
Necromancer, new branch - I can enslave the living!

Follow Bardeelus' journey as he discovers the wonders of 'pure necromancy', one of the rarest types of magic out there. Some despise it, while some adore it, but ultimately, he was free or any demonic influences and was as pure as a mage could be! Though, training was a different story. lt wasn't easy to uncover the secrets of pure necromancy, as those secrets were locked in the 'old world' of magic. Ancient and cryptic languages were a must know, if any progress was to be made, and the tag-along dangers were ten times worse! Bardeelus' goals were greater than any threat, however, as he wanted to enslave the living, without killing them. Although this was almost unheard of across the dark arts of magic, it was possible! ~ For the sake of power, he'll find a way to do it. Besides... a greater threat awaited them, the clock was ticking. He had to be ready! ~

Enkamos · Fantasy
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172 Chs


The magical branch of illusion was respected by many, and it was somewhat a common craft between mages. Most would agree to its beneficial uses, especially in this mayhem of an island. 

However, this branch wasn't as holy as one would assume. The line between it and actual witchcraft was very thin!

In their own way, illusion-based powers were just an excuse, to severely harass an opponent mentally. It was never fun for one to fight an illusionist, especially since spells which encouraged fear were often used as illusions. 

Simply, these mages had a license to harass anyone; The license being metaphorical only. Audera was about to give a very visual representation on this matter, as she was about to harass some boars, 'magically'!

"Okay… that one seems stupid." She thought.

Of course, most boars were stupid, but her thought process was very specific here. Much like a hunter, she decided that the boar which was furthest away from the herd, was the dumbest one. She could pick this one off easily, without alerting the rest!

Audera invested enough effort for this hunt already. She had even climbed on top of a tree to get a better look, and now there was only the matter of luring the separated boar, further away from its family. 

The first move was to summon something that no, brown-furred boar could refuse, a pumpkin.

"Hope I remember how it's done," She muttered, and then tied her legs around some branches just a bit tighter. 

She needed both of her hands to cast some spells, which were advanced enough for most young mages. A pair of blue colored, mist-like strings of light, started emitting out of her hands, and she tried to focus this spell on that one particular boar. 

If she accidentally attracted all seven of those boars, then this plan would fail. Audera tried her best, she even T-posed in order to concentrate this spell better!

Finally, she summoned a fruit, but it wasn't an orange, delicious looking pumpkin. Instead, she summoned a watermelon, or at least, the depiction of a watermelon. She couldn't summon actual, physical items but just mimicked the form of them instead.

"A green one, really? This is embarrassing, it's so difficult to do illusions that aren't terrifying." She grunted. 

Of course, she hadn't explored this side of the arcane branch all that much. Illusions were mostly useful to scare people away, rather than lure them in. Today she was attempting what was uncommon, and thankfully, she made a bit of progress.

The horned-boar took the bait, and trotted towards the illusion of a watermelon happily. Its steps released multiple thuds in the meantime, which once more reminded her that any direct interactions with this beast would be deadly!

Anyway, once the boar was lured about fifteen meters away from its herd, she took this hunting session to the next step. She made the watermelon disappear, and summoned the illusion of a wall of fire instead!

Most animals would be afraid of fire, so this was the most appropriate decision. It worked too, as the boar ran away squealing!

Since the 'fire' had been drawn out behind the boar, it did not have the chance to run back to its herd. It just jolted towards a direction which Audera could manipulate well. 

"Hehe," She giggled, and then harassed the prey with a near-death experience. 

The next illusion was cruel! Falling off a cliff would be one of the most accelerating ways to die, and that was what the boar was seeing right now, so it quite literally had a heart attack and swiftly crashed down.

Just a moment ago, a foreign feeling which was unrelated to the illusion, enhanced that heart-attack even further! Of course, the boar was oblivious. 

Anyway, this hunt was successful. This beast crashed through many branches, before it slid across the ground for a couple of meters, while it gave out its last kicks!

"Nice, that's a whole ton of meat right there. Do we even need more boars? I swear, sometimes I feel like some of the meat is disappearing in that camp." Audera thought, and slightly debated with herself. 

This train of thought was poorly timed, though, as she didn't pay enough attention to the surroundings. The branches she had clenched her butt-cheeks on, literally let her down. 

One of them snapped, which threw her entirely off balance within a snap! 

"Shit," She grunted, and fell down for a good seven meters.

This wasn't pretty. She slammed against several branches, and was almost scratched blind too! Once she crashed down on the ground, the damages she withstood were bone-cracking, although she did survive. 

The worst part out of all of this, was that she alerted the six other horned-boars. By nature, they were very vicious and would try to neutralize any threat, so all of them charged towards that loud interference in no time!

Audera had only seconds to react, but she couldn't abuse those seconds at all, because there was a branch which had pierced right through her forearm. It was thin, but it still disabled her greatly, as she couldn't cast any dependable spells!

"What a dumb way to die," She scolded herself, and sighed deeply. 

All hope seems lost, but she did not realise something. About forty meters away, Bardeelus figured out that everything had gone wrong, and decided to lend a hand. 

In hindsight, he didn't really have to help the other. No one expected him to do so either, considering how lowly everyone in the crew thought of him.

He had already sprung into work, though, once he heard a huge spike up, on Audera's heartbeat. He ran towards the boar which they had already killed, and unleashed his influences on its body!

"Audera really thought that she killed this boar herself. Well, she almost did… Okay, now it's time to put this baby to use. Come on sugar-horn, let's see how much you'll listen to me now." He said.

Bardeelus struggled to handle this beast's heart, mostly because it was bigger in comparison to a human's. He had a hard time slushing its heart around, but he was successful at last and sewed it back together, just when all of those other boars had noticed where Audera the Illusionist had fallen!

The horned-boar came back to life, once some blood poured into its heart. Of course it panicked at first, but thankfully, it didn't try to harm its resurrector ~ and it was confirmed now, that Bardeelus could only resurrect a creature which he killed to begin with!

Furthermore, he had gambled with his life here, but was thankfully alive to tell the tale later. The beast was docile enough, when its resurrector was present!

"Awesome! We'll have a meal that walks itself back to the camp, hehe!" He first celebrated.

Afterwards, he tried to command the beast. "Run that way! Come on, sugar-horn! Attack all those fuckers of yours!"

Trying my best to describe all the magic appropriately. Do point out it something doesn't make sense!

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