know the pain once dad completely stepped out from the company. Clients and the director board kept bugging for some nonsense I don't understand. As a result I had to dedicate almost all the time in my life to take care of the business.

My company, ZG is a video game company. I know what you are thinking. You must be thinking what those letters ZG stand for. They stand for 'Zero Gravity'. I wish. They stands for no reason. They say letter Z means determination, and it's unchanging since both simple and capital Z looks the same. They also say Z is highly esteemed, immense, compelling. There was a long description about Z. I'll tell you that later. G shows that it wants to grasp as much as it can and it shows thoughtfulness, being logical, alert, reasoning and uncontrollable. To tell you the truth my dad named it as Richard's but that's so lame right? So I changed the company name as soon as I took the position as the CEO.

Back to the topic, ZG ran into some problems lately. Some players have hacked into our company user accounts and changed the system of some games. So I had to help the editors and programmers to recreate the game. And trust me. It's hard because you have start from the very beginning to change everything those stupid assholes had done. When I find out their user ids, I'm so gonna kick them out from MY gaming world.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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