

Anything can happen in this world. Heroes can be villains. Villains can be heroes. But can there be heroes who break rules like villains?

RedR58 · Urban
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7 Chs

Code name MOM

Imagine the headlines on news when I appeared in public as Luminous after 3 days. 'Luminous is back', 'The Comeback of Luminous', 'The Mysterious hero is back'. Not a single one caught my attention. Dad was laughing his ass off. Well it was all thanks to him of course, putting that damn burden of a company on me.

"You should at least thank me for ruling the company instead of ruining it." I said huffing one morning when all of us were sitting for breakfast.

"Oh shut it asshole. Even if you ruin the company you still get a big salary. I don't even earn quarter of your salary in one month. If not for living with you guys I would've died long ago from starving." Yeah. True. Even if I worked hard or not, I still got a big salary. Maika would come to all the time like a beggar asking for charity funds. First she asked from dad but after he retired he would send her straight to me.

The first time she came begging for money, I was in my office having a hell of a tiresome day. I had three meeting starting from 6am. I was finally taking a nice rest since it was lunch time. I had informed my assistant to bring me lunch and to not let anyone come in. But hell my fucking annoying twin barged like it was her own office disturbing the rest I had been yearning to have.

"Mikeeeeeeee!" She said walking towards me from the other corner of the room. My good for nothing assistant followed her opening and closing his mouth like a fish.


"Sorry sir. But ms.Maika-" I groaned closing my eyes in anger.

"Just go. I'll take care of it."

"Okay sir. " He seemed to be happy about not having to take part in an argument between siblings.

"What do you want Maika?"

"I'm having a trouble lately." I cut her off knowing she would take forever to tell what she really wanted.

"What do you want Maika?" She sighed.

"Fine. I need some money."

"How much?"

"A little bit." I took out a one dollar bill from my wallet.


"What? What am I supposed to do with a one dollar?"


"Please brother! I promise I'll pay you back." I ignored her. I knew that emergency is probably to buy a stupid dress or something. Typical girls. I cleared my throat to speak when she didn't stop whining.

"Samuel!" In a second Samuel was in front of me. " Give her some money. I'll pay you back. I only have my bank card with me."

"Okay sir." Samuel went back to his table possibly to get his wallet.

"Why can't you give me your bank card?"

"Don't trust you." She huffed before replying to my retort.

"Real smooth Mike. If I was a boy you wouldn't be the one to sit here." Snickering I threw a smirk at her.

" Not really. Remember, I'm the oldest." Then she left stomping on her way. I was relieved once she left me alone but looking at the time I realised it was already passed the time I could rest. To prove my point Samuel came in with my lunch while saying we were going to be late if we didn't hurry.

So that's how Maika begged for money from me for the first time. Ever since then she would come to me whenever she was in need of money.

"Watch your mouth young lady. Is that how you talk to your twin brother?" Mom scolded Maika which received a grin of satisfaction from me.


"Thank you Mike." I didn't expect that from dad at all. "Thanks to you the business is going well. Better than the time I was working as the CEO."

"Dad," I muttered. He waited for me to continue my sentence. " , I didn't expect that."  Maika burst out laughing.

" Well uh," Dad was embarrassed. His ears turned pink.

"Aww he's embarrassed!" Mom giggled.

"Anyways, are you sure no one knows your identity?" I nodded stuffing my mouth with food. I gulped the food in my mouth before replying.

" Don't worry. No one knows. I've only appeared in public about three times." A sigh of relief from dad. Well he should be since what would happen if someone gets to know the face under the mask. Think about it. The whole neighbourhood and entrance of ZG would be crowded with reporters waiting to grab even a little bit of information or a clear photo of me. Specially Mr. president, he'll be knocking on the door nonstop until I give him an answer.

" Good. You need to cherish your youth to the max before letting the society know of your existence." That's dad for you. I once thought he was a priest. I was once 5 I think. He's so good at saying things like that.

"Dad, you are saying that to the wrong person. He's the CEO of ZG for fuck sake! He's already a well known Figure." Maika corrected dad while chomping a celery. Dad was like 'my bad' hearing those words. Wanting to change the subject, I turned to Maika.

"So, when are we going to meet this mystery boy?" She coughed out by choking on a celery as mom pat her back and gave her a glass of water. No one expected that kind of question from me at all.

"Hint me before hand if you are going to ask about that." Maika glared which I returned with a grin. "Well Ummm,  I told you his name right?" And the reply from me and my parents were clear. With an eye roll, we said 'Nope' in union and making sure to pop the P.

"It's Ryan."

" Surname?" That was my question.

" Don't want to tell. Because there are some people here who would definitely do some private investigations behind my back and I don't want that to happen." When she said some people she only threw murderous at me and dad but hell, she didn't know that one private investigator was mom. Believe me, mom's code name was MOM. I laughed my ass off once hearing that for the first time.

"Pfft! Like we care about your stupid boyfriend whom you might break up with in like next week." I raised my eyebrow with a smirk dancing on my lips.

"You wanna bet asshole? "

"Nah. I don't need to since I know that victory is on my side."

"Wow! the confidence, wish you use this confidence to end your single life." It was really embarrassing to hear that kind of statement coming out from my sister's mouth. I knew by that time my ears must've turned pink from blushing.

" I'm still waiting for the right time and right person. You don't understand stupid." I finally said once I got hold of myself again.


"Enough both of you. Now eat not talk." Trust me, you don't want to get on mom's bad side. Muttering apologies, both Maika and I kept quiet. After that, the dinner went to of with no more eventful events.

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