

Anything can happen in this world. Heroes can be villains. Villains can be heroes. But can there be heroes who break rules like villains?

RedR58 · Urban
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7 Chs


My hatred for the heroes only grew seeing through their flowless actions justified as actions as symbols of justice. I asked myself a question every single day, ' Should I ask for Mikle?'. So I made a very difficult decision about my future. Eversince I made the decision, I practice my abilities in every way possible. I practiced fighting eventhough I had no strength to fight against someone until I was stronger than anyone else. I did researches and gained knowledge in every aspect in order to polish my second power. I listened to people's thoughts to get to know more about people and the world. My hard work paid off and in the age of 24 I was more than ready. The onlything missing was a team to rebel against the heroes and be the real superheroes, the fighters of justice.

Maika who yet to speak up about having justice for our brother, helped me get my suit togather. I wore no spandex nor cape. I wore a pair of jeans,a shirt and a long coat. All in black. Even my shiny polished shoes were black. Capital N in cursive letter was written luminous on the back of my coat with a luminous circle around it. A black mask with a luminous margin masked half of my face making it impossible for someone to recognize me. Because of my busy work life, I could only come out at night. While the other heroes slept at night, I did my duty as a real hero.

After the first night I stepped into public with my full suit, I was all over the news. My sister read the article aloud eyeing me from time to time.

" IS HE A HERO OR A VILLAIN?" I snorted at their stupid topic. Maika didn't pay attention to my reply. She just kept reading. " Last night a unique appeared around the national art galary who stopped three supercriminals from stealing an art piece worth five million dollars that has been in display to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the art gallery. Who is this black claded unique? Is he a hero or a villain? We are et to know." My sister chuckled then took another article to read.

" LUMINOUS: THE NEW SUPERHERO. Who is this handsome yet mysterious unique? He appeared all in black with a luminous N on his cloths which we can assume as his logo. However we still haven't found this mysterious unique's name. We questioned Riptide and Black Knight from the Hero Squad." Just hearing those two names made my blood boil. My grip around the fork tightened. My sister who didn't notice my distate again chuckled at the content of the article.

" Was it you Mike?" Mom scowled and then averted her eyes at dad who just shrugged.

" Yes." That was all I could say.

" Then is it true that you fought threw supercriminals?" I nooded in reply without using words. Mom gasped and turned towards dad. " Did you hear that David?," Then turning back to me, she continued, " Do you know how dangerous it is?" Dad sighed.

" Let him be Natasha. We can't hide him forever. It's his right to use his power for the sake of humans." I was glad dad took my side.

" Don't worry mom. I won't let anyone know about my powers. Atleast about my mind reading powers." Mom nodded but she still didn't seem satisfied with my remark. I examined her trying to figure her out. Because of me, everyone in my family learnt how to build a wall in their mind to block me out. Eventhough I could make those walls crumble down, I still kept away from their minds since they have requested to not to listen to their thoughts.

" Then remember to tell me before leaving next time." I geinned nodding.

" Of course!" Maika groaned.

" Wish I could tag along." Dad laughed patting Maika's head.

" You are a girl Maika. You should stay at home at night." A sigh left from dad probably because of remembering Mikle. A deep silence fell over the table. We went our separate ways after breakfast. The day passed by with everyone talking about Luminous, me. Around nine p.m., Maika barged into my room scaring the hell out of me.

" What the fuck is wrong with you Maika? You scared the hell out of me." I grumbled unhappily as her sudden arrival got me killed inthe game.

" Sorry asshole. Are you...not going today?" Her voicw was full of hope. I hid my grin and masked my face with fake confusion.

" Where?"

" To save the world. duh." Her duh tone and the eye roll she did really annoyed me.

" Probably not today." I threw my phone on to my bed and turned towards table to proceed with studying all the other uniques. Uniques are the ones with powers. Each power has a diferent name like uniques with fire power are called flamers, uniques with water power are wave breakers, uniques with mind reading powers are cykers, etc.

" Why though? You know what it doesn't matter but you should've seen the girls at my work place, they were all discussing about you. The way they talked about how handsome you are," She gagged. " It was disgusting. They were saying those things like they met you face to face in action. I really wanted to slap those gossiping bitches." Maika banged her fist on the bed as she was lying on it.

" Is that jealousy I smell?" My smirk could only grow widen when Maika wentbeet red.

" No ewww! You are too grossed to be obsessed over! I mean come on, you like to eat those nasty shrimps. That's so disgusting!" She again gagged trying to show how disgusted she was.

" You do know that your crush loves to eat shrimps and any normal person would like to eat shrimps." I don't know how to call that shade of red that Maika's face turned to.

" How the fuck do you know about my crush and how do you know he likes shrimps?" I sent an evil titter at my twin.

" That's a story for another time.The door is that way Maika." I heard Maika muttering 'asshole' under her breath before taking her leave from my room. I took a deep breath and switched on my laptop to leave a long article about luminous, myself.

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