

Chapter 251: The Power of Divinity, What a Monster!

Wisps of divinity continued to drill into the body. Lin Moyu felt the attributes remain unchanged.

Regarding the benefits of divinity, there were only two things that Lin Moyu knew.

For one thing, the earlier you get it, the greater the benefit.

The second is that the probability of career ascension can be substantially increased when transferring.

Most professionals would enter the Ancient Battlegrounds only after reaching level 45. They could only move around the edges of the Ancient Battlefield.

By the time they entered the God's Chosen Secret Realm, they were already over level 50. The amount of divine energy gained would not be too much, and even a part of it would not make up the full divine nature.

Most professionals did not enjoy the benefits of divinity.

Not to mention using divinity to increase the probability of career ascension at level two.

At the second turn, maybe they didn't even know where the Eldritch Battlefield was.

There were only a handful of people who had killed their way into the Divine Chosen Mysterious Realm at level 30 like Lin Moyu over the millennia.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Moyu had already walked 50 frames of steps. 50 strands of divine energy had also accumulated in his body.

Lin Moyu finally got a glimmer of feeling.

"Seven-four-three." The body felt as comfortable as bathing in warm water.

Fatigue was drastically reduced.

Divine energy was amazing, and Lin Moyu was even more excited to see what kind of changes the complete divine nature would bring to him.

Mo Yun had also reached the 50th frame at this time, and the difference in speed wasn't much compared to Lin Moyu's.

Although the two of them were about the same speed, Mo Yun was far less relaxed than Lin Moyu.

By the time she walked here, her forehead was oozing with dense beads of sweat, obviously under a lot of pressure.

Lin Moyu glanced at Mo Yun and gave her a cheering look, then followed every day! More, new to this? Since the little. The group. () Continuing upward.

Step after step, frame after frame.

After a few minutes, Lin Moyu finally made it to the 100th frame.

The 100th strand of divine energy drilled into his body.

A roar went off in his head and his whole body crackled.

It was as if the joints of the whole body had been opened up, and an indescribable sense of relief spread throughout the body.

Properties finally appeared to change.

Lin Moyu realized that he had an additional trait in his attributes.

Not a skill nor a talent, and not affected by the Total Increase talent.

[Power of Divinity (Level 1): when upgrading, all attributes are increased by an additional 1%, mental strength recovery speed is increased by 100%, and fatigue recovery speed is increased by 100%].

Divinity is fully known as the power of divinity, and looking at this one attribute.

Lin Moyu finally understood why the sooner he obtained his divinity, the better, and why Bai Yi Yuan wanted him to come earlier.

Just the extra 1% increase in all attributes when upgrading is a very powerful attribute.

You can't underestimate the effect of this 1%, if you can add an extra 1% to every level, the cumulative total is a staggering number.

Most people don't get divinity until after level 50.

Bai Yi Yuan obtained Divinity at level 41 back then.

And not just the worst level 1 divinity.

After accumulating, Bai Yiyuan's attributes were much higher than those of a professional of the same level.

This was one of the foundations that allowed him to become a God-level professional.

The only thing that is unfortunate is the trait of mental power recovery speed.

His mental power recovery speed had increased by a hundred times after using the Soul Gem.

Equivalent to 10,000% recovery rate.

Now after the power of divinity was stacked, it became multiplied.

It is not another doubling of the existing one.

Thinking about this, Lin Moyu felt that he was a bit too extravagant.

To achieve this effect is already unprecedented, and you can't ask for so much.

"Right now, it's all about strengthening the divine nature and upgrading the level of the power of the divine nature."

Lin Moyu looked up and saw that there was a large amount of divine energy floating on the steps, and these would be the source of energy for the power of divinity.

Bai Yi Yuan's minimum requirements have been realized, and the next step is enhancement.

At this time, Mo Yun was drenched in fragrant sweat as she struggled up the 100th step.

The divine energy flowed through her body and the fatigue was drastically reduced.

Mo Yun couldn't help but show a look of enjoyment.

"So cozy!" Mo Rhyme spoke softly.

The effort had not been in vain, and she finally managed to obtain divinity.

Obtaining Divinity at level 41 had already tied Bai Yi Yuan's record.

Mo Yun felt that she might have a chance in the future to catch up with Bai Yi Yuan's footsteps and become a character that could compete with Bai Yi Yuan.

