

Anything can happen in this world. Heroes can be villains. Villains can be heroes. But can there be heroes who break rules like villains?

RedR58 · Urban
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7 Chs

Little Asia

It was around 2am by the time I returned home. Being a hero with strength is so not my thing because by the time I jumped in to my room through the window, muscles in my body ache like someone has beat the fuck put of me. I'm being serious. I could hardly move in the shower without groaning in agony. I knew for sure that I'm going to get an early full of mom next day. The windows were closed and the lights were switched off by me before I fell into a deep slumber without dreams on my comfortable bed.

I woke up I woke up by the loud knocks on my door. Guessing it must be mom, I quickly took a shower and rushed to answer the door. Like I guess mom stood there with her hands on her hips, looking angry as ever.

"You went out last night?" She asked with a questionable tone added to the end of the sentence. I mouth 'yup' with popping the p. "Then didn't I ask you to tell me before you leave?" Again I replied in the same way. She exhaled in frustration. Then out of nowhere where she flicked my forehead which hurt like hell. Rubbing the sore spot I threw a glare at her. "You brat. You always do what you want to do. Never listen to your parents. So irresponsible." Mom walked back to the kitchen still muttering curses and whatnot under her breath. Right after mom left my line of vision, Maika stood before me. I knew I did the right thing last night about not going in to her room because the dark circles which she had tried to hide with make up proved me right.

" You have dark circles." I pointed the obvious earning a slap on my chest. I refused to let out the painful groan that was about to come out because of the still painful muscles from last night super hero stuff. " You are an asshole you know that? No wonder girls avoid you." With a hair flip she followed behind mom. Her long hair which was on a ponytail hit me on the face. That really hurt dude. It really did. WARNING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!AVOIDE LONG HAIR!

MOM kept grumbling about how ungrateful I was while dad and I talked about politics. He gave me updates of politics I've missed.

Our current president has issued a law for Supercriminals. Yes. I'm rolling my eyes right now. He is the 3rd nut case. I often thought whether he was stupid or trying to be stupid. I mean there are like 5k laws in our country but do the Supercriminals follow them? No. Then will they follow a single rule? Heck no. The law said that all the Supercriminals who enter the parliament without permission will get arrested and need to compensate for the damages they cause. I fell from my chair laughing at our lovely presidents stupidity. Even my gold fish isn't stupid like him. Anyways, right after breakfast there was a small time left before we needed to leave for our jobs. I switched on the television to see what the media had captured of me last night. I had to watch Tom and Jerry until the right time for news arrived. Today episode was really fun. I, who has a very special level of humour laughed like a maniac watching it. I was surprised to see myself crying from too much laughing.

I wiped my tears quickly when the opening of news played. The first news was about Mr. President who said the same thing he says everyday. Seriously. He needs to renew his vocabulary. May be I should gift him a thesaurus as Luminous. He talked about Black Knight, Riptide and their team. Last paragraph of his speech was the one that got my full attention.

" Two days ago a new unique with a power still unknown appeared in little Asia City and saved the city bank from a robbery. He is known to be as Luminous though we still haven't confirmed that either. However as the president of this country, I am grateful for his service for the country. And if you are listening Luminous, I would lie to meet you in person as the president of the country. While I appreciate Luminous for his brave actions I must take this time to appreciate our other heroes too. If not for them Little Asia would've been burnt to ground with the Supercriminals who break the laws." His speech went on with talking about Riptide. His favourite superhero.

The city I lived in was called Little Asia. The reason for that name was because mostly Asians like Chinese,Japanese, Korean, Indian live in there. First the city was called Central city because of that reason. The president treasures our city since most if the uniques are born in our city. Don't ask me why because I have no fucking idea why. Some say it's because of Asian blood. That's utterly nonsense. I think the reason behind it must be the blood line because most people in Little Asia marry someone in Little Asia. So if one of them have even a little bit of unique gene in them, then the next generation will probably get the gene. I don't know but those are my thoughts. There's another reason for the name Little Asia. That is the size of it. Unlike other cities in my country the land area of Little Asia is the largest. So those are the reasons behind the name.

like I said earlier and the history ran about a century ago. After pestering mom and dad for a long time I found out even my great grandfather was a superhero but unfortunately he had died during the war of Supercriminals 50 years ago. Yeah. I wasn't lucky enough to see it. He was dad's great grandfather. He possessed the power of water just like that stupid Riptide.

The super war, that's what we call the great war between Supercriminals and superheroes. Half of the city had crumbled down because of it. Most of the building are back together but there are some still in renovation. We get to learn about the super war at school for history. A very boring lesson. Killing five young Supercriminals who just robbed a shop was why the war occurred. Supercriminals were very angry for killing them even without taking to the court.

I left my chair to get my bag to go to work. I had no interest to listen to rest of the news. Besides, if I wanted to watch it somehow, I could watch it through youtube. Bidding farewell to everyone, I stepped out from the apartment to start a crappy day at work.

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