
Necromancer, new branch - I can enslave the living!

Follow Bardeelus' journey as he discovers the wonders of 'pure necromancy', one of the rarest types of magic out there. Some despise it, while some adore it, but ultimately, he was free or any demonic influences and was as pure as a mage could be! Though, training was a different story. lt wasn't easy to uncover the secrets of pure necromancy, as those secrets were locked in the 'old world' of magic. Ancient and cryptic languages were a must know, if any progress was to be made, and the tag-along dangers were ten times worse! Bardeelus' goals were greater than any threat, however, as he wanted to enslave the living, without killing them. Although this was almost unheard of across the dark arts of magic, it was possible! ~ For the sake of power, he'll find a way to do it. Besides... a greater threat awaited them, the clock was ticking. He had to be ready! ~

Enkamos · Fantasy
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172 Chs


After half a minute of unnecessary screaming, this traitor finally found something else to vocalise. He wasn't as intense now, but his choice of words wouldn't be considered great either.

The traitor saw one of the ladies in the crew, who didn't put a shirt on just yet, and whistled at her. "Hey there sugar-tits!"

"No," Kutal suddenly interrupted.

He elbowed the harasser across the face, and that blow was very efficient. Kutal's outsides were made entirely out of metal at the moment, even his testicles, so surely any of his hits were heavy.

"Come on! I just resurrected that bastard!" Bardeelus complained, and got actually irritated for once.

"I didn't kill the lad, he'll just be sleeping for a little while longer." Kutal said.

That was true, the traitor was as alive as ever. Things could've gone far worse, if he decided to stab through flesh, rather than hit the traitor ~ His transformed, pointy hands would've surely done a gruesome job!

There was more to Kutal's reaction, however. Regardless of how he tried to act nicely for a couple of seconds, this display of resurrection frightened him deeply.

After a few minutes, while the crew was preparing to leave this place, he finally expressed. "You really brought a man back to life… You do know this ain't anything good, right? I can't bring you back to the camp."

"Wow, you really thought ahead." Bardeelus cackled, and he didn't take the other so seriously at first. 

Afterwards, he asked. "So you think I'm praying to the three devils or something? Do I look like I'd impress a devil? Come on now, stop dicking around."

Kutal the Sturdy, assured that he was being dead serious, by countering. "Apart from being the weakest and most spineless man I've ever known, you're also the weirdest. I'd associate you with anything bad, and it was never my idea to get you out here to begin with, we brought you here to sniff out prey."

The rant did not stop there, as this man was viciously direct. "I don't like you, and now, you somehow brought a man back to life? This is solid, evil, necromancy ~ you even admitted to it yourself, man-boy."

"I said that I 'might' be a necromancer. Might is a very strong word, when you have no idea what you're doing." Bardeelus said.

He was nervous to argue with the other for long, however, so he bargained instead. "You will take me home, sir. We came out here to hunt, right? I'm hearing a bunch of heartbeats close by, and those are either seven men or seven horned-boars. See? I'm useful."

A point was made, and it was a really solid one. Ultimately though, this meant that what was left of the crew, was in danger again!

Horned-boars were dangerous, random men were even worse, so they had to take action quickly, regardless of what awaited them! Kutal ran a couple of calculations on his head, and both revolved around the presumed 'necromancer'.

He crouched down, pulled the young man down with him, and then whispered. "Okay, now we have to be really careful here. If those are boars, then we finally eat. But… we can't count on your guesses, so we need to be prepared ~ I can't fight either."

"Prepared how then?" Bardeelus asked.

"Can you resurrect some of our men? We need an extra pair of arms, effective immediately, or else this plan won't work!" He whispered, and was close to barking too.

"Arms we will not have, neither effective nor immediately. Our friends are dead, and what the hell are you gonna do with Nancina over there, even if I resurrected her?" Bardeelus argued viciously, "She could scare men away, yes, but we're better off eating her at this point. She's readily toasted."

At this point, Kutal realised that everything had fallen back to step one. He had to work with the men and women here, which they already had.

Out of frustration, he scolded the other. "Curse you! Why can't you tell men from boars apart?"

"Both species squeal and travel in groups," Bardeelus joked.

They were wasting time right now, however, so it was imperative to initiate the second plan which he had thought about. "Okay, you're useless. We're going to have to depend on Audera now, she's good with ambushes."

Audera, the alleged 'sugar breasts' heard that little plan, even though she was about four meters away. She was ready to spring into action, and didn't have a choice either, as Kutal the Sturdy truly couldn't fight.

She wasn't stupid either, though. For that matter, she crawled towards Bardeelus and grabbed him by the arm. "You're coming with me, I'm not running around aimlessly."

It was difficult to avoid cooperation with her, mostly because she didn't care about the other's feelings. They snuck around the bushes, and searched for those few heartbeats.

Bardeelus was willing to help, but an idea was stuck in his mind. Now more than ever, did he want to test out, if it was possible to resurrect these other dead people. 

In the heat of the moment, he tried, right before Audera had dragged him away. There were no results, though. He needed a heartbeat to work with, as expected, and it seemed extremely difficult to cooperate with corpses which he did not kill to begin with. 

At this point, everything about this concept seemed weird, and confusing. He didn't know what to do with these powers, and this was an understandable feeling as he just discovered them!

Anyway, as they made it through the forest, the team of two quickly discovered who it was that roamed near them. They were horned-boars, which was one of Bardeelus' predictions. 

They weren't any less of a threat, however, so it was important to be cautious. These boars were two meters tall, and had a three-foot long horn which grew out of their heads ~ A single wrong move could get both of these young people trampled, or severely penetrated.

However, they didn't have to take huge risks here. One boar would be enough to feed the camp for a few days, and if they got two boars, then they'd be very lucky.

Audera knew that well, so she planned to separate at least one of them from the herd, through the power of illusion!

"Stay here," She ordered.