

Chapter 252 - The Land Where No One Treads, The Tripod of the Divine State

The pressure increased again as Lin Moyu reached the 201st frame, more than double the boost from the 200 frames.

Lin Moyu felt that if he hadn't acquired the Soul Crystals, he would have only been able to reach up to 200 frames at most.

But now, he followed every day! More, new to this? Since the little. The group. () continued upward.

With each step upwards, he harvested 3 strands of divine energy.

The higher the level of Divine Power, the more Divine Energy was required.

This time, he went all the way to the 250th frame, gaining a full 150 strands of divine energy before the power of divinity gained a boost.

What followed was only going to get more demanding.

As he was about to walk to the 300th frame, he suddenly felt a powerful aura erupt from Mo Yun's passage.

This aura was not much inferior to that of a level 50 character.

Then a mass of light was seen darting along the passage.

Mo Yun was enveloped in light as she flew upward.

"That was fast!" Lin Moyu had once seen Mo Yun cast out this skill, when the Holy Spirit Unicorn was enveloped in such light and was as fast as lightning.

It was not known specifically what skills Mo Yun had used, only that Mo Yun ignored the pressure and flew forward at this moment.

"That's awesome!" Lin Moyu spoke unconsciously.

Each profession is characterized by its own unique skills.

Especially for a medium legend level professional like Mo Yun, Ken 14 must have her own unique skills.

Watching Mo Yun in a short frame.

When she stepped into the 200 frames, the skill glow disappeared and Mo Yun's whole body went limp on the ground.

The 200-frame position put too much pressure on her.

Mo Yun could only barely sit there, and it was difficult to move.

But a smile spread across her face.

She broke the family's highest record, raising her Divine Power to level 5 at level 41.

This was already equaling Bai Yi Yuan's achievement, a pride of the entire human race.

Of course, there's no comparison to some prodigy.

Mo Yun lifted her head upward with difficulty.

The figure of Lin Moyu was seen.

This extraordinary person was standing at least 300 frames away, giving her the thumbs up.

"You're unbelievable!" Mo Yun couldn't help but curse.

Is that a compliment?

It's just humbling.

Her self-esteem suffered another blow, Mo Yun sighed in her heart, "Forget it, I can't compare with this guy, or else my self-esteem will crumble."

She had already pushed herself to her limit with her natural skills to get here.

In 30 seconds, she hadn't even wasted 0.1 seconds.

Knowing that Mo Yun was almost at her limit, Lin Moyu turned around and followed every day! More, new to this? Since the little. Said group. () continued, fighting!

A drum roll followed every day! More, newcomer? From the small. Say group. () continued to climb upwards.

410... 420.


Finally, he reached the 490th step.

The power of divinity had reached level 9.

Now, it was just a matter of the last 10 frames of steps, and the three-legged sacred tripod was close at hand.

At this moment, he was sweating profusely and panting heavily.

The terrifying spiritual power pressed down, making it difficult for him to lift his head.

It was as if an invisible giant hand had descended from the sky and pressed down heavily on him, making it difficult for him to move.

"This kind of pressure, not even level 30, 40, or 45 could withstand."

Lin Moyu chanted in his mind.

The last 10 frames were too hard.

Standing here, one could clearly see a large amount of divine energy flying above the three-legged divine tripod.

The golden light was glittering, dense, and countless.

There were tens of thousands of strands, to say the least.

Lin Moyu couldn't help but wonder if he could absorb the divine energy from the divine cauldron if he could walk the last 10 frames of steps.

By then, the power of divinity would be up by a few more levels.

But now, the pressure was enormous.

Even with Lin Moyu's spiritual power, it was difficult to take another step upwards.

"To the limit?"

Lin Moyu gritted his teeth, he didn't believe it.

Barely lifting his foot, he stepped upward once more for a frame.


The invisible pressure was like a giant fist smashing into Lin Moyu's body.

His spirit roared, his head reeled, and he almost collapsed.

Lin Moyu let out a muffled grunt, and his entire body swayed from side to side, looking like he was about to fall backward.

Eventually, he gritted his teeth and held on.

At this point, he placed his right foot on the 491-frame step.

The left foot remained on frame 490, never to be lifted again.

Lin Moyu knew that as soon as his left foot left the ground, he would definitely fall backward.

At that time, it would inevitably lead to leaving the secret realm directly.

"No way!"

As he muttered to himself, the [Soldier] character text on the back of his hand sparkled and shot out brilliant rays of light that exploded in the air.

All attributes grew rapidly, and the spiritual attribute broke through the heavy limitations, instantly reaching 57,000 points.

The pressure that had overwhelmed him disappeared without a trace.

It felt as if he had just entered the Divine Chosen Mystic Realm and had just entered the passageway.

Easy, too easy.

Lifting his left foot, he stepped firmly on the 491st frame.

Then it was all the way up to the 500th frame without any pressure.

The topmost level of the passageway, where the three-legged divine tripod was placed.

This was a piece of heaven and earth that no one had set foot in

 for countless years.

The divine energy that had originally fluttered around the three-legged divine cauldron flew towards Lin Moyu at the same time.

He absorbed it like crazy.

The level of the power of divinity rose rapidly.

Level 10, 11, 12...

Lin Moyu's attention at this moment had been completely drawn to the Three-Legged Divine Cauldron.

He walked over to the Three-Legged Divine Cauldron and looked at the words engraved on it.

The entire group trembled with excitement.

"Chinese writing, really Chinese writing."

On the tripod were engraved three large words.

[Shenzhou Ding]

God's country, what a familiar name.

Lin Moyu was almost instantly certain that the [Divine State Tripod] in front of him must be related to the world before he crossed over.

Including the Origin rune as well.

Lin Moyu saw a golden light in the Divine State Tripod, with a large amount of divine energy in it.

These God 743 Sexual energy is long since not silky and has become liquid.

Those divine energy quantities floating outside were nothing more than a minuscule portion of what flew out of the tripod.

If he had this amount of divine energy, Lin Moyu didn't know how many levels his divine power would reach.

Imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel.

He couldn't touch these divine energies at all.

Reaching over, he was stopped by a layer of invisible power.

When Lin Moyu touched the Divine State Tripod, it suddenly shook violently.

Not only did the Divine State Cauldron vibrate, but even the entire Divine Chosen Mysterious Realm shook.

Mo Yun, who was still sitting in the 200 frame, jerked her head up to look upward with a horrified face, "What happened."

The entire secret realm was shaking violently, as if it was about to collapse.

At this time, Lin Moyu could no longer see anything, only golden light in front of his eyes.

The Divine State Ding released a brilliant golden light that obscured everything.

Moreover, the vibrations were getting more and more violent, so Lin Moyu could only firmly grasp the Divine State Tripod and not let go.


With a roar, Lin Moyu stifled a grunt and could hear nothing but explosions in his ears.

The whole person was like a heavy blow and lost consciousness in an instant.

I don't know how long it took for Lin Moyu to come to his senses.

He found himself back in the Eldritch Battlefield.

There was silence all around, and the light of the Ancient Battlefield did not change in the slightest.

The two boulders still loomed.

Mo Yun then fell aside.

Lin Moyu went over to check and found that there was nothing wrong, just unconsciousness.

Only after determining that Mo Yun was fine did Lin Moyu put her heart down and began to check himself.

In the next second, he let out a gasp.

It's the first time he's lost his cool.