

Anything can happen in this world. Heroes can be villains. Villains can be heroes. But can there be heroes who break rules like villains?

RedR58 · Urban
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7 Chs

The Tiny Uniques

I spent all night writing about Luminous who was going to appear at the town square tonight again. I shut down my laptop and got changed to my costume. I wore my long coat inside out so that the luminous N couldn't be seen by anyone and assume my real identity. I stuffed my mask into one of my coat pockets. I took silent footsteps out from my room to go to my parents one to slip a note under the door. No sound except the sound of the clock and my breathing could be heard. Even my sister's room was deadly silent which scared me because she doesn't sleep at night even for a second. She would chat with her friends all night chatting about boys and girlish stuff. Because of suspicion that she might be silent on purpose to bring me in to her room so that she could convince me to take her with me, I went back to my room and locked the door behind me.

Taking one last look over my shoulder at my room, I jumped down from the window. If mom saw me jumping out from window in the middle of the night, she would get a heart attack. That's for sure.

I'm sure you thought I landed gracefully on the ground like a real superhero would but unfortunately no. I stumbled on my steps because of my stupid long coat that got caught on a nail. Fucking nail. I removed it the moment I returned back. I swear.

The town square was empty as always but I knew the city police was looking at me through the cctvs because of the small red lights that kept blinking from every direction. Smirking, I mixed into a blind spot wanting to have a little bit of fun before getting back to serious business.

Nothing interesting happened that night other than having fun with the police and the media who were hiding in the shadows. I was calmly sitting on the edge of a tall building when an arrow came towards me in lightning speed. If not for the practices, I would've died right then and there. The arrow landed behind me on my left. I couldn't hear any close by thoughts other than the ones that belongs to journalists. Whoever shot that arrow was very skilled in shooting. A small note was attached to the arrow. The arrow was no ordinary arrow either. The tip of it was made with silver and a small piece of diamond, smaller than the diamonds used in rings. These kids of arrows are used to cut through glass. I was deadly sure whoever the shooter was not one of the people in the heroes group.

I made sure to be careful when opening the note. Who knows what might be inside. The note was not that long. It basically asked me to join their group who were some uniques with small powers. The note was like this.

" To Luminous: Hello, I'm the leader of the group, Tiny uniques. You may have not heard of our group yet but you'll surely hear about it in a few days. Our group has some uniques with small powers. I don't think I need to explain what these small powers are right? But I'll tell you anyways. I have the power of translation. That means I can translate not any language but of a goldfish.

Then thr next one can grow plants from seeds. He really looks like the male version of green ivy by the way. Then the next one is the one who never gets old. His power is that. He can never die. So he's the oldest one among us. Next there's a she with us. Her power is her charm. She can make anyone fall for her with just a small smile. So she always wear a mask to cover her face. No need to be afraid of falling for her but you better be away from her because she's mine. Our fourth member is a small kid about ten years old but he looks like he's 20 because his super power is growth.  He can grow up anytime he wants. He's currently trying to grow a big beard. Doesn't matter. Our fifth but the second oldest mate has the power of flying but unfortunately the limit is one meter from the ground level.  Lastly I'll tell you about our ace. He can transform to a certain animal. An insect actually. He can transform to a cockroach. That's really disgusting to be honest but compare to other's powers, his one is better.

So the reason we want to invite to our group is because you seem like a cool guy. Wait! Don't get your hopes up yet because we are going to hold a small interview to see whether you are good enough to join our group.

Well, that's all I got to say. If you want to join our party, please leave something that represents you with the arrow because we really need the arrow again. That's our ultimate weapon by the way. Don't worry about leaving that kind of important weapon in public since no one is outside considering the time. So....hope you'll consider our invitation eventhough it's too early for that. We hope you'll reply back.

Ps: I was the one who shot the arrow. Thanks for the compliment. I was once in the archery club. That's another story.

From: The tiny uniques"

That was really really a crappy letter. That leader dude looks like he has lost some nuts but comparing to the god above us who has lost several nuts, he's fine. I mean come on! God really has lost his mind. How could he give those kind of stupid powers to uniques who are supposed to save the humanity? I would give him piece of my mind and beat the crap out of him for making people suffer so much and for creating such selfish superheroes like Riptide and Black Knight.

I retreated home after leaving a letter N teared from the note they left for me. It's not that I want to join them. It's just that I wanted to see how this group thing might go.

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