She unconsciously looked towards Lin Moyu and realized that Lin Moyu was already standing in the same position as herself.

And he was more relaxed, unlike herself who worked so hard.

"How could I forget about this freak." Mo Yun let out a soft laugh.

It didn't matter if it was himself, or Bai Yiyuan, or even every professional in the entire human race.

None of them can compare to Lin Moyu.

No one had ever entered the Divine Chosen Mystery Realm at level 30 and gained the power of divinity.

Lin Moyu threw over a cheering look, and then proceeded to every day! More, new to? Since the small. The group. () continued to walk upwards.

Looking at his back with an easy pace, she muttered, "I really don't know what heights this guy can reach in the end."

Essence shot out from her beautiful eyes, in her eyes, Lin Moyu was even more radiant than Bai Yi Yuan back then.

Collecting his mind, Mo Yun set off once again.

Starting at frame 101, you gain two wisps of divine energy for each frame of steps.

The new divine energy enters and integrates into the power of divinity, causing the power of divinity to grow rapidly.

After only five frames of walking, the power of divinity changed again when 10 new strands of divine energy were gained.

[Power of Divinity (Level 2): Increases all attributes by an additional 2% when upgrading, increases mental strength recovery speed by 200%, and fatigue recovery speed by 200%].

"I wonder how much divine energy Teacher had gotten at that time, and how many levels he had raised his power of divinity to."

Lin Moyu followed every day! What's new? From the small. Saying Group. () Continuing upward. ....

The pressure increased again, but it still wasn't considered strong for Lin Moyu.

At least he walked with ease.

He walked another 10 frames to the 115th frame.

With the newly harvested 20 strands of Divine Energy, the Power of Divinity was once again upgraded to level 3.

As the level of Divine Power increases, the amount of Divine Energy required increases.


 Moyu didn't care about that either, he just had to go upwards with all his might, the rest wasn't his concern.

Mo Yun gritted his teeth and walked with difficulty to the 105th frame.

She let out a long breath, "Finally, I've gotten my Divine Power up to level 2."

"According to the family records, to be able to raise the power of divinity to level 2, that's a supreme genius."

"Family seniors now, the highest recorded is only level 4."

"The White God used to just get to level 5."

"I may have a chance to surpass the family's highest record and reach the level of the White God."

Mo Yun's face was brimming with confidence.

She had gotten this far entirely on her own, with talents untouched.

Once she utilized her natural abilities, she was sure she could take many more steps up the ladder.

"I wonder how far Lin Moyu has gotten."

"Should be better than me...."

Mo Yun looked towards Lin Moyu's side, where there was still Lin Moyu's shadow.

Not anymore?

Leaving the secret world?

Mo Yun felt very ridiculous.

Eyes quickly swept upward to a figure vaguely visible.

That position, at least, is up to 200 frames.

Still following every day! More, newcomer? From the Little... I'm not sure if you're a good person or a good person. () continue to walk, but also walk very easily, not at all hard look.

One step at a time, too soon.

Mo Yun was instantly hurt by a ton of injuries and a serious blow to his self-confidence.

"What a monster, it's bad luck to be born in the same era as you!"

Exasperated, she said, clenching her silver teeth, following every day! More, new to? Since the small. Said 群. () continued to walk upwards.

As if gambling, Mo Yun also sped up a speed, rushing upwards for several frames in one breath before slowing down.

Following every day! More, newcomer? From the... Say Group. () Continuing to maintain a slow and steady pace, climbing upwards.

Lin Moyu stepped onto the 200th frame of steps.

After gaining the power of divinity, another 200 strands of divine energy were gained.

The Power of Divinity had finally risen to level 5.

[Power of Divinity (Level 5): when upgrading, all attributes are increased by an additional 5%, mental strength recovery speed is increased by 500%, and fatigue recovery speed is increased by 500%].

Standing on the steps of the 200th frame, Lin Moyu still didn't feel much pressure.

The soul crystals are too powerful.

A full 15,000 mental power bonus, taking his base mental power from points.

Not to mention level 30, even a level 40 Law Profession's mental strength was inferior to his.

Simply put, he was facing the pressure of level 30 with a mental strength of over level 40, so how could it not be easy.