
Necromancer, new branch - I can enslave the living!

Follow Bardeelus' journey as he discovers the wonders of 'pure necromancy', one of the rarest types of magic out there. Some despise it, while some adore it, but ultimately, he was free or any demonic influences and was as pure as a mage could be! Though, training was a different story. lt wasn't easy to uncover the secrets of pure necromancy, as those secrets were locked in the 'old world' of magic. Ancient and cryptic languages were a must know, if any progress was to be made, and the tag-along dangers were ten times worse! Bardeelus' goals were greater than any threat, however, as he wanted to enslave the living, without killing them. Although this was almost unheard of across the dark arts of magic, it was possible! ~ For the sake of power, he'll find a way to do it. Besides... a greater threat awaited them, the clock was ticking. He had to be ready! ~

Enkamos · Fantasy
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172 Chs

Resurrecting the first slave

Bardeelus had been knocked unconscious. He couldn't tell, of course, so he didn't really complain just yet. 

At this point, it was a good nap even, as he hadn't slept well through these past couple of days. However, within this deep slumber, there was something that bothered his subconscious.

He could sense a foreign heartbeat, or more precisely, he could smell it. This beat burned the roof of his nose, and that feeling was very physical, rather than sensational. 

While he was within a random dream, Bardeelus thought. "Didn't I blow this thing up already? Why is it still beating?"

He didn't manage to find the answer. The dream world wasn't the best place to think, obviously - He was lucky enough to get one thought through.

Anyway, what felt like a second later, he suddenly woke up. It was difficult to make sense of the surroundings at first, but one thing was for sure, he survived the battle!

"Mmm… gray egg." Those were his first words after waking up.

"I'm not an egg, lad. Pull yourself together!" The perceived 'egg', followed along.

Later he realized that Kutal the Sturdy, had been breathing onto his face for a couple of minutes now, not an egg. This was the opposite of intimacy too, as this man had not tried to steal a kiss so far but sought out signs of life instead. 

Bardeelus thankfully survived, and gradually, he got a sense of what went on here, and acknowledged the damages too. Most of their crew either fled earlier on, or were burned alive! 

Three people have fled, more specifically, but the fourth one who attempted to, hadn't been as successful and got his heart blown up instead! In relation to this matter, treachery became a controversial topic now, after one peeked at some members of the crew, who had been melted to the ground.

"Can't blame those traitors for wanting to live. I'd be scared to die like this too…" Bardeelus thought, as he tried to rub his own, blurry vision away.

He wanted to throw up, but could only spit, as he hadn't really eaten any food for a while now. The scene here was gruesome!

Two men and a woman had been burned alive, all the way down to their bones. Some of their organs were visible too, so surely, their passing wasn't light or easy!

With such damages considered, Bardeelus felt lucky. The only reason why he survived, was because he had been sandwiched between two enemy bodies, until a moment ago. Sure his butt-cheeks had been toasted red, but that was most of the damage which he suffered. 

He was happy for himself, but also felt surprised now, as Kutal somehow survived the battlefields as well. "You killed them all, right? Those fire-breathers are dead, otherwise you wouldn't be talking to me now."

"They're dead, but if we run into more trouble, then all of us will be dead too. I can't fight anymore, not for a week at least." Kutal emphasized the latter sentence.

That fight had roughed him up pretty bad. Within the mayhem, in order to preserve himself from getting burned alive, this sturdy man covered his whole body with a thick layer of metal. His beard had melted off completely, and his head looked much like a gray egg as assumed before, but at least he survived. 

This whole measure had barely been enough, though, and he only survived by luck and proper timing. He hadn't been able to set his own crew free, but at least all fifteen of those enemies were dead now!

As for this layer of metal, it continued to preserve his life, but he couldn't fight for a whole week and was useless because of that inability. If he played around with the metal which his body excreted, the consequences would be dire! A single, offensive move could deplete a vital organ of his, so it wasn't worth the trouble.

Bardeelus noticed most of those details, but he tried to remain positive. He peeked at the couple of ladies who were close by, and had hope on them.

"They can fight," He said, while those same two dressed up. "We'll be alright."

"What about you?" Kutal asked out of a sudden.

"Me? Well, I got a cool sword now, but is that good enough?" He answered. 

"I'm not talking about that you moron," Kutal hissed, and then said. "Are you telling me that you haven't sensed the man behind you? He was breathing a moment ago, but now, it looks like he died on his feet!"

The other was right to be mad, but Bardeelus didn't share the same energy. That blow which he withstood on the back of his head, still weighed him down.

He turned around slowly, and nodded along once he saw the aforementioned man. "Didn't I kill this one already? Could've sworn that I tore his heart into pieces."

"What's that now? You're getting obsessed with hearts, boy." Kutal said.

"Yes yes, but I can't help it. Now lemme see…" He stretched that last word out, and then stood up to analyze the traitor's body.

"I can't tell if his heart's beating," Bardeelus said after a few seconds, and then added. "Which means that it might not be beating at all. Yeah, this man's dead, so you probably heard the wind whistle or some shit."

Before they could have argued about this matter, however, he was forced to understand what the fuss was all about. For example, this traitor was presumed dead, but still stood on his feet. That was weird enough alone, but it wasn't what brought Bardeelus to his senses. Instead, he heard a unique, specific heart beat for once, rather than just sniffing it out!

"Oh wait, you were right." He finally agreed.

The traitor in front of them looked less and less alive by the second, but now it was a must to insist otherwise. The other's face barely had any blood flowing in it, and he started looking blue as well, but a couple of heartbeats insisted otherwise!

"Most of his heart is torn, but a part of it is still beating… or at least, it started beating right now." He explained, and then added. "I blew this heart up earlier, so, maybe I can stitch it back together?"

Kutal the Sturdy was all about power and a good arsenal, but at this point, even he grew hesitant. Skepticism was in his nature, and it aided survival too!

"You crossed the line there. My asshole is welded shut, and that's making more sense than you right now. How could you restore a heart? You're no god." He argued.

"I'm not a god, but I may be a necromancer. Ever heard of those?" Bardeelus said, "They literally summon demons, so why is it insane to heal a heart which I willingly destroyed?"

Of course he hadn't waited around for a word of approval, and already started experimenting. He wiggled a few fingers around, from both hands, and slushed the traitor's heart around freely.

Nothing about this procedure was physical. He didn't have to slice through the other's chest in order to experiment, but did it through willpower alone. 

After a minute, while the rest babbled with one another, Bardeelus managed to summon a full heartbeat from the traitor. Afterwards, the 'dead man' in front of him, started screaming out like a hyena!

Clarity means a lot to me, as an author. I want my chapters to be easy to read, and hopefully enjoyable for the same matter. Good pacing is everything, so I hope you're reading between the effort stashed within those paragraphs!

